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  • av D K Hood

    Stepping into the dark cave just a short distance from the safety of her college friends, the blonde-haired girl immediately senses danger. A tall figure steps out of the shadows, and she knows there's no time to run...When a heavy storm hits Black Rock Falls, it brings a trail of destruction. Sheriff Jenna Alton is more than prepared, but she never expects to find college sweethearts Abby Jaye and Cole Peters floating among the wreckage in the river. Missing for twelve years following an end-of-school party, no clues were ever found and the couple's devastated parents gave up hope that their beloved children would ever come home. Could the fraternity pin clutched tightly in Abby's hand be the key to finding out what really happened that night?As Jenna and her deputy David Kane speak to the pair's classmates, they're struck by how startlingly similar their stories are. They all say that nothing suspicious happened that night-they describe the open fire, the cans of cheap beer and the way Abby and Cole seemed totally in love before they disappeared. Their accounts are word-for-word identical, Jenna suspects the friends are keeping a deadly secret, and she's determined to find out what it is.Days later, Marissa, who still lives in town with her husband and young children, is found dead at a remote farm miles from her cozy family home just hours after answering Jenna's questions. Jenna's pulse races as she realizes the killer could be one of the group, and so could their next victim...As Jenna inspects the isolated barn, gun shots ring out nearby. Heart pounding, she receives a panicked phone call from the youngest member of her team. She races to the forest, praying that her friend is still alive. But with a deadly storm brewing overhead, and a twisted killer on the loose, will she make it in time to save another life from being taken?If you love reading Lisa Regan, Melinda Leigh and Kendra Elliot, you will be hooked by this absolutely gripping crime thriller from USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author D.K. Hood.**Each Kane and Alton book can be read as part of the series or as a standalone**What readers are saying about Tears on Her Grave: "I read it one sitting!!... Twists and turns that will literally keep your attention until the very end... This five-star thrill ride will keep you on the edge of your seat!!" Sip_andread, 5 stars

  • av D K Hood

    Her heart races as a noise from downstairs wakes her. She checks every room in her small home, but it's not until she returns to the safety of her bedroom does she see movement. She's not alone. And nobody can help her now... Writing scrawled on the wall of Sheriff Jenna Alton's office overnight leads her and her deputy David Kane to a secluded house on the outskirts of town. Inside, Jenna is devastated to find a much-loved local resident lying in a pool of blood, stab wounds covering her lifeless body. What monster would attack a defenseless woman living alone? With no trace of the killer at the scene, the deadly message written on Jenna's door is her only clue. But as the small town grieves, it leads her to a contractor who recently had access to the woman's home. She races to interview him, only to discover the wreck of a car on a steep mountain road with another dead woman inside. Jenna knows the victims were friends and regularly went to church together. She thinks a twisted killer has been watching them, waiting for the perfect time to strike. But before she can make her next move, one of her own team is found unconscious and covered in the blood of a third female victim-a knife inches away from his hand. Pulse racing, Jenna questions her shaken deputy, who can't explain why he was in the woman's house. Could he really be a killer, or is someone playing an evil game? The clock ticks to uncover a dark secret that connects all three victims, but can she work it out before another innocent life is taken?An absolutely unputdownable crime thriller from a USA Today bestselling author. If you're a fan of Lisa Regan, Melinda Leigh and Kendra Elliot, you will love this gripping read. What readers are saying about Pray for Mercy:"A rip-roaring, heart-stopping, gut-wrenching good crime thriller... This quickly became a story I couldn't put down, and page by page it just got more intriguing and exhilarating." @mags_louise, 5 stars "Wow!... This story had it all!" Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars "Definitely one that shouldn't be missed! Adrenaline rush of a book... The kind of book where it ramps up into one impossible situation on top of another and another and another until you realise you haven't actually been breathing for a page or two." NetGalley reviewer "That ending! I absolutely loved it." NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars What readers are saying about D.K. Hood:"Oh my, oh my God... Another cracking story!!!... This author really deserves the title of Queen of Suspense... She had chills running down my spine and I just couldn't stop reading. Incredibly, mind-blowingly brilliant!" B for Bookreview, 5 stars "Fantastic... Totally addictive. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough." Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars "An excellent read... Had me captivated the whole way though... Wow... Took my breath away. All in all, a bloody brilliant book that totally deserves 5 stars." Bonnie's Book Talk, 5 stars "Hold on to your hats for the surprise ending!" Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars

