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Bøker av Dan Cushman

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  • av Dan Cushman

    SMUGGLED GUNS AND ILLICIT LOVE ON RED CHINA'S PIRATE COAST! In Bangkok, where the lush East and the West meet with a jarring impact, Rocky Forbes found himself in a tight spot. He had been swindled by the cunning Fatto Kolski too often not to know that greasy scoundrel's villainy. Yet Kolski's latest offer was one Forbes had to accept or starve. The take was big: a fortune in guns and ammo meant for the Nationalist guerrillas of Red China. The obstacles seemingly minor: only a beautiful American girl and an idealistic young missionary. So Rocky took the chance ... and found himself on a one-way double-cross journey from the jungle waters of Siam to the pirate-infested Bay of Tongking.

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