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Bøker av Dave Armstrong

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  • av Dave Armstrong

    We all want to live a good life, right? And the good life is here if you want it. This book will show you how to achieve it. Your good life might mean quality time with family or friends and seeing your children and grandchildren grow up. It might mean you work on curing cancer. Or you might want to become rich and powerful. Whatever your vision of a good life may be, its origin is within your mind and soul. These 7 Rules to a Good Life will: help you discover the good life you desirehelp you manage your mind by understanding how your brain workshelp you get the best out of each day, each moment and every experiencehelp you gain in life rather than drifthelp you manage your risks and prevent them becoming issueshelp you recognise that anything you deem a failure is actually a learning opportunityhelp turn hate into love and doubt into beliefhelp you turn a group into a high preforming teamhelp you fulfil your dreams so you leave this world knowing you have given life your best shot and with a smile in your heart7 Rules to a Good Life will guide your personal development and help you develop your own personal philosophy. It addresses many aspects of being human: leadership, teamwork, philosophy, psychology, personal and family relationships, project management, behavioural therapy, individual and team coaching, quality management, and how to love well...

  • - ?Muy al contrario de la Biblia?
    av Dave Armstrong

    La teología y las creencias relativas acerca de la Santísima Virgen María, Madre de nuestroSeñor Jesucristo, han dado lugar a conflictos desde hace mucho tiempo entre católicos yprotestantes. Estos últimos sostienen a menudo que ""la María Católica"" es una corrupción de laverdadera María bíblica: la sierva modesta y humilde. El apologista católico Dave Armstrongmuestra cómo la María ""católica"" y la ""bíblica"" son de hecho una y la misma al abordar temaspolémicos como la Inmaculada Concepción de María, la Asunción y la virginidad perpetua,súplicas de intercesión a María, el rosario, el florido lenguaje devocional aparentemente excesivode los santos, y María como dispensadora de la gracia y salvación de Dios, tal como San Pablo, yde hecho todos nosotros estamos destinados a ser. Armstrong brinda apoyo bíblico y racional atodas las creencias y prácticas católicas marianas al hacerlas accesibles, comprensibles y aptaspara ser aceptadas por todos los que reconocen la inspiración de la Biblia.

  • av Dave Armstrong

    Traducido por Kevin Bingaman. Mi objetivo eshacerle más fácil encontrar rápidamente respuestas bíblicas a importantespreguntasteológicas. Presupongo la inspiración e infalibilidad de la Biblia, y este libro es para los cristianos que aceptan esas nociones. Este volumen ofrece pasajes de la Biblia que son los mejores "respuestas" a un gran número de preguntas de una oración. El formato es similar al popular concurso de televisión "Jeopardy", donde los concursantes reciben un pedazo de información y tienen que construir una pregunta que es la "respuesta". Compilándolo, miré en pasajes de la Biblia y elaborado las preguntas que los pasajes "contestaron". El libro contiene 18 categorías generales y 200 categorías subordinadas.Los tesoros maravillosos en la Biblia esperan a todos nosotros: revelación inspirada de la Mente de Dios.

  • av Dave Armstrong

    Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong has compiled his writing on the Eucharist & the Sacrifice of the Mass into a Scripture-packed 23 chapters and 222 pages. Among the topics covered are: 1) the special presence of God in physical objects in the OT, 2) comparison of the indwelling & the Real Presence, 3) doubting disciples in the eucharistic discourse of John 6, 4) exclusion of non-Catholics from Catholic communion, 5) St. Augustine's & John Calvin's views, 6) the Church fathers on the Sacrifice of the Mass, 7) St. Paul's "priestly" references, 8) biblical, analogical arguments for the Sacrifice of the Mass, 9) the Protestant "idolatry" accusation, and 10) biblical evidence for wholehearted formal, liturgical worship. The facts of Church history are also examined in depth, with much corroboration from Protestant scholarly sources. Armstrong's explanations help to make Catholic teachings on the Holy Eucharist & the Mass understandable, plausible, & easily harmonized with the teaching of the Bible.

  • av Dave Armstrong

  • av Dave Armstrong

    Catholic apologist and author Dave Armstrong leads the reader on a fascinating theological journey through many different aspects related to salvation and justification theology (soteriology). Special emphasis is devoted to demonstrating that Catholics do not believe in "works-salvation". It may surprise some to learn that Catholics, like Protestants, embrace Grace Alone and reject Pelagianism and also semi-Pelagianism. The overwhelming theme is the biblical evidence for Catholic soteriological positions. To that end, there are 379 biblical passages fully written out (RSV), for the convenience of the reader. The final 115 pages (out of 187): chapters 10 through 16, are devoted specifically to a critique of Calvinism (or self-described "Reformed" theology) and its beliefs with regard to the five points of what is known as "TULIP" (total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints).

  • av Dave Armstrong

  • av Dave Armstrong

  • av Dave Armstrong

  • av Dave Armstrong

    Protestants (especially Reformed Protestants, or Calvinists) often assert that St. Augustine's views were closer to theirs than to the present-day Catholic Church. My aim is to systematically document St. Augustine's advocacy of positions that historic Protestantism has expressly rejected, and (conversely) detail his opposition to some doctrines or beliefs that it has (generally speaking) espoused. Quotations are drawn from 44 separate works of St. Augustine, arranged under 157 topics, and also arranged chronologically within topics, insofar as that can be determined. This helps to clarify any development in Augustine's views. Editorial input is kept to an absolute minimum: confined to an occasional bracketed clarification (usually a contextual matter or reference) or briefly stated fact considered to be indispensable in understanding some aspect of the quotation. I'm delighted to pass along to readers a "capsulized version" of St. Augustine's wonderful and eloquent theological writing.

  • av Dave Armstrong

    This volume consists entirely of papers, essays, and dialogues originally posted on my website and blog (both named "Biblical Evidence for Catholicism"): written between 1995 and 2011. These have been edited, revised, and combined in various ways, in order to clarify the thoughts and eliminate repetition. Most of the queries that I originally responded to came from our Protestant brethren in Christ. These occurrences afforded me the opportunity to defend and clarify what Catholics believe with regard to the communion of saints, why we do, and to demonstrate that Catholic beliefs are in harmony with Holy Scripture. Many topics are covered in the 21 chapters, including the invocation, intercession, and veneration of saints and angels, images, idolatry, relics, purgatory, prayer for the dead, and "controversial" devotional practices. It is my sincere hope and prayer that my own ruminations along these lines may be of some benefit to others, and both edifying and educational.

  • av Dave Armstrong

  • av Dave Armstrong

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