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Bøker av Dannyboy Pieterse

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  • av Dannyboy Pieterse

    Il candidato Dannyboy Pieterse è davvero un agente di cambiamento per le comunità khoisan e per il Sudafrica. Ha iniziato ad affrontare le ingiustizie dei soldati khoisan fin dal 2013, con la sua recente presentazione alla Commissione di portafoglio per la difesa e i veterani militari il 22 settembre 2018 sotto forma di una bozza finale di legge sull'integrazione dei soldati khoisan del 2018 e di una tesi di ricerca intitolata Khoisan, i soldati dimenticati del Sudafrica, la lotta per l'integrazione nel nuovo SANDF. Nella tesi di ricerca il candidato sta facendo conoscere al mondo il ruolo che i soldati khoisan hanno avuto nel colonialismo, che sono diventati prigionieri della speranza nel Nuovo Sudafrica Democratico, che sono stati esclusi dal processo di integrazione della nuova SANDF dal 21 aprile 1994. Ha anche sviluppato un sito web: affinché il mondo sappia chi sono gli altri eroi/eroine del Sudafrica e il ruolo che hanno svolto per liberare il Sudafrica durante il colonialismo. Se la bozza finale del progetto di legge sull'integrazione dei soldati khoisan del 2018 sarà approvata dal governo sudafricano, migliaia di soldati khoisan/corpi del Capo sudafricani si integreranno nella nuova SANDF, in base alle ricerche effettuate dal candidato Dannyboy Pieterse.

  • av Dannyboy Pieterse

    Der Kandidat Dannyboy Pieterse ist ein echter Change Agent für die Khoisan-Gemeinschaften und Südafrika. Er hat seit 2013 damit begonnen, die Ungerechtigkeiten gegenüber den Khoisan-Soldaten zu thematisieren. Am 22. September 2018 legte er dem Portfolio-Ausschuss für Verteidigung und Militärveteranen einen endgültigen Entwurf für ein Gesetz zur Integration der Khoisan-Soldaten von 2018 und eine Forschungsarbeit mit dem Titel Khoisan the forgotten soldiers of South Africa the struggle to integrate into the New SANDF vor. In der Forschungsarbeit macht der Kandidat die Welt auf die Rolle der Khoisan-Soldaten aufmerksam, die im Kolonialismus eine Rolle spielten, die im neuen demokratischen Südafrika zu Gefangenen der Hoffnung wurden und die seit dem 21. April 1994 vom Integrationsprozess der neuen SANDF ausgeschlossen waren. Er entwickelte auch eine Website:, damit die Welt erfährt, wer die anderen Helden/Heldinnen Südafrikas sind und welche Rolle sie bei der Befreiung Südafrikas während des Kolonialismus gespielt haben. Wenn der endgültige Entwurf des Gesetzes zur Integration von Khoisan-Soldaten 2018 von der südafrikanischen Regierung als Nation angenommen wird, werden Tausende von Khoisan-Soldaten/Südafrikanisches Kap-Korps in die neue SANDF integriert werden, basierend auf den von dem Kandidaten Dannyboy Pieterse durchgeführten Untersuchungen.

  • av Dannyboy Pieterse

    Le candidat Dannyboy Pieterse est vraiment un agent de changement pour les communautés khoisan et l'Afrique du Sud. Il a commencé à s'attaquer aux injustices subies par les soldats khoïsans depuis 2013 et a récemment présenté à la commission du portefeuille de la défense et des anciens combattants, le 22 septembre 2018, un projet de loi final sur l'intégration des soldats khoïsans et une thèse de recherche intitulée Khoisan, les soldats oubliés de l'Afrique du Sud, la lutte pour l'intégration dans la nouvelle SANDF. Dans sa thèse de recherche, le candidat sensibilise le monde au rôle que les soldats khoisan ont joué dans le colonialisme, qui sont devenus des prisonniers de l'espoir dans la nouvelle Afrique du Sud démocratique, qui ont été exclus du processus d'intégration dans la nouvelle SANDF depuis le 21 avril 1994. Il a également créé un site web : pour que le monde sache qui sont les autres héros/héroïnes d'Afrique du Sud et le rôle qu'ils ont joué dans la libération de l'Afrique du Sud pendant le colonialisme. Si le projet de loi final sur l'intégration des soldats khoisans de 2018 est approuvé par le gouvernement sud-africain en tant que nation, des milliers de soldats khoisans / South African Cape Corps intégreront la nouvelle SANDF, d'après les recherches effectuées par le candidat Dannyboy Pieterse.

