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Bøker av Bruce Corbett

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  • av Bruce Corbett

    An unholy alliance of Viking raiders and kings sends the largest Viking armies seen in Alfred the Great's time into the last remaining Saxon kingdom. Can Christian Wessex survive the barbarian onslaught? With Alfred away in the west fighting two invading forces, His son, young Edward, must face a huge Vikingy army rampaging through the heart of Wessex, without his father's help. Can the young and inexperienced Prince Edward lead a Saxon army to victory? How are they going to handle the traitors within? Ambrose, Edward's uncle, and Polonius, a Byzantine scholar, will once again be called upon to help in the bitter struggle. Alfred the Great; Edward the King, is now available. Here are some comments on it, posted by readers like you."I Love This Series." I have been following the entire series of books, one better than the other. Good development of characters.""5 out of 5 stars. I Love This Series.""Another Outstanding Read!""I have read all nine books in this series and each is better than the last.""Really good series."

  • av Bruce Corbett

    The Great Army of the Danes invades Wessex, and, after two sieges, Alfred forces King Guthrum to agree to withdraw. When the leader of the Great Army breaks his word and invades Wessex in early winter, he nearly succeeds in capturing Alfred and destroying the last independent Saxon kingdom in Britain. King Alfred hides in the forest, until he finds a base deep in the fastness of a marsh. From there he starts to strike back. He deals with the traitors within, and sends the word for his fyrd to gather when winter ends. Spring finds his men rallying to his banner, and King Alfred defeats the Danes. Prince Ambrose and Polonius will help the king. Britain is saved. Alfred the Great; King's Revenge, is now available. Here are some comments on it, posted by readers like you. "I have enjoyed the whole Ambrose series and I think that this is the best one to date. I sure hope another one is being written." "5 out of 5 stars. Awesome" "A good continuation of the story of Ambrose Prince of Wessex and his friends." "Good book." "Bruce Corbett's books have really got better and better as I work my way through the story of Ambrose."

  • av Bruce Corbett

    After seven years of hard-won peace, a Viking army lands in Wessex and attacks Rochester. Alfred the Great has traitors within the Empire, and two powerful Viking Kings to his north. Nevertheless, he manages to drive out the invaders. He hits back at their sanctuary, and enrages Guthrum of East Anglia. The West Saxons cross the Thames River, decimate the Viking settlements on the northern shore, and seize London. Guthrum gathers his forces and marches south, while Alfred and his army prepare for the battle which will decide the fate of all Britain. Fortunately, Ambrose and Polonius will stand by his side. Alfred the Great; Young Edward, is now available. Here are some comments on it, posted by readers like you."5 out of 5 stars. Great Read!""Another tale of Ambrose, Alfred The Great, and now, his son Prince Edward. Hard to put down as the Vikings continue to pillage 9th Century England. I hope book #10 is on the horizon!" "The series about Ambrose Prince of Wessex and his adventures has been a good read."

  • av Bruce Corbett

    A young prince of Wessex is captured by Viking raiders. In order to save his friend from being a sacrifice to a Viking god, Ambrose must escape captivity in Denmark. They begin an epic journey to Norway and then Sweden. Ambrose, welcomed by a friend of his Danish master, is being trained as a trader when pursuing Danes arrive. The rest of the story is loosely based on the Primary Russian Chronicles. Ambrose and his companions join a Rus expedition to conquer Novgorod, and, within a year, they travel down the mighty Dnieper river to settle in Kiev. A agreement is reached with the Slavs, but soon both are threatened by the Pechenegs, a fierce tribe of steppe nomads who hate all cities. Only the military genius of Ambrose's friend Polonius give the Vikings and Slavs a chance. Ambrose, Prince of Wessex; Emissary to Byzantium, is now available. Here are some comments made by readers like you. "Ambrose is back!!! Headed South to the lands of Constantinople. Terrific concept and plot. Corbett has written a great follow-up and I am looking forward to the following books in this terrific series.""Excellent series of a fascinating epoch.""I have read the entire Ambrose series and wish there were more. A great story of the Viking explosion throughout Europe from Russia to Turkey to England."

  • av Bruce Corbett

    After returning from Constantinople, Ambrose and his friends ride north with his brother the king to face the all-conquering Great Army of the Vikings. The king of Mercia sues for peace and battle is averted. Fearing a massive surprise attack, Ambrose and his friends return to the north as spies and join the Great Army. Recognized, the friends must flee and battle their way back to safety. Ambrose is wounded and only the love of a maiden and friendship of a mysterious trader saves his life Ambrose, Prince of Wessex; Gretchen, Future Princess, is now available. Here are some comments on it, posted by readers like you. "Ambrose rules!" "Another action-packed thriller set in the 860's AD, Ambrose and the gang again battle the Norsemen to rescue his beloved. Awesome." "5.0 out of 5 stars A well told tale" "I can't wait for future additions to the Ambrose tale!"

