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  • av C. Miya

    Spirituality in general and in the workplace in particular has received heightened attentionnot only in the popular press but also in the business and management literature and inresearch (Fry, 2003; Gotsis & Kortezi, 2008; Kolodinsky, Giacalone, & Jurkiewicz, 2008;Konz & Ryan, 1999; McLaughlin, 1998; Pawar, 2009a). The phenomenon of connectingspirituality to work has now become a part of the popular culture. Evidences of workplacespirituality have become a significant movement and can be easily found (Conlin, 1999;McKee, 2003). Garcia-Zamor (2003) stated that over 300 books on workplace spiritualitywere in bookstores in 1999 which in 2001 captured a niche market of $2.2 billion (Lewis,2001). Some examples of such books are: A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America(Mitroff & Denton, 1999a), Liberating the Corporate Soul (Barrett, 1998), Spirit at Work(Conger, 1994), The Soul of Business: Managing for Profit and the Common Good(Chappell, 1993), Leading with Soul (Bolman & Deal, 1995), and The Heart Aroused:Poetry and Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America (Whyte, 1994). Aburdene(2007) in her latest book, Megatrend 2010, stated that the presence of spirituality inbusiness has become so pervasive that it is the greatest megatrend of this decade. Further,

  • av C. Miya

    Due to the emergence of globalisation, the outsourcing has become one ofthe widely accepted business strategies (Felix & Shale, 2016). In the recent past,most of the firms have outsourced its diversified business operations with theultimate aim of enhancing their service and product quality, to reduce productioncycle, time lag and reduction of costs (Cooke et. al., 2005). The outsourcing alsofacilitates to focus on the core competencies of a firm which also highly influenceon the organisational effectiveness. Thus, firms can be focused on the set of limitedfunctions and outsource other business activities to outsiders who are specialists inthe respective field (Delmotte & Sels, 2008). This strategy paves the way to focuson the core business activities for attaining competitive advantage and outsourcingof low-value-added activities to other firms (Hirschhorn & Gilmore, 1992;Ulrich, et al., 2008).

  • av C. Miya

    I am conscious to pay for the gracious favors that I received from good heartsby witnessing their invaluable contributions in many respects to the completion of mythesis successfully. First and above all, I profusely thank the almighty for giving meknowledge, health and all good souls whom I acknowledge in writing and in heart.I would like to express my hearty thanks to my research guideDr.N.BHARATHI,M.Com.,MBA.,M.Com(FT).,M.Phil.,PGDCA.,Ph.D., AssistantProfessor, PG and Research Department of Commerce, Alagappa Government ArtsCollege, Karaikudi who is as conversant as I am in the present study. At all stages ofmy research, his commitment, knowledge, guidance, kindness and flexibility fueledme to progress without any ambiguity concerned towards a quality outcome and myignorance in certain areas, he never hesitated to attend to my consultations.

  • av C. Miya

    A doctoral thesis is like a structure of the house, it takes time and effort to complete the product nothing like the proposed plan. Foremost of all, I extremely how my head to the almighty God for his generous and compassionate with whose grace and blessings. I have been able to accomplish this research successfully.The valuable gift of learning is a credit that is difficult to pay except, gratitude can be felt. Indeed, I don't have words in spirit to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor. Dr. Navkiranjit Kaur (professor). for her scholarly guidance, compassion approach, professional expertise and constructive comments during this research work.

  • av C. Miya

    The relationship between working capital and profitability plays a very important role for the long-term survival or growth of the company. Hence, it should be managed efficientlyto ensure thWorking capital is one of the most complicated factors of any business organization. In general, working capital represents the difference between current assets and current liabilities. But this numerical difference is not suitable for making effective managerial decisionin the present scenario. Therefore, the different components of working capital should be examined very critically, so that the importance of each component is taken into account in determining the working capital.Part of the current asset which is financed by long term liabilities is working capital. As working capital is the difference of current asset and current liabilities, which implies the current assets is financed by two sources. Some portion of current assets is financed by current liabilities and the remaining part of the current asset is financed by the long term liabilities. The cost involving for maintaining current liabilities is much lower than raising long term liabilities.

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