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Bøker av David Berardelli

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  • av David Berardelli

  • av David Berardelli

    When Robert bumps into Julie at Orlando National Airport, they instantly become attracted to one another. Later, as they share a cab, Julie senses immediate danger. She quickly alerts the driver, who manages to prevent them from being involved in a fatal accident. Soon after, Robert learns that Julie possesses strange powers, which enabled her to experience a premonition seconds before the accident.Julie's mysterious powers are soon put to the test when she is suddenly faced with a dilemma that could quite possibly result in not only her death, but also Robert's. This convinces her that the only way she can successfully avoid their impending demise is to rely on her strange abilities, which she has never before fully explored.

  • av David Berardelli

    Bill Danner, an executive with an Orlando, Florida software firm, flies to Pittsburgh a few days before Christmas for a conference. After checking in to his hotel, Danner, a Pittsburgh native, drives to a familiar haunt from his past and has a drink at a local bar. As he leaves, he is mugged, knocked unconscious and dragged into an alley. When he comes to, he realizes what has happened and knows he must somehow escape before he is murdered. Just then, he suddenly hears a strange voice guiding him away from the street gang responsible for assaulting him. Once he is safe, he collapses from exhaustion, waking up the next day in a hospital.As his mind clears, he tries to remember exactly what happened and wonders if the voice he'd heard had been a product of his imagination, possibly brought on by the head injury he'd sustained the night before. But later on, when he experiences the vision of a little girl from his distant past, he begins to doubt his own sanity.On Christmas Eve, the vision suddenly reappears, this time sweeping him out of the present and back to his childhood. He soon learns things he never knew before and discovers that an unknown love has survived the ages to repay a debt he wasn't even aware existed.

  • av David Berardelli

    Ralph Deacon has been arrested and charged with the violent murder of a local Orlando stripper. Although the evidence against him is meager at best, he knows he must solve this case to clear his name. Two Orlando cops have been assigned to the case, but although they have the latest technology at their fingertips, Deacon knows he has something much better--the beautiful, mysterious Mike, who has helped him on countless other cases and has vowed never to ever let him down.

  • av David Berardelli

    Fourteen-year-old Tabby Kendrick believes she sees a mugging and possible kidnapping. Unable to get satisfaction from the local police department, she seeks out the help of Private Investigator Ralph Deacon. Deacon, with the help of his dead buddy Mike, soon finds himself embroiled in a complex puzzle involving Kissimmee's Hispanic mob, the South American drug pipeline, a murder, and an extortion operation involving a popular exotic dancer.

  • av David Berardelli

    Twenty-two-year-old Laura Neilson lives with her mother, Barbara, in their home in Manville, a small town in southeastern Ohio. Laura hasn't seen or heard from her father since he left and moved to Florida to start a new life five years earlier.Their quiet life abruptly changes one day when Barbara and Laura are victims of a mugging attempt as they are walking down the street. A stranger comes to their aid by overpowering the muggers, but disappears the moment the police arrive.Barbara and Laura are taken to the Police Station, but are soon smuggled out of the building by an FBI agent, driven to an isolated house in Bridgeport and held there. Barbara and Laura are told that a hired killer from Orlando, Florida, has been sent to Ohio to kill Barbara. They are also told that certain well-connected people suspect Barbara's husband shared incriminating evidence about them with her, and that the hired killer has been sent to retrieve this evidence after he has killed Barbara and Laura.In the midst of this nightmare, Barbara and Laura begin to strongly suspect that the men protecting them are not the good guys at all, and that the hired killer they've been told about could be a lie just to keep them from trying to escape.In this world of corruption, lies, and the threat of death, Barbara and Laura realize that time is running out for both of them. Their only hope is the man who'd helped them before. They pray that he'll somehow know they once again need his help and that he will find them in time.

  • av David Berardelli

    In the not-so-distant future, population control becomes a necessity. Turning eighteen, Kyle Sonnet leaves the State Orphanage and becomes an employee of the Department of Population Control. As a wagon driver, he follows the ambulance to emergency calls and collects bodies for Government disposal. However, it isn't long before Kyle understands that, due to the collapse of the healthcare system and contrary to what he has seen on the news, euthanasia has become the universal solution. But when he suddenly witnesses a horror he cannot accept, Kyle is forced to decide whether to become another pawn of Society or risk escape, which will result in certain death.

