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  • - Transform your vocabulary, transform your life
    av Carisa Jones, Sylvia Lehmann & Receive Joy

    Blessed By The Tongue: Transform Your Vocabulary, transform your life About Blessed By The Tongue The authors of this book choose to speak only beautiful truth-or remain silent. Wethank God for providing everything before we even know of our desires. And we thankJesus for His complete work on the cross when He paid for everything in full and it truly isfinished. Everything is a "gift from God, lest any man boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9). God is thegift and the giver. In the Spirit, we are complete. To manifest anything into the physical, all we have to do is to believe, master our speech, declare our askings, and receive ourinheritance by being the matching vibration. We are standing on the shoulders of all the great teachers that came before us: Jesus, Florence Scovel Shinn, Napoleon Hill, Anthony Robbins, Andrew Wommack, Louise Hay, Dr. Caroline Leaf, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. Masaru Emoto, Hans Jenny, ReinhardBonnke, Lynne McTaggart, ...Some of these great humans mentioned transformational vocabulary, positive speaking, and the vibration of words before; however, we are here to go one step further to connectthe dots and make you aware that: what you sow from your mouth is what you reap in your life: everything that is sent out comes back by the law of attraction, words are vibration, every single word you speak creates: What you say is exactly what you receive, it matters what we speak and listen to, you shall control your words, thoughts, and deeds, positive speaking is more than having a pleasant demeanor and pleasing personality: We have to be aware of the very words and phrases we use consciously and subconsciously, in our self-talk and internal dialog, silent thoughts in the form of words repeating themselves in our head, and surely thewords we speak to ourselves and others, and>This book explains: That words are creative energy and every word matters That God set up the Power of the Word before the beginning of time and left us The Holy Bible full of instructions on how to realize, acknowledge, and utilizethis power. Why you shall be aware of your thoughts and words How to master your speech and take charge of your words How to build a transformational vocabulary to live by design How to be a God-trader and voice-activate your desires How to consciously create How to ask to receive Why we shall retire certain words and phrases, stop joking, and refrain from repeating sad stories How to journal How to pray into the solution How to use beautiful, positive affirmations The difference between listening and hearing>Speak life! With Love and Gratitude, Receive Joy

  • av Carisa Jones, Sylvia Lehmann & Receive Joy

    About Ask And You Shall Receive The Power of Positive Words+ the Law of Attraction+ God>This is "the secret beyond the secret"! This book will help encourage you to create and define a direction and plan for your life. Receive Joy wishes to share the Nine Step Method To Conscious Creation to empower everyone to feel the freedom of a light and easy life. Open your heart and your mind now and journey with us to a new and more powerful, focused and loved, aware and connected You. Our heartfelt intention is for readers to feel abundantly encouraged with the desire to: Receive joy, be happy, have fun, and celebrateBe connected to GodDeclare with faithDominate your life, take ownership and responsibilityHave an aligned heart and mindFocus and ask. Love yourselfBe fulfilled with love and gratitudeExercise a conscious mind through the use of clear thoughts and positive wordsPray and meditate often>With Love and Gratitude, Receive Joy Content Part One-Ask!1 The Power Of The Universe2 The Power Of The Quantum World3 The Power Of The Mind4 The Power Of Attracting5 The Power Of Receiving And Giving6 The Exactness Of The Universe7 The Power Of The Word8 The Power Of Imprinting Water With Words9 The Power Of Using Positive Words As A Blessing10 The Power Of Emotion11 The Power Of Our Inner Guidance System12 The Power Of Starting New13 The Power Of Combination>Part Two-Seek!15 The Nine Steps To Receive16 Step 1: Connect17 Step 2: Declare18 Step 3: Dominate19 Step 4: Be Calm-Align Your Head With Your Heart20 Step 5: Take Action-Focus On Your Breath21 Step 6: Lead With Love-Let Us Love Ourselves First22 Step 7: Bless Everyone And Everything With Love And Gratitude23 Step 8: Expect The Miracle In Every Moment>Part Three-Knock!25 The Power Of Conscious Practice26 The Power Of Prayer27 The Power Of Miracle Groups28 The Power Of Journaling29 The Power Of Meditation30 The Power Of Visualization31 The Power Of Music32 The Power Of Anchoring33 The Power Of Exercising A Conscious Mind34 Light One Candle At A Time

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