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Bøker av Charles (Business Improvement Group Protzman

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  • - A Guide to Understanding How Continuous Flow Maximizes Productivity and Customer Value
    av Charles (Business Improvement Group Protzman
    2 408,-

    An introduction to three types of interactive media - computer conferencing, audiographics and video conferencing - which explains how each type can be used in the open learning environment. It describes attributes and limitations, analyzing appropriate applications through case studies.

  • - A Guide to Understanding How Continuous Flow Maximizes Productivity and Customer Value
    av Charles (Business Improvement Group Protzman

    A silent productivity killer, batching is an extremely difficult mindset to overcome and, as a result, numerous Lean initiatives have been destroyed by it. This book argues the case for one piece flow over batching. It identifies the eight root causes of batching, the wastes created from batching, how batching drives the eight wastes, and the advantages of one piece flow. The book provides concrete arguments as to why batching is usually not the most efficient solution for most processes.

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