  • av David Berardelli

    Owen Roth's life has come to a screeching halt. His beloved wife Morgan, victim of a highway accident, has been in a coma for three months, and her condition has not changed. Owen no longer has the will to live. He decides to end the life of the man responsible for his wife's coma, and then put an end to his own life. One night, he drives to the guilty man's luxury apartment building. However, just moments before he can commit the murder, a stray dog appears. Owen immediately realizes the fruitlessness of his scheme and decides to re-evaluate his thinking. Reluctant to leave the dog, Owen takes the animal with him. From that point on, the dog becomes his center of attention. His new canine companion has somehow managed to lift his spirits as well as his outlook. Owen believes that their encounter was not as random as he first suspected. And when his wife's condition takes an unexpected turn, everything that has taken place since the dog has entered his life becomes clear.

  • av David Berardelli

    When her flirtatious boss takes her for a drive to the Southeastern Ohio woodlands on a Friday afternoon to look at a real estate investment, raven-haired Bobbie Marsh realizes that this is just another attempt on his part to get her alone. Little does either of them know that this half-hour drive will quickly turn into a nightmare. After Bobbie rejects his subtle advances, Craig leaves the farmhouse and is attacked and knocked unconscious. Bobbie, watching from a window, immediately searches frantically for somewhere to hide.For the next twelve tense hours, she eludes the two vicious home invaders as they systematically check every square inch of the farmhouse. Her only means of escape is through the front door, and even if she manages to make it outside, her only chance of survival is through miles of heavily wooded, unfamiliar land.Bobbie soon faces the grim realization that she might have to become the predator if she wants to survive.

  • av David Berardelli

    Rand Powell didn't expect to die before the age of forty. He also didn't expect to wake up in someone else's body, or meet a beautiful, mysterious angel named Harriet. But the biggest shock of all is when Harriet takes him to Barnes, Ohio, a small town in his past, where he is to help a deeply troubled young woman who was in love with him when she was in high school.

  • av David Berardelli

    In the course of an investigation, Private Detective Adam Brooks encounters a beautiful woman whose mysterious past points to serious intrigue. Meanwhile, Richard Warden, CEO and owner of WarCo, Inc., the Orlando-based software empire, meets a beautiful green-eyed young redhead in one of his favorite bars and is immediately taken by her beauty and sophistication. While he actively pursues her, tragedy strikes repeatedly in his personal life, and his empire gradually crumbles. Warden has no idea why all these terrible things are happening to him. His only clue is the beautiful mystery-woman who coincidentally entered his life at the same time his troubles started. Has she been hired by one of his enemies or competitors with the sole purpose of ruining him? Adam suspects another reason. She could possibly be a long-suffering victim from Warden's checkered past who has vowed to destroy him. But whoever she is, Warden discovers he is running out of time. The mystery of all this becomes a tense race to find out the truth before the entire WarCo conglomerate goes down in flames. It doesn't take long at all before Warden realizes that the solution to the mystery could prove to be the end of his career, as well as his life ... and that it could also quite possibly be the best thing that could happen to him.

  • av David Berardelli

    Derek, the love of Paula's life, has been taken from her in an act of senseless violence, and she immediately falls into a frightening darkness.One night, as she lies sleeping in her bedroom, she strongly senses that she should visit Derek's parents. As she drives to their house the next morning, she is involved in an accident and soon discovers that she has entered a strange dimension. Here, time has taken a turn she never imagined was possible. In this strange new world, everything has become bright and exciting. She has been reunited with Derek, and the darkness from her former existence has disappeared.She cannot help but wonder where this new dimension is. And as the bizarre events continue, she begins to realize that returning to her former world would not only separate her from Derek once again, but would also bring back the darkness that had nearly destroyed her as the result of his death.However, this new dimension soon betrays her, and her new existence brings about its own horrors. Should she return to her former world of darkness and sorrow? Or remain with Derek in this terrifying new dimension?

  • av David Berardelli

    When Frank Langley learns that a childhood nuisance has died, he makes the mistake of driving to the cemetery to look at the grave. The next day, he hears a voice in his kitchen and realizes that the voice belongs to the man he visited the previous day. From that day on, he is teased and tormented relentlessly. He struggles to discover some way of dealing with this, but when the demon almost gets him killed, Frank realizes that he must find some way of sending the demon back to Hell.

  • av David Berardelli

    In this latest instalment in The Funny Detective series, Ralph Deacon once again enlists the aid of his faithful partner, the beautiful and very dead Mike, to find out why the niece of his friend Neil Haversack, Chief of Detectives in the Orlando Police Department, was the recent victim of a kidnapping attempt. During the investigation, Deacon himself is kidnapped, and soon finds that the case has taken an irreversible turn.

