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  • av Brad Hoefs

    'Aferrándose a la Esperanza' es un libro sobre cómo encontrar esperanza en las circunstancias que nos rodean cuando parece que no la hay. Aunque registra muchos ejemplos de todos los ámbitos de la vida, se trata principalmente de la lucha que el pastor Brad Hoefs y su esposa, Donna, han afrontado y superado durante los últimos veinticinco años, desde que a él se le diagnosticó por primera vez con trastorno bipolar. Brad y Donna Hoefs han sido novios desde la universidad y han estado casados durante más de 40 años. Han sido bendecidos con dos hijos y cuatro hermosos nietos. Han servido en el ministerio de la iglesia durante los últimos 35 años: Donna como líder de adoración y maestra, Brad como pastor. Brad es el fundador de Fresh Hope para la Salud Mental, y hoy es el director ejecutivo a tiempo completo. Donna continúa sirviendo como líder de adoración de Anchor of Hope, es facilitadora de grupos de Sanidad de Trauma (Trauma Healing) de Fresh Hope, y dirige Los Hoefs están muy agradecidos por la obra redentora del Señor en sus vidas. ¡Ellos son una prueba viviente de que siempre hay esperanza!

  • - Staying Sane While Loving Someone with a Mental Illness
    av Brad Hoefs & Donna Hoefs

    Staying Sane While Loving Someone with a Mental Illness ----- Loving someone who has a mental illness can be as difficult as having the illness itself. It is even possible for those who love someone with a mental illness to suffer even more than their loved one who has the diagnosis. Their pain is your pain. Their struggle is your struggle. You are their mental health coach, life coach, and advocate. And yet, who is caring for you? How do you keep from being 'done in' by the roller coaster of mental health recovery? How do you find hope in the midst of what seems to be a hopeless situation? How do you as their loved one hold on to hope for them and yourself? How do give them hope much less hold onto hope yourself? That's what this book is about. It's about giving you hope. This book will empower you to hold onto hope while offering hope to your loved one who has a mental illness. This book is for you, the loved one. Our intent is to empower you to live well, give you hope and the strength to hold onto that hope in spite of the ups and downs of your loved one's recovery journey. We hope to provide you with practical insights, cause you to think, encourage you to find healing, and most of all to assure you that you are NOT alone. You can become the hero against the villain of mental illness in your life. Brad and Donna Hoefs are college sweethearts who have been married for over 40 years. They are blessed with two children and four beautiful grandkids. They have served in the ministry of the church for the past 35 years: Donna as a worship leader and teacher, Brad as pastor. Brad is the founder of Fresh Hope for Mental Health, and today is the full-time Executive Director. Donna continues to serve as the worship leader of Anchor of Hope, is a facilitator for Fresh Hope's Trauma Healing groups, and heads up The Hoefs are ever so grateful for the Lord's redemptive work in their lives. They are living proof that there is always hope!

  • - Viviendo Bien a Pesar de un Diagnostico de Salud Mental
    av Brad Hoefs

    Finalmente, la tan esperada traducción al español de un excelente recurso Cristiano para quienes viven con un diagnóstico de salud mental y sus seres queridos. Este libro es informativo, alentador, lleno de fe y resonante en la verdad. Este es un recurso invaluable para que la iglesia se una a los millones en nuestras comunidades que luchan con un desafío de salud mental. Es una lectura que definitivamente debe hacerse para quienes viven con un diagnóstico de salud mental y sus seres queridos, para médicos, pastores y consejeros. Fresh Hope: Viviendo Bien a Pesar de un Diagnóstico de Salud Mental es un libro nacido de una tragedia personal que triunfa en Cristo. Diagnosticado con trastorno Bipolar 1 en 1995, el autor comparte honestamente sus fracasos y decepciones en su viaje de la desesperanza al bienestar fortalecido por la fe. Las ideas prácticas, las preguntas reflexivas y las claves paso a paso para el bienestar hacen de este un libro de trabajo que cambiará vidas.

  • av Brad Hoefs

    Fresh Hope is a FANTASTIC and much needed resource for the church! I particularly appreciate the emphasis on the wellness versus medical model, as it empowers us to be active participants in the pursuit of healing. I would have given anything to be part of a group like this years back. Now I am so excited to help bring this ministry to the Chicago area. Jon Press MA Christian Education blogger for BP magazine A well written book that is concise, easy to understand and free of psychobabble. I highly recommend Brad Hoefs' book, Fresh Hope, for those suffering from mood disorders. Fresh Hope is an excellent resource that is informative and enlightening. It will bring insight to family and friends wanting to increase their understanding of their loved ones' mood disorders. Definitely a must read. Encouraging, explicit, resounding in truth...begin your own journey and allow God to redeem your pain and suffering into trophies of His wonderful grace. Allen L. Minnig LMHP, C.P., Omaha, NE, 2012 Brad has provided a great resource for the faith community in their effort to serve those who struggle with mood disorders. As a "wounded healer" he has provided a theological framework and philosophy of ministry for the church in partnering with the medical community on behalf of those who live with a chemical imbalance. Brad's story of recovery and growth brings hope to those who are not satisfied with merely coping with the challenges of a harsh medical diagnosis and medication. It is an invaluable resource for the church in coming alongside the millions in our communities who struggle with depression and anxiety. Brad's story of integrating faith in his recovery will bring hope to all who battle with depression. Dr Wendell Nelson Pastor of Spiritual Formation Christ Community Church Pastor Brad Hoefs was diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder in 1995, after experiencing a very public and painful manic episode. This episode led to him being asked to resign as the senior pastor of a large growing church. After his resignation a group of people formed Community of Grace Church and provided the Hoefs with a safe place to heal and find hope. It is out of this experience that Brad started Fresh Hope in 2009, a Christ-centered support group for those who suffer from mood disorders, as well as for their loved ones. Fresh Hope has grown to numerous locations throughout the US, with new groups starting all the time. Brad serves as senior pastor at Community of Grace in Elkhorn, NE and is President of, which provides creative worship resources. He also serves as a member of the State of Nebraska's Advisory Committee to the Governor on Mental Health Services. Brad is married to Donna, his sweetheart since college. They have two married adult children, Noah and Noelle, and two grandchildren, Ava and Jayden, who bring them great joy! You may contact Pastor Brad by emailing him at

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