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Bøker av C S Harris

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  • av C S Harris

    On a sunny day in July 1815, thirty-eight-year-old Laura, Lady McInnis, takes her sixteen-year-old daughter, Emma, and her young niece and nephew, fifteen-year-old Arabella and thirteen-year-old Percy, on an outing to Richmond Park. But when Arabella and Percy go off to pick flowers, tragedy strikes. Shots echo across the park. Two young gentlemen investigate and find Lady McKinsey and her daughter dead.

  • av C S Harris

    In this mystery in the Sebastian St. Cyr series, the aristocratic investigator is drawn into a sordid world of greed, desperation, and the occult when the husband of his former lover is accused of murder. Regency England, September 1812: After a long night spent dealing with the tragic death of a former military comrade, a heart-sick Sebastian learns of a new calamity: Russell Yates, the dashing, one-time privateer who married Kat Boleyn a year ago, has been found standing over the corpse of Benjamin Eisler, a wealthy gem dealer. Yates insists he is innocent, but he will surely hang unless Sebastian can unmask the real killer.For the sake of Kat, the woman he once loved and lost, Sebastian plunges into a treacherous circle of intrigue. Although Eisler's clients included the Prince Regent and the Emperor Napoleon, he was a despicable man with many enemies and a number of dangerous, well-kept secrets-including a passion for arcane texts and black magic. Central to the case is a magnificent blue diamond, believed to have once formed part of the French crown jewels, which disappeared on the night of Eisler's death. As Sebastian traces the diamond's ownership, he uncovers links that implicate an eccentric, powerful financier named Hope and stretch back into the darkest days of the French Revolution.When the killer grows ever more desperate and vicious, Sebastian finds his new marriage to Hero tested by the shadows of his first love, especially when he begins to suspect that Kat is keeping secrets of her own. And as matters rise to a crisis, Sebastian must face a bitter truth-that he has been less than open with the fearless woman who is now his wife.

  • av C. S. Harris

  • av C S Harris

    Regency England, January 1813: The mutilated body of a young French doctor found in an alley beside a mysterious, badly injured woman entangles Sebastian in the deadly riddle of the "Lost Dauphin,” the boy prince who disappeared during the darkest days of the French Revolution. Thrust into dangerous conflict with the Dauphin's sister—the imperious, ruthless daughter of Marie Antoinette—Sebastian finds his self-control shattered when he recognizes the injured woman as Alexi Sauvage, a figure from his own past associated with an act of wartime brutality and betrayal that nearly destroyed him. With the murderer striking ever closer, Sebastian fears for the lives of his pregnant wife, Hero, and their soon-to-be-born child. And when he realizes the key to their survival may lie in the hands of an old enemy, he must finally face the truth about his own guilt in an incident he has found too terrible to consider....

  • av C. S. Harris

  • av C S Harris

  • av C S Harris & Angelika Lauriel
    1 752,-

  • av C S Harris & Angelika Lauriel
    1 971,-

  • av C S Harris & Angelika Lauriel
    1 704,-

  • av C S Harris & Katharina Radtke
    2 091,-

    Der zweite Fall für Sebastian St. Cyr im nebelverhüllten London Der neue fesselnde historischer Krimi Brighton, England, 1811. Die schöne Frau eines alternden Marquis wird tot aufgefunden - ausgerechnet in den Armen des Prinzregenten. Ein Skandal für die englische Krone! Doch der Fall wird noch verstrickter. Um den Hals der toten Frau befindet sich eine mythische Halskette, die ausgerechnet auf Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin deutet. Schon wieder sieht Sebastian sich damit in einen Mordfall verwickelt. Verfolgt von seiner Vergangenheit untersucht er sowohl den Tod der Marquise als auch seine eigene mögliche Verbindung dazu - und stößt dabei auf ein komplexes Gerüst aus Lügen und Täuschungen.Mit Hilfe seiner Geliebten Kat Boleyn und einem ehemaligen Straßenjungen kommt Sebastian dem Mörder immer näher. Und als ein Mord nach dem nächsten geschieht, sieht er sich mit einer Verschwörung konfrontiert, die seine eigene Identität bedroht ... und die Monarchie selbst in Gefahr bringt.Weitere Titel dieser ReiheDie Schatten von Westminster (ISBN: 9783968172347)Erste Leserstimmen:„Schaurig schöner Mystery-Krimi, freue mich jetzt schon auf weitere Teile."„Das neblige London der Regency Ära ist einfach der beste Schauplatz für atmosphärische Detektivgeschichten."„Ein durchgehend spannender Kriminalroman mit Sherlock Holmes Feeling."„Auch der zweite Fall von Sebastian St. Cyr hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht, habe mich kein einziges Mal gelangweilt."

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