  • av Dannyboy Pieterse

    O nomeado Dannyboy Pieterse é realmente um agente de mudança para as comunidades Khoisan e para a África do Sul. Ele começou a abordar as injustiças dos soldados Khoisan desde 2013 com a sua recente apresentação ao Comité de Portfólio de Defesa e Veteranos Militares em 22 de Setembro de 2018 sob a forma de um projecto final de lei de integração do soldado Khoisan de 2018 e tese de investigação intitulada Khoisan os soldados esquecidos da África do Sul a luta para se integrar na Nova SANDF. Na tese de investigação, o nomeado está a sensibilizar o mundo para o papel que os soldados Khoisan desempenharam no colonialismo, que se tornaram prisioneiros de esperança na Nova África do Sul Democrática, que foram excluídos do novo processo de integração da SANDF desde 21 de Abril de 1994. Também criou um sítio Web: para que o mundo saiba quem são os outros heróis/heroínas da África do Sul e o papel que desempenharam na libertação da África do Sul durante o colonialismo. Se a versão final do projecto de lei de integração dos soldados Khoisan de 2018 for aprovada pelo Governo sul-africano, milhares de soldados Khoisan/Corpo do Cabo Sul-Africano integrar-se-ão na nova SANDF, com base na investigação realizada pelo candidato Dannyboy Pieterse.

  • av Dannyboy Pieterse

    The nominee Dannyboy Pieterse is really a change agent for the Khoisan communities and South Africa. He started addressing the injustices of the Khoisan soldiers since 2013 with his recent submission to the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans on 22 September 2018 in the form of a final draft Khoisan soldier¿s integration bill of 2018 and research thesis called Khoisan the forgotten soldiers of South Africa the struggle to integrate into the New SANDF. In the research thesis the nominee is making the world aware of the role Khoisan soldiers played in colonialism, who became prisoners of hope in the New Democratic South Africa, who were excluded from the new SANDF integration process since 21 April 1994. He also developed a website: for the world to know who the other herös/heroines of South Africa are and the role they played to liberate South Africa during colonialism. If the final draft Khoisan soldier¿s integration bill of 2018 is approved by the South African Government a nation, thousands of Khoisan soldiers/ South African Cape Corps will integrate into the new SANDF, based on research done by the nominee Dannyboy Pieterse.

  • av Dannyboy Pieterse

    The nominee Dannyboy Pieterse is really a change agent for the Khoisan communities and South Africa. He started addressing the injustices of the Khoisan soldiers since 2013 with his recent submission to the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans on 22 September 2018 in the form of a final draft Khoisan soldier¿s integration bill of 2018 and research called Khoisan the forgotten soldiers of South Africa the struggle to integrate into the New SANDF. In the research the nominee is making the world aware of the role Khoisan soldiers played in colonialism, who became prisoners of hope in the New Democratic South Africa, who were excluded from the new SANDF integration process since 21 April 1994. He also developed a website: for the world to know who the other herös/heroines of South Africa are and the role they played to liberate South Africa during colonialism.

  • av Dannyboy Pieterse

    Dannyboy Pieterse is a Section Head: Skills Practitioner (ETD ¿ Practitioner) for Department of Correctional Services ¿ Pollsmoor Management Area ¿ Female Centre of Excellence ¿ Western Cape South Africa. The nominee Dannyboy Pieterse is really a change agent for the Khoisan communities and South Africa. He started addressing the injustices of the Khoisan soldiers since 2013 with his recent submission to the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans on 22 September 2018 in the form of a final draft Khoisan soldier¿s integration bill of 2018 and research thesis called Khoisan the forgotten soldiers of South Africa the struggle to integrate into the New SANDF. In the research thesis the nominee is making the world aware of the role Khoisan soldiers played in colonialism, who became prisoners of hope in the New Democratic South Africa, who were excluded from the new SANDF integration process since 21 April 1994. He also developed a website: for the world to know who the other herös/heroines of South Africa are and the role they played to liberate South Africa during colonialism.