  • av D K Hood

    Wow, dieses Buch war unglaublich ... total spannend und ich hing an jedem Wort ... Macht Lust auf mehr ... Auf jeden Fall 5 Sterne wert, ich wünschte sogar, ich könnte mehr geben. Bonnie's Book Talk, ¿¿¿¿¿ Als sie durch den Wald rennt, reißt sie sich die nackten Arme blutig. Das Licht schwindet hinter ihr, aber sie muss weiterlaufen. Sie weiß, was mit ihr passieren wird, wenn sie stehen bleibt ... Die Leiche von Amos Price liegt in einer Blutlache auf dem polierten Boden eines ansonsten leeren Hauses in der Kleinstadt Black Rock Falls. Da es keine Anzeichen für einen Einbruch gibt und keine Hinweise am Tatort hinterlassen wurden, ist Detective Jenna Alton ratlos. Doch als das Team beginnt, das Leben des zurückgezogen lebenden Opfers zu entschlüsseln, entdecken sie eine beunruhigende Verbindung zwischen Amos und dem Verschwinden mehrerer junger Mädchen in der Gegend vor Jahren. Tage später wird die Leiche von Ely Dorsey in einem abgelegenen Motel am Stadtrand gefunden. Jenna befürchtet nicht nur, dass die Morde mit den verschwundenen Mädchen in Verbindung stehen, sondern auch, dass der Mörder noch nicht fertig ist. Während Jenna versucht, herauszufinden, wer der Nächste sein wird, schickt der Mörder ihrem Stellvertreter David Kane plötzlich Nachrichten. Wird sie verspottet? Oder will der Mörder gefasst werden? Und wird Jenna herausfinden, wer hinter den Morden steckt, bevor noch mehr Menschen sterben müssen? Ein absolut packender Thriller der USA Today-Bestsellerautorin D.K. Hood. Niemand hört dich ist genau das Richtige für Fans von Robert Dugoni, Karin Slaughter und Rachel Abbott. **Jedes Buch der Kane und Alton-Reihe kann als Teil der Serie oder als eigenständiges Buch gelesen werden**¿ Was Leser über Niemand hört dich sagen: Ich liebe D.K. Hood ... eine fantastische Autorin! ... ein Buch, das ich absolut verschlungen habe! Von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite ist man gefesselt. Ich kann das nächste Buch kaum erwarten! Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿ Eine riesige Fünf-Sterne-Bewertung für ein fantastisches Buch ... es hat mich durchgehend gefesselt und ich habe es geliebt. Goodreads Rezensent, ¿¿¿¿¿ Wowsers ... ein knackiger Thriller ... eine betörende Lektüre ... spannend und manchmal beängstigend ... gespannt von Anfang bis Ende. Jen Med's Book Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿ Fünf massive Sterne, eine phänomenale Lektüre, von der ich mehr will. Sweet Little Book Blog, ¿¿¿¿¿ Ich habe dieses Buch absolut, absolut, absolut enorm geliebt ... eine dieser Geschichten, die einen wirklich an der Kehle packt und bis zum letzten Wort in Atem hält. Ginger Book Geek, ¿¿¿¿¿