  • av Bruce Corbett

    Ambrose and his comrades have been marked for death by the emperor of Byzantium. Having being chased from Alexandria and crossing North Africa, they flee north through Italy, doggedly pursued by the Byzantine Admiral Demetrious. The Church attempts to help them, but the Byzantine Emperor has a very long reach. With the pass to France blocked for the winter, they find themselves trapped in northern Italy. Assassins come in the night, and their guides are bribed to kill them. Before the friends can escape through France to England, they must face avalanche, bandits, and savage Viking raiders.

  • av Bruce Corbett

    My short stories enclosed within are a lifetime collection. They cover time travel to space opera, shootouts on alien planets to alien invaders of Earth. Some have been published previously, while others are seeing the light of day for the first time.

  • av Bruce Corbett

    Alfred the Great is dead, and young Prince Edward must persuade the Witan that he should be the next king. His own royal cousin, Ethelwold, rebels, and is soon leading an unholy alliance of influential noblemen and Vikings. Wearing the Viking crown of Northumbria, he invades Wessex. Can Edward keep his throne? Will Wessex finally fall to the Viking onslaught? Prince Ambrose, Edward's uncle, the brilliant scholar, Polonius the Byzantine, and Phillip, master warrior, will once again be called upon to help save Wessex.Some comments on the previous novels in the series, posted by readers: "Awesome." "I can't wait for future additions to the Ambrose tale!" "I have read the entire Ambrose series and wish there were more." "Ambrose is back!!! Terrific concept and plot." "Well researched and incredibly detailed." "The series just keeps getting better!"

  • av Bruce Corbett

    The betrothed of Ambrose, bastard prince of Wessex, is kidnapped by Welsh brigands, and then a raiding party of Norse pirates. With the army of Wessex at his back, Ambrose attacks a Welsh coastal stronghold, only to find that Gretchen never made it there. He then travels to Ireland. There he meets a strange ally, and together, they work their way to the Norse stronghold where Gretchen is held. Rebuffed and then threatened by the Jarl who holds her captive, he escapes and flees northward. With the aid of a Viking prince, he obtains two ships and trains Saxon ship crews so he can intercept and free his love. Alfred the Great; Viking Invasion, is now available. Here are some comments on it, posted by readers like you. "5 out of 5 stars. Impressive" "I am impressed. The author seems to have done his homework. The story seems well researched and moves along. Fast pace. Lots of action. Historically accurate. What more do you want!?" "This is a great book! I could not put it down and will definitely buy the next in the series." "Very Good." "A adventure worth reading ,interesting time period to learn about."

  • av Bruce Corbett

    Loosely based on the Primary Russian Chronicles, the story is of a Saxon prince and his two companions who arrive at the time of the founding of a Viking empire on the major rivers of Russia. In spite of implacable enemies and rapids, the Vikings and their allies swarm down the Dnieper River and attack the queen of cities - Constantinople. After the invasion is over, Prince Ambrose is sent south by the Rus tribesmen as emissary. Exciting as he finds the imperial city, he is caught up in the politics of the decadent court. Before he is killed, he and his friends are forced to flee to England.Ambrose, Prince of Wessex; Southern Journey, is now available. Here are some comments on it posted, by readers like you."Outstanding Read.""Well researched and incredibly detailed, we follow Ambrose [this is book three of nine] in the mid 9th Century. Get it!""This series by Corbett is an exciting read. The action is well thought out with insight into military analysis. This book gives vivid details of the life of eastern Europe and North Africa....."

  • av Bruce Corbett

    Ambrose and his friends flee for their lives from imperial Constantinople. The Grand Chamberlain wants them dead, and has dispatched an admiral and a fleet to dispose of them. The prince hopes to return to his native Wessex. Caught by pirates, they are enslaved on Crete, but manage to cause a slave rebellion and escape to Alexandria. The Byzantine fleet follows, and Ambrose is forced to flee across all of North Africa. They are forced to fight mercenaries, Tuareg raiders, and the open desert. Finally, a Muslim slave trader sneaks them into southern Italy, but even there the chase is far from over. This is the third story in the ongoing adventures of the prince of Wessex

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