  • av David Berardelli

    Arthur Sills meets a beautiful, mysterious woman and soon finds himself helplessly captivated. However, it isn't very long at all before he realizes that there is something about her that doesn't feel right. Before he can find out what is so bizarre about her, he discovers that he is suffering from sudden blackouts, and learns that he has been doing things he simply cannot remember.He soon finds that he is directly involved in a murder and, although he suspects this mysterious woman is somehow responsible, fears that he has no idea how to prove his innocence. And when he is suddenly being stalked by small groups of large men in suits, he realizes that if he doesn't find some way out of whatever nightmare he has been pulled into, he will soon be dead.

  • av David Berardelli

    Lynn Monroe finds herself out in the middle of the woods in Southeastern Ohio, miles from civilization, being chased by two half-drunk country boys bent on raping and killing her. Her only means of escape lies in the steep, weed-choked hill straight ahead. At its crest, a large weather-beaten house overlooks the eerie hillside. The house has been abandoned for some time, but local lore says that a very strange woman had once lived there more than a century earlier. And that many bizarre things happened when the woman lived in that house. And that many weird things are still happening.Lynn is faced with the dilemma of confronting her two psychotic stalkers or climbing the hill to encounter whoever-or whatever-lies inside the house.She realizes in cold terror that she may not have a choice.

  • av David Berardelli

    Lindsay Foreman becomes acutely aware of horrible dangers after helping an old woman struck by a car and left for dead on a Central Florida highway. As the old woman slips closer to death, she tells Lindsay she must give her something. Lindsay has no idea what the woman is talking about and assumes she is delirious. But later Lindsay begins experiencing strange visual sensations, seeing odd colors on people's faces. The more this happens, the more she realizes the colors appear to coincide with emotions and situational responses of people with whom she comes in contact. Desperate to find out what has happened to her, Lindsay digs deeper into the circumstances involving the old woman's death, hoping to discover clues about this strange 'gift' the old woman apparently passed on to her. However, a criminal element seems determined to stop Lindsay's investigation into the hit-and-run murder. Suddenly Lindsay finds herself in more trouble than she can handle - especially when an undercover DEA agent, C.C. Cross, seemingly comes to her rescue. It's hard to know whom to trust, but with her new insight, Lindsay has a better idea than anyone can imagine. The question is, will her strange gift of colors help keep her from getting herself - and Cross - killed?

  • av David Berardelli

    When Brad Ellis accidentally runs over a man one night on his way home after work, his life immediately changes. He has strange dreams and hears strange voices, and it isn't long before he realizes he is changing in other ways as well. His habits change, and he develops interests in things he'd never even considered before. Bizarre circumstances bring him face to face with the girlfriend of the man he killed. He then discovers that his own personal guilt resulting from this horror has elevated to even new heights, and if he doesn't do something about it very soon, his life will end. When he faces death as the result of this dilemma, he knows that he has suddenly run out of time.

  • av David Berardelli

    Justin Greer is a deep-cover Government assassin employed by a Black Ops Program created to eliminate enemies of the state.During an assignment, Greer encounters Erika Young, a twenty-two-year-old shut-in living with her parents. This causes dangerous complications for the Government Program, as well as for Greer himself. The result proves disastrous. Greer immediately discovers that he has not only placed an innocent young woman's life in danger, but has also signed his own death warrant. .

  • av David Berardelli

    Jack Clarkson wakes up and finds himself in a beautiful meadow filled with flowers and lush green grass, and a giant pine forest looming a hundred yards straight ahead. He has no idea how he got there, nor does he remember seeing such a place before. The last thing he remembers is driving to work earlier that morning.Just as he decides to explore this strange place, he encounters a lovely dark-haired woman who, like himself, has no recollection of how she'd gotten there, or anything that happened before.Together they explore this mysterious place to find out where it will take them. However, they soon discover many horrors in this beautiful world, among them, death, darkness, and a chilling loneliness neither of them has ever known before. As they continue their search, they both realize that the only thing that will save them is the very secret lying within the deepest fabric of this mysterious world. But they also discover that this same fabric, if unraveled, will cover their very existence in such darkness, light will never be able to enter their lives again.

  • av David Berardelli

    Nearly three months have passed since the plague of death had wiped out most of the world's population. The exact numbers, of course, could not be calculated, since there was no one left to work the computers or maintain the databanks. Even so, most computers were rendered inoperable due to mass power failures, and those still capable of using their mental facilities realized long ago that such responsibilities no longer mattered in the great scheme of things. Survival had taken precedence, and the phrase "survival of the fittest," trampled years ago and left in the cloud of indifference generated by the mass chaos of modern technology and sophisticated living, had returned triumphantly, bringing with it a primordial behavior that had been hidden for decades.