  • av D K Hood

    Jenna Alton is an FBI agent who will stop at nothing to put those who hurt the innocent behind bars. An addictive short-read origin story about how she became Black Rock Falls' most loved Sheriff. Jenna has been working undercover for four years and now she's ready to take down the most dangerous man she's ever met-her husband, Michael. Pulling shopping bags out of the back of her car, Jenna scans the house for Michael but he's nowhere to be seen. Stepping into the marble hallway, she sighs with relief at the thought of just one more night here. But first, she must survive the most high-stakes night of her career: Michael is planning something deadly behind closed doors, and Jenna must find a place to hide where she can listen to every word - then, she must run for her life. But as night falls and the guests arrive, Jenna sees a distressed young girl being dragged into the house, and she knows she can't leave an innocent soul behind. Staying will risk the case Jenna's already sacrificed so much for, but innocent lives will be lost if she doesn't bring this twisted monster down. With the clock ticking, can Jenna save the girl and make it out alive? An absolutely unputdownable short crime thriller from USA Today bestselling author D.K. Hood. If you're a fan of Lisa Regan, Melinda Leigh and Kendra Elliot, you will love this gripping read. What readers are saying about Don't Look Back:"My heart was pounding, my nerves were shredded but OMG was it worth it as this story was spectacular and unputdownable." @mags_louise, 5 stars "Brilliant... Compelling... Wow, I couldn't put it down... Oh my word... What a story." Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars "Truly breathtaking." Crazy Canadian Writing, 5 stars "Loved every minute of the story." NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars "Exceptional." NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars "Omg, I just love, love, love D.K. Hood." Jasmin's Jewellery, 5 stars "I was on the edge of my seat... The tension in this story will have you biting your nails to the quick, and prepare for a sleepless night because you won't be able to put this book down." Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars "Absolutely loved this... A tense read that grabs you from the off." Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars "Thrilling... Full of action and suspense." Harlequin Junkie, 5 stars "Hands down my favourite book of this amazing, incredible series... I stayed up past my bedtime to finish it because I could not put it down." NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars "Amazing... This book is giving us everything we always wanted to know. Wow... I loved it." B for Bookreview, 5 stars "I read the book in half a day as I was turning the pages quicker and quicker... A must-read." NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars

  • av D K Hood

    Diese USA Today-Bestsellerreihe hat sich mehr als 800.000 Mal verkauft!¿WOW WOW WOW!!!!! ABSOLUT FANTASTISCH!! ... Von der ersten Seite an ist man gefesselt und gebannt!! Ich konnte es nicht aus der Hand legen ... meine neue Lieblingsautorin!!! ... Ich wünschte nur, ich hätte mehr als fünf Sterne geben können!!!" Goodreads Rezensentin ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Tief im Wald versteckt wird die Schülerin Felicity Parker sorgfältig auf einem Felsen aufgebahrt aufgefunden, mit nichts als einem frisch gepflückten Blumenstrauß neben ihr. Die Leiche liegt direkt an einem beliebten Wanderweg und Detective Jenna Alton glaubt, dass der Mörder ein Besucher der Stadt sein könnte, bis am örtlichen Schwimmbad eine weitere Mädchenleiche gefunden wird, wieder mit einem Blumenstrauß.Jenna erkennt die Anzeichen eines Serienmörders und glaubt nun, dass es sich um einen Einheimischen handeln könnte. Während die Stadt in Angst und Schrecken versetzt wird, muss Jenna jede Person in Betracht ziehen, die die Mädchen kannten, und das Vertrauen zwischen den Nachbarn beginnt zu bröckeln.Beide Mädchen waren auf eigene Faust unterwegs und wurden an Orten gefunden, an denen sie nicht sein sollten. Wurden sie rein zufällig entführt oder kannten sie ihren Mörder? Wie wurden sie so weit aus ihrer sicheren Umgebung gelockt? Und können Jenna und ihr Team den Mörder finden, bevor noch jemand sein Leben verliert?¿Ein absolut spannender Thriller, der Sie die ganze Nacht wachhalten wird. Wenn Sie Robert Dugoni, Karin Slaughter und Rachel Abbott mögen, werden Sie diesen Thriller der USA Today-Bestsellerautorin D.K. Hood lieben.Was Leser über Schenk mir Blumen sagen:¿Oh mein Gott! ... Ich habe bis zur letzten Seite mitgefiebert ... Ich kann an diesem Buch nichts aussetzen - wenn ich es noch einmal von vorne lesen könnte, würde ich die Chance nutzen ... Hart, süchtig machend und unglaublich furchteinflößend ... Eine wirklich spannende Lektüre - fantastisch!" The Writing Garnet, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Ich wurde auf eine Achterbahnfahrt mitgenommen ... es lässt einen vor Erwartung die Sitzkante festhalten ... es fesselt einen von Anfang an." Stardust Book Reviews, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Ein unglaublich rasanter, hochkarätiger Thriller, den man am liebsten in einem Rutsch durchlesen möchte ... es war unmöglich, ihn aus der Hand zu legen." The Book Nurse, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Wow, verdammt genial! Dieses Buch hat alles - es ist düster, gruselig und verstörend und hat mir Schauer über den Rücken gejagt ... Ich habe es in superschneller Zeit gelesen, weil ich es nicht aus der Hand legen konnte. Eine ausgezeichnete Lektüre." Bonnie's Book Talk, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Spannend von der ersten Seite an, mit einem Tempo, das nie nachlässt, war dies ein Buch, über das ich nicht aufhören konnte nachzudenken ... eine absolut unbarmherzige, herzzerreißende Geschichte mit einem Ende, das ich nicht kommen sah und über das ich immer noch nachdenke. Brillant. Ein Meisterwerk." Renita D'Silva, ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

