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Bøker av Charlotte Bech

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  • av Charlotte Bech

    Glæd dig - en befriende forvandling venter! Her med anden udgave af bogen får du både kvindedøgnet og kvindekostplanen med flere opskrifter på hormonvenlig mad og kølende ansigtsmasker. Hvad nu, hvis det virkelig er muligt at passere de 40 uden stigninger i kropsvarme og uden at tage på i vægt, og uden hormoner, og i stedet blive sundere, slankere og smukkere end før? Med denne bog i hænderne er alt dette inden for din rækkevidde. Bogen giver redskaber til, hvordan man bedst plejer sit ydre ved at styrke kroppens celler, væv og organsystemer og sit indre gennem erkendelse, indsigt og meditation. Du får masser af kyndige og - i vores del af verden - hidtil ukendte råd til, hvordan du lettere kan tabe dig, få mere energi, sove bedre og få en sundere hud med større udstråling. Samtidig får du praktiske råd og vejledning i, hvordan du tackler de gener, du kan møde i overgangsfasen, såsom tørre slimhinder, vægtøgning, rynker, slap hud, mormorarme, svedeture, nedture og træthed.

  • av Charlotte Bech

    Congratulations! You have found this book with Dr. Bech's Programme for Easy Weight Loss! The gentle path to gaining more energy and clarity, more easily losing weight, and becoming happier and healthier. This book is for you - if you would like to lose weight and stay thin. You will never go hungry - instead, your stomach will be full and deeply satisfied, getting all the essential nutrients and staying fully nourished every bit of the way with delicious, hearty and tasty meals. I wish you happiness, success and all the very best in your life, now and always. Why follow Dr. Bech's Programme for Easy Weight Loss? Dr. Bech's Programme for Easy Weight Loss helps you to: 1. Optimize health: Achieve a more ideal body weight, stay thinner, and be more vital. 2. Enjoy food more: Enjoy tastier foods, more delicious meals, along with a greater variety and larger quantities of food. 3. Be happier: Feel lighter, be calmer and gain more energy.

  • av Charlotte Bech

    Would you like to more easily lose weight, get rid of fluid retention, reduce menstrual pain, increase fertility, and balance your hormones? This book helps to clear up your skin, increase your feminine charm, and stay more youthful as time goes by. The book is for every woman who wants to know the truth about the monthly cycle, birth control pills, cramps, tampons, endometriosis, and how it all relates to Female beauty. The book is also for all women who love yoga and are curious as to how we utilize our cycle for a personal silent yoga retreat every month. The book introduces you to a new delicious diet and pleasant lifestyle to be followed during the first three days of the monthly flow. The book helps you with shopping guides for the delicious recipes and with practical steps for organizing your schedule in order to tap into your secret Female power and release your latent human potential.

  • av Charlotte Bech

    Dr. Bechs' Diet helps you to:1. Optimize health: Normalize weight, stay slender, improve health and prevent disease.2. Enjoy more food: Enjoy tastier foods, more delicious foods, and a greater variety of foods without gaining weight.3. Be happier: Feel lighter, be calmer and have more energy.This book is for you:1. If you want to become meat free or2. If you simply want to reduce your intake of meat and increase the green foods.3. If you don't like soya.The seven steps will make sure you enjoy a gentle, gradual and medically sound transition to a new and greener life.You will never go hungry - instead, your stomach will be full and deeply satisfied, getting all the essential nutrients and staying fully nourished every bit of the way with delicious, hearty and tasty meals.

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