  • av David Berardelli

    It's the undetermined but near future. America's population is plunging, beset by a mysterious plague that robs individuals of their mental faculties before causing catastrophic respiratory failure. One by one, the institutions of society are also failing. Electric power, media, and law enforcement have become nearly non-existent. Only a small force, of military origin but exhibiting strange behavior and superhuman abilities, seems to be functioning.Amid this dark and disturbing world, former soldier Alan Moss, who remains unaffected by the disease, struggles to survive the roving bands of murderous thugs-of both sexes-who are preying on the dead and dying. As he undertakes a thousand-mile drive from his home in Orlando to his mother's farm in western Pennsylvania, the highways become concrete battlefields that expose him to horrors he had not encountered even during his difficult military service. Along the way he hooks up with Reed McCallum, an ex-schoolteacher and recent victim of a mugging; and Brooke Fields, a nurse who has left the disintegrating medical system at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Together, the trio faces danger at every turn.

  • av David Berardelli

    Crossing the street to get his mail, Jake Mild is run over by some idiot in a tricked-out truck and wakes up standing in an open grave. Figuring he must have died, he hurries back to his apartment to keep his ex-wife from cleaning him out, but on the way meets Sierra, a young girl with a black eye and swollen lip, walking along the road. Jake tags along and quickly discovers that he can do a cool vanishing thing and move stuff with his mind. But will his new abilities as a ghost give him the power to rescue a girl who desperately needs help?

  • av David Berardelli

    In this fifth and final episode of the series, Tiffany and Chip return to Hollywood, California, where Tiffany's life had tragically ended six months earlier. In the process, they encounter three demons who intend to take them back to Florida, to face the wrath of the super demon Braithwaite, who has been chosen to control America for the next hundred years. Will Tiffany find the man responsible for sending her to her untimely death? Or will any of the three demons they encounter destroy her long-awaited plans for revenge? If the demons are unable to stop her, what will happen when she finally faces the man responsible for sending her to her death? Will her taste for revenge force her to become the demon she should have been when she was pulled into Hell by the horny subordinate spirit Gutril? Or is there some other plan mapped out for her, designed by an unseen power she has no knowledge of?

  • av David Berardelli

    After triumphing over Andras, the subordinate demon assigned to hunt them down in Pittsburgh, Tiffany and Chip make their way to Peoria, Illinois, where Tiffany was born and raised. Tiffany wants to settle the score with her stepdad, the man responsible for destroying her relationship with her mother and also for forcing Tiffany to leave home and move to Hollywood, where she was later murdered. Tiffany and Chip soon discover that the League of Demons is thriving in Peoria. Two demons have been threatening the lives of hundreds of Peoria residents, many of them children. It is only when Tiffany's mother becomes an unsuspecting victim that Tiffany realizes she will be forced to use all of her powers to destroy and send both demons back to the Dark Place.

  • av David Berardelli

    Sexy, sassy and dead, Tiffany LeBouf, aided by her dead friend Chip, the trickster, continue their wild adventures in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where they've gone to help their friend Ashley escape the powerful super demon Braithwaite, who wants revenge for how the three of them sabotaged his Central Florida multi-billion-dollar land deal. Along the way they meet handsome Jimmy Russo, a popular local magician, who immediately captures Tiffany's heart. Although Jimmy is equally smitten, he seems to have demons of his own. Tiffany has found that her abilities have grown much greater since leaving Florida. In addition to having the ability to change her appearance and footwear, she can now perform some truly remarkable skills. Although she has no idea why her powers have grown, she knows she will need all her talents to do battle with Andras, the frightening hunter/killer Braithwaite has sent to find them and return them to Florida.

  • av David Berardelli

    After successfully sending Gutrillus Canus back to Hell, Tiffany LeBouf and her sidekick Chip, the mischievous inferior demon, are sent to Central Florida on a brand-new assignment-to find a delinquent inferior brought up by Braithwaite, the super demon who has come up from Hell to replace Balberith. Along the way they meet Ashley, a young girl innocently caught up in one of Braithwaite's evil schemes. Just as they befriend and try to help Ashley, the three of them are caught up in a web of corruption involving rich oil sheiks and a sinister scheme to sell off Central Florida land and turn it into a terrorist training center. Will Tiffany