  • - An absolutely addictive crime thriller with a nail-biting twist
    av D K Hood

    Hurrying along the dark, snow-covered path, she knows she's not alone when she hears the light tread of someone behind her. Panic rising in her chest, she picks up the pace. But she doesn't even have a chance to scream before everything goes black.When a beautiful young woman is reported missing from her hotel room on the outskirts of Black Rock Falls, Sheriff Jenna Alton and her deputy David Kane are devastated to discover her pale, lifeless body trapped beneath a frozen lake nearby. It's Jenna who finds the single pearl earring buried in the frosted grass that gives them their first lead.Just as Jenna has the remaining hotel guests safely back in their rooms, the killer strikes again, and another victim is found in one of the hotel's lakeside cabins. Next to his bloodied body is a second pearl earring. What does it mean, and why is the killer leaving them for Jenna to find?Interviewing witnesses, Jenna discovers that both victims were seen arguing with other residents hours before their deaths. Could the murderer be out for revenge, and how many more bodies will follow before they are truly satisfied?As a blizzard cuts the hotel off from Black Rock Falls, Jenna and her team are trapped with the killer. Then she receives a terrifying call from a teenage girl who thinks the murderer was in her room as she slept. Can Jenna save her from becoming the next victim? And how many more innocent lives will be taken before the snow thaws?Fans of Lisa Regan, Melinda Leigh and Kendra Elliot will love this gripping and addictive thriller from USA Today bestselling author D.K. Hood. Prepare to stay up all night!What readers are saying about Fallen Angel:"Addictive... It kept me reading long after I should have been asleep... so riveting I couldn't put it down... I was tingling with anticipation as to who was the next to die... Amazing book. I didn't want it to end." Crazy Canadian Writing, 5 stars"Ooooooh!!!... Filled with intrigue, suspense, action, murder and mayhem! I definitely enjoyed reading this book!" Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars

  • - An absolutely gripping short-read thriller
    av D K Hood

  • - A completely gripping and unputdownable serial killer thriller
    av D K Hood

    She wakes to the sound of footsteps outside her secluded home. Moving toward the window, she scans the dark woods around her and freezes. A tall figure in a long dark coat holds a crossbow pointed right at her. She blinks as lightning cracks overhead. But when she opens her eyes, the figure has vanished... When the body of a man is found in the dense forest surrounding Black Rock Falls, Sheriff Jenna Alton immediately sees disturbing similarities with a past case-the same murder weapon, the remote beauty spot, and the way the victim is perched against a tree with no sign of a struggle. But the killer in that case was jailed for life. Jenna suspects a copycat killer and her fears are confirmed when, during the town's Halloween festival, the bodies of two tourists are found further down the remote trail. They too had been hunted down and murdered in another picturesque spot and all Jenna can hope is that the man behind bars can help her catch the twisted monster behind these new deaths. As she comes face to face with the vicious murderer who has haunted her dreams for years, she is sure he knows more than he's telling her. Looking deep into Jenna's eyes, as if they're two old friends catching up, he promises to take his final revenge on her for locking him up. But before she can learn more, he is dragged away by prison guards. When a sudden emergency call takes Jenna and her deputy David Kane deep into the woods, Jenna senses something is very wrong about the situation. As a strange calmness falls over the forest, a familiar face emerges from the shadows. Will this killer be the one who finally takes down Sheriff Alton, and can they make it out of the forest alive? If you love heart-racing crime books by authors like Lisa Regan, Melinda Leigh and Kendra Elliot, you will love this exciting thriller from USA Today bestselling author D.K. Hood.**Each Kane and Alton book can be read as part of the series or as a standalone** What readers are saying about Cross My Heart:"Wow!... A real heart-pounder!... It had intrigue, suspense and lots of heart-pounding moments! Lots of twists and turns and definitely some jaw-dropping moments!" Sassy Southern Book Blog, 5 stars "Hold, please, while I catch my breath... Holy smokes! This is one intense ride... I stayed up to 2am and I had to force myself to go to sleep. Then I woke up and needed to finish it." Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars "Exceptional book... OMG, a fast-paced book that keeps you on the edge of your seat... Oh my word, this one was brilliant." NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars "OMG! This drew me in quickly... I devoured this... A captivating roller coaster of a book. I loved it!" NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars "Well, wasn't that a roller coaster ride! Fasten your seatbelts readers, it's a gloriously bumpy ride." Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars "Another thrill ride... The action starts and doesn't let up. It's intense, dark and full of suspense." NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars

