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Bøker av Dana Meachen Rau

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  • av Dana Meachen Rau

    Chip is blind. Joy has sight. Their day is filled with so much more than play. They experience the world together. Inside, outside. Riding bikes, reading books. Taking turns, sharing treats. And no day is complete without creating an adventure with their imaginations. Dana Meachen Rau describes a simple, joyful day shared by siblings celebrating the senses beyond sight: the sounds, smells, tastes and textures that make playing together so much fun.

  • av Dana Meachen Rau

    Born in Connecticut in 1811, Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist, author, and playwright. Slavery was a major industry in the American South, and Stowe worked with the Underground Railroad to help escaped slaves head north towards freedom. The publication of her book, Uncle Tom's Cabin, a scathing anti-slavery novel, fanned the flames that started the Civil War. The book's emotional portrayal of the impact of slavery captured the nation's attention. A best-seller in its time, Uncle Tom's Cabin sealed Harriet Beecher Stowe's reputations as one of the most influential anti-slavery voices in US history.

  • av Dana Meachen Rau & Who Hq

  • av Dana Meachen Rau & Who Hq

  • av Dana Meachen Rau & Who Hq
    93 - 193,-

  • av Dana Meachen Rau & Who Hq
    97 - 232,-

  • av Dana Meachen Rau

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