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Bøker av Chris Madeley

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  • - --小康康的故事
    av Chris Madeley

    今天,四个小路锥----康拉德、康斯丹、康薇拉和康能----都非常兴奋,他们准备再次探险!小康康们站在一座高大的建筑外面,看着巍峨的拱门和高耸的路灯。 "这地方看起来不错,"康能低声说,"我们进去看看吧?看看有什么发现?" "周围正好没人,"康拉德说,"我们进去吧。" 小路锥是帮助我们注意安全的。你旅行的时候,不妨注意看看,看能找到多少个路锥Conerad, Conestance, Cone-Vera and Conen were very excited. They were ready for another adventure! They were standing outside a beautiful building with arches and lights. "This looks exciting," Conen whispered. "Shall we go in and see what we can find?" "There are no humans about," said Conerad, "so let's go." ... so the story starts.

  • av Chris Madeley

  • av Chris Madeley

  • av Chris Madeley

  • av Chris Madeley

    Konrad, Konstancja, Wera i Conen byli bardzo podekscytowani. Byli gotowi na kolejn¿ przygod¿! Stali przed pi¿knym budynkiem z ¿ukami i ¿wiat¿ami.„Wygl¿da ekscytuj¿co" - szepn¿¿ Conen. "Powinni¿my wej¿¿ i zobaczy¿ , co mo¿emy znale¿¿? „„W pobli¿u nie ma ludzi" - powiedziä Konrad, „wi¿c chod¿my".Sto¿ki przemkn¿¿y pod ¿ukiem, skr¿ci¿y za róg i stan¿¿y na stacji kolejowej. "Niesamowity!" Wykrzykn¿¿ Konrad.„Kim jeste¿? Co robisz na mojej hali?" Powiedziä g¿¿boki g¿os.„Badamy". Powiedziäa Wera. „Witamy w hali koncertowej Dworzec Grand Central! Z dum¿ powiedziä nowy Sto¿ek.Zaczyna si¿ kolejna przygoda.

  • av Chris Madeley

  • av Chris Madeley

    Conrado, Constanza, Concetta e Conte erano molto eccitati. Erano pronti per un'altra avventura! Erano davanti ad un bellissimo edificio con archi e luci."Sembra eccitante," sussurrò Conte. "Che ne dite di entrare e vedere cosa troviamo?""Non ci sono umani in giro," disse Conrado, "andiamo".Così inizia la storia. Coni Sulle Rotaie è l'ultima avventura della serie di libri per bambini Coni. Per quanto queste storie siano divertenti, piene di eccitazione e avventura, contengono anche messaggi sulla bontà, l'importanza della sicurezza, i principi morali, la disponibilità e la comprensione. Temi perfetti con i quali far conoscere alle giovani menti la possibilità che sia bello estendere la mano dell'amicizia e che prendersi cura degli altri renda il mondo un posto più sicuro e migliore in cui vivere. Ogni storia è creativa e contiene meravigliose illustrazioni. I bambini adorano queste storie e gli adulti adorano raccontarle.

  • av Chris Madeley

    Tôt un matin ensoleillé, Cônerad et Cônestance, qui se trouvaient au bout d'une longe ligne de Cônes, papotaient silencieusement. Mais rester assis au même endroit les ennuyait.Cônerad dit « Tu te souviens, quand on était couverts de poussière de lune, puis on s'en est débarrassés en se balançant d'un côté a l'autre ? Peut-être, si on essayait ça, on pourrait se déplacer et aller ailleurs. »Cônerad grimaça alors qu'il essayait de bouger.« Bonjour, je m'appelle Cône-Vera », dit le Cône à côté de Cônestance.« Si vous soulevez deux coins de vos bases et vous déplacez de côté vous pouvez balembler. » Cône-Vera montra aux deux amis comment faire.« Balembler ? » demanda Cônerad.« Oui, c'est ce que font les Cônes quand ils bougent. Plus que trembler, mais moins que balancer. Les Cônes balemblent» Cône-Vera expliqua.Cônerad et Cônestance réalisèrent qu'ils étaient vraiment doués à balembler.

  • av Chris Madeley

    It was very early morning. Conestance, Conerad, Cone-Vera and Conen were NOT happy Cones. They had woken up to find Cone Collector's driver busily stacking Cones onto his truck. "This is not fair!" Conestance said, stamping the corner of her base, "we're not doing anything wrong." "What's happening?" Conen asked, sleepily.And so our four friends embark on a new adventure in the award winning Cones series of books. This time they discover the dangers of roadworks. Author, Chris Madeley and all of those in Team Cones are passionate about helping children understand aspects of safety, friendship, kindness and moral and ethical principles by which to be guided. With wonderful illustrations by Darcy Cash, children and adults alike will love Cones in the Roadworks.

  • av Chris Madeley

    Conerad, Conestance, Cone-Vera and Conen had had a busy day. They had woggled and woggled until they were too tired to go any further. It was very dark and the four friends rested on a hillside. Below them in the valley was a town. The street lights were shining and there were lights in the houses and shops...So begins another great adventure for our Cone friends. This time they will learn all about the importance of electricity, some of the difficulties caused during a power cut and how the power company supports communities so that the most vulnerable are looked after.

  • av Chris Madeley

    Em Cones Fa a Novos Amigos as aventuras dos Cones continuam em uma hist ria para cativar as crian as enquanto ensinam a import ncia de como elas fazem amigos e se divertem! Hist rias maravilhosamente criativas, deliciosamente ilustradas. As crian as adoram e os adultos adoram contar isso.

  • av Chris Madeley

    Dawn was breaking and casting a warm glow. A large cargo ship was ploughing its way across the heaving sea and turned to come towards the port. A green and white Cone was on the deck, woggling backwards and forwards. He was very tired, it had been a long journey from America. As the ship turned to face the port, a small tug chugged out to sea to help the ship dock safely. In Cones Power and Nature the adventures of the four friends Cones continue when they learn about a power station and the way electricity can be produced from a sustainable resource. Wonderfully creative stories that are delightfully illustrated. Children love them and adults love stories that introduce themes of friendship and safety awareness.

  • av Chris Madeley

  • av Chris Madeley

    The Cones series are brilliantly written, delightfully illustrated stories for children that are fun to read. The adventures that the Cones find themselves in through each book illustrate aspects of safety awareness as well as moral and ethical principles of mutual support and friendliness.

  • av Chris Madeley

  • av Chris Madeley

  • av Chris Madeley

    'Meet the Cones' is the first story in the 'Cones' series; a magical, wonderful world within which the reader will never look at a Cone in quite the same way again. Fabulously creative stories, beautifully illustrated. Children love it and adults love the telling of it.

  • av Chris Madeley

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