  • - An absolutely nail-biting crime thriller with a heart-stopping twist
    av D K Hood

    Gray clouds gather overhead as she runs along the dark road. Not a soul is out in the storm, or so she thinks. As the vehicle pulls up alongside her, she sees a familiar face behind the wheel and thinks she's safe. Little does she know, she has just put herself in unthinkable danger...When local cheerleader, Laurie Turner, goes missing after practice and her bright red pick-up truck is found abandoned by the side of a quiet road, Detective Jenna Alton fears the worst.Visiting Laurie's family house, Jenna senses that the teenager's home life isn't as perfect as her father would have people believe. Quick to temper and full of hatred towards Laurie's mother, Dr Turner doesn't seem to know the first thing about his own daughter, let alone how long she's been missing for.With the clock ticking, the whole town takes to the streets to find the missing girl and, after a frantic search, a terrible discovery is made at the bottom of an old mine shaft on the outskirts of town. Laurie's pale body is totally still and Jenna is sure somebody in the local community is her killer.When another cheerleader goes missing, Jenna thinks that someone close to the school is picking the teenagers off one by one. As she talks to the other students, it becomes clear that there are plenty of people who'd like to silence the girls forever.Then her own deputy David Kane comes face to face with the murderer, and Jenna has to race to save him. Can she do so before it's too late? Or will another young life be taken?If you enjoy Lisa Regan, Melinda Leigh and Kendra Elliot, you will love this unputdownable crime thriller from The Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author D.K. Hood.**Each Kane and Alton book can be read as part of the series or as a standalone**What readers are saying about Be Mine Forever:"I absolutely love this series!!!... The story is fabulous and grabs you right from the beginning... Fab, fab, fab." Stardust Book Reviews, 5 stars

  • - A totally gripping serial killer thriller
    av D K Hood

    The young girl pushes against the backseat of the family sedan, fighting to free herself from the crude ties restricting her hands and feet. As the car speeds towards the edge of town, she looks back at her family home, and watches in horror as it is suddenly engulfed in a mass of flames. Trembling with fear, she turns towards the driver and hears only laughter. She knows that the worst is yet to come...Detective Jenna Alton surveys the charred remains of the large suburban home, stopping to pause at the three lifeless bodies of the Woods family. Jenna knows she's looking for a serial killer, but her priority is finding the missing teenage daughter last seen on the night of the inferno.Days later, Sophie Woods's body is discovered floating in a shallow pool of crystal-clear water-known locally as Dead Man's Drop-but Jenna still doesn't know who would target the quiet family in such a brutal attack.Delving into the family's past, she makes a shocking discovery-a link between the killer and someone connected to her deputy David Kane. If Jenna is right and the killer is back and seeking revenge, then she must act fast to keep her deputy safe.When another girl is taken, Jenna and David follow the trail into a network of underground caves on the outskirts of town. With little time before the killer claims his next victim, they race into the pitch-black tunnels, unsure whether they have just walked into the killer's trap. Can they find the girl in time and escape the caves without the killer chasing them down?If you like pulse-racing thrillers from Lisa Regan, Melinda Leigh and Kendra Elliot, you will love this gripping new book from USA Today bestselling author D.K. Hood.