  • av Dannyboy Pieterse

  • av Dannyboy Pieterse

    Work in the correctional services is tough and dangerous. It is not the most difficult work but the circumstances are very difficult under which you have to perform your duties. There is almost no chance of getting promoted due to affirmative action and the salary increases you get only covers your new tax bracket. In a correctional facility the officer knows that they are dealing with criminals in a controlled environment. Officers train and act accordingly, hopefully protecting each other. In corrections the danger is known, but it¿s all around the officer all the time.

  • av Dannyboy Pieterse
    1 205,-

    South Africa is among the top 10 worldwide in terms of prison population in both absolute terms as well as relative to the general population/ per capita. One of South Africäs main prison is the notorious Pollsmoor prison in Cape Town. Within Pollsmoor, there are five Correctional Centres with a total of about 8,846 prisoners: Medium A (both Juveniles and adult males remand), Maximum Security / Admission Centre (focusing on pre-trial detention / awaiting trial prisoners for male adult offenders), Medium B (Both adult men and Juveniles sentence offenders) & Medium C (adult men prison) and the Female Centre (Women¿s Prison for juveniles and adults; remand & sentenced offenders).

  • av Dannyboy Pieterse

    The Khoisan Nation Self defence Unit as the 8th non statutory force, seek integration into the new South African National Defence Force, who were excluded from the SANDF integration process since 21 April 1994, who became prisoners of hope. The Khoisan soldier¿s integration bill of 2018 is a 'single comprehensive Bill' consolidating two statutes the traditional khoisan Leadership bill of 2015 and the termination of integration act 44 of 2001, the court case lost by khoisan soldiers to integrate into the SANDF AND the repealed of all integration bills signed the former President JG Zuma on 15 December 2015. Masters in Christian Counseling - Team Impact Christian University Honors Degree Bachelors Degree in Christian Education ODETDP Level 6 Certificate - African Competency Development National N Diploma Maketing Management - Protea College

  • av Dannyboy Pieterse
    1 268,-

    As leaders, we can motivate the church for a better ministry, and the motivational techniques we use should be ethical and compatible with the Word ¿ Help people identify a need by exposing them to reality. We do that when we help a smoker visualize the effects of smoking, expose a careless driver to the human tragedy of an accident scene, or give Christian youth opportunities to see spiritual joy and genuine gratefulness among people in poverty as they construct a new school or church during a short-term mission trip. ¿ Give people responsibility. Responsibility is a great teacher. Realizing the opportunity to contribute through their efforts, people tap their intel¬lectual potential and rise to new challenges. ¿ Provide affirmation and recogni¬tion. People respond positively to assurance that they are investing their time and energy in a way that blesses others. Affirmation from the church assures them their lives mean something to God. ¿ Demonstrate our own enthu¬siasm for ministry. Pastors specialize in exhortation. But providing an example of motiva¬tion for ministry through our actions has great influence and power.

  • av Dannyboy Pieterse

    ¿The Department of Correctional Services is a place where inmates, who have done wrong, are corrected. It is the duty of the department to inform the public when releasing inmates on parole. ¿It is also the responsibility of the public to make sure that parolees behave in their area, if not, then they must inform the department.¿ This article argues that prisoners should have a right to rehabilitation; this right entails more than the government merely providing sporadic opportunities for rehabilitation, as will be explained. Additionally, although many justifications for prisoner rehabilitation exist, human dignity should be the primary justification for prisoner rehabilitation; this is because the concept of ¿human dignity¿ has the strongest ability to promote a concrete, immutable right to rehabilitation for prisoners, rather than merely having vacillating rehabilitative services.

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