  • - An absolutely gripping and pulse-racing crime thriller
    av D K Hood

  • - A completely unputdownable serial killer thriller
    av D K Hood

  • - A totally addictive crime thriller
    av D K Hood

  • - An absolutely heart-stopping serial killer thriller
    av D K Hood

    She opens her eyes and struggles to make out the dark room around her. One thing she knows instantly - her wrists are bound and she's tied to a chair, unable to move. As she screams for help, she hears footsteps outside. He's coming…Fifteen-year-old Lindy Rosen has been having nightmares for weeks, waking in a panic, screaming that there's a man in her room watching her sleep. Her parents assumed it was her overactive imagination, but when one morning they find Lindy missing from her bedroom, they're not so sure. Detective Jenna Alton is called in to investigate.Within hours of the schoolgirl going missing, the kidnapper reaches out to Jenna with a video of Lindy bound and tied to a chair, crying to be set free. And a simple message - you've got 24 hours to find her or I kill her.Jenna's team work around the clock to try to find Lindy before the deadline, but time runs out, and Jenna receives a devastating message. The killer has made good on his promise. He's playing a dangerous game. And no one knows what his next move will be.But just two days later, one of Lindy's school friends is taken in the middle of the night and the countdown begins again.Completely addictive from the very start, if you like Lisa Regan, Karin Slaughter and Rachel Abbott you'll love Whisper in the Night. What readers are saying about Whisper in the Night:'I can't get enough of this series and whizzed through yet another blinding instalment!' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'D.K. Hood never disappoints and this new instalment is a brilliant addition to an already awesome series… An abundance of twists and turns and multiple suspects so it's difficult to guess the culprit until the big reveal.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'Another hit in a great series! This case was one of the best of the series… The twists are many and perfect to the story line. I am never disappointed by this author.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'I barely ate or slept while reading this book. I love the characters and this author's imagination is scary good.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'This is another rollercoaster of a ride, so strap yourself in and be prepared to be hurtled along at 100mph through the pages.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'I love this series. As soon as I received this, it jumped straight to the top of my to-be-read list. I've even left a book half read to start it… Number six in a series that just keeps getting better and better…. Brilliant stuff. Read in one day. Genuinely didn't want to put it down.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars

  • - An addictive crime thriller with a gripping twist
    av D K Hood

    As she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings, a feeling of terror ran through her weakened body. She knew exactly where she was. And she knew exactly what was about to happen to her…When Ella Tate stumbles into Black Rock Falls, her exhausted and bloodied body is a terrifying sight, but not as frightening as the story she has to tell. Ambushed on their way into town when they stopped to help a man by the side of the road, Ella and her friend Sky ran when he pulled a knife on them. But only one of them got away.As Detective Jenna Alton investigates the case, she looks into the history of missing persons in the town, and uncovers more cases - all young people. All stopped on the same stretch of road into town. All vanished without a trace.When a distinctive pink sweater belonging to Sky turns up in Black Rock Falls, Jenna follows the trail to a derelict building on the outskirts of town. But she isn't prepared for what lies behind those doors. Can she stop the killer before more lives are lost?If you like Robert Dugoni, Karin Slaughter and Rachel Abbott you'll love this nail-biting thriller from D.K. Hood.**Each Kane and Alton book can be read as part of the series or as a standalone** What people are saying about Where Angels Fear:'Absolutely beyond brilliant!!!... A definite must read.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'Fast paced and addictive!... The storyline twisted and turned, throwing red herrings out at every opportunity… I read this book so fast I'm sure there was smoke coming from the pages! It had me completely hooked.' Stardust Book Reviews, 5 stars'A fast moving thrill ride of a book.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'Keeps you guessing till the end. Highly recommend this author.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'This series just keeps getting better… This mystery is full of twists and surprises. Each reveal is more shocking than the last… I can't wait to see what comes next.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'It is no surprise at just how good this novel really is… The pace seemed very fast but all the boxes were checked. It had action and mystery to solve, missing persons and one of the most gruesome storylines imaginable. What a wonderful book.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'I read this in one day… Brilliant plot that keeps you guessing… I love the setting too.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars'This book is brilliant! I am so glad I picked it as I hadn't tried this author before… Couldn't put it down until I'd finished.' Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars

  • - An Edge-Of-Your-Seat Crime Thriller
    av D K Hood

    The light fades as she runs for her life, the forest now becoming quieter around her. The only noise she hears is the sound of footsteps following her... It's hiking season in Black Rock Falls and the small town in Montana is flooded with visitors. But when a hiker finds a human skull on a deserted trail in the woods that surround the town, Detective Jenna Alton is called in to investigate. With no missing persons reported, Jenna has no leads. Then her team makes a shocking discovery - the body of another hiker, a young man, tied to a tree and riddled with bullets. Could the two murders be linked? As more bodies are found, Jenna and her deputy David Kane know that they must venture deep into the forest to find and face the killer. But nothing can prepare them for what awaits them there... If you love Robert Dugoni, Karin Slaughter and Rachel Abbott you'll love this nail-biting thriller from D.K. Hood. What readers are saying about The Crying Season: 'I devoured this book... I just couldn't get enough.' Sean's Book Reviews, 5 stars 'Another absolutely brilliant read!!! I had the pleasure to read this book on my holidays which was just as well because there's no way I could have put it down!!! So fast-paced, I was gripped from the start. Read it in a day.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars 'This series just keeps getting better!... Full of twists, the suspense is high and full of action... With a shocking conclusion and an ending that frays your nerves and keeps you flipping the pages, this book satisfies the suspense lover!' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars 'Once again D.K. Hood delivers a cracker of a story... It is gritty and at times you feel as if you are right there in the pages with Jenna and the gang. I loved every single bit of this book. It really does remind me of Karen Rose and Alison Brennan.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars 'The Crying Season is another great book by D.K. Hood... This last one is definitely a 5 star... The story is fast-laced and very well writer and keeps you moving on to the end.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars 'I do love the series and can't wait for book five.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars

  • - A gripping serial killer thriller with a shocking twist
    av D K Hood

    She didn't know he was watching. Until it was too late.She'd walked this path hundreds of times before, she knew every twist and turn. But today was different. She didn't know someone was waiting for her, hidden away from view. She didn't know this was the last time she'd walk this path.Hidden deep in the forest, schoolgirl Felicity Parker is found carefully laid out on a rock with nothing but a freshly picked bunch of flowers next to her lifeless form. Detective Jenna Alton is called in to investigate the gruesome discovery.With the body found just off a popular hiking route, Jenna believes the killer is a visitor to the town… until a second local girl is discovered.Within days, Kate Bright, a school friend of Felicity's, is found brutally murdered at the local swimming pool and once again, the killer has displayed his victim in a terrifying manner and left flowers at the scene. The town is gripped with fear and Jenna and her deputy, David Kane, now know that the killer is living amongst them, and that he's picking off school girls one by one. But they don't know who is next on the list.As the trail goes cold, Kane and Alton are forced to sit and wait for the killer to make his next move. But now he has a new victim in his sights, and he's looking much closer to home …If you love Robert Dugoni, Karin Slaughter and Rachel Abbott you'll love this nail-biting thriller from D.K. Hood.

  • - An unputdownable crime thriller that will have you hooked
    av D K Hood

    'Don't you agree Detective? That some people deserve to die? I've killed the first. I've killed the second. Now will you catch the others, or do I have to kill them too?'The body of Amos Price lies in a pool of blood on the polished floor of an otherwise empty house. With no signs of a break in, and no clues left at the scene, Detective Jenna Alton is at a loss.But as the team begins to unpick the life of the reclusive victim, they discover a disturbing link between Amos and the disappearance of several young girls in the county going back years. Days later, another brutally murdered body is found, in a remote motel on the outskirts of town. Ely Dorsey was killed in a frenzied attack and Jenna fears not only that the murders are connected to the missing girls, but that the killer hasn't finished yet.As Jenna tries to work out who will be next, the killer suddenly starts sending her deputy, David Kane, messages. Is she being taunted? Or does the murderer want to be caught? And will Jenna discover who's behind these killings before more people die?An absolutely nail-biting thriller with plenty of twists, Follow Me Home is perfect for fans of Robert Dugoni, Karin Slaughter and Rachel Abbott. What readers are saying about Follow Me Home:'I absolutely love D.K Hood. She is an amazing author!! Follow Me Home is a book that I absolutely devoured! From cover to cover you're gripped. I can't wait for the next one!!' Goodreads, 5 stars'Wow this book was amazing, the series is getting better with each book. It was totally thrilling and had me hanging on to every word. I love DK's style of writing it leaves you wanting more. This is the book I didn't want to end I was enjoying it so much. Everything about this book is superb a real quality piece of writing. Well worth 5 stars, in fact I wish I could give it more.' Bonnie's Book Talk, 5 stars'I loved this book… had me gripped from the start… didn't want it to end.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars'The book had me gripped from the beginning.' Sean's Book Reviews, 5 stars'Excellent third book in this series, I can't get enough of Sheriff Jenna Alton and her Deputies. This story kept my interest from the beginning to the end. I was not expecting the ending.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars

  • av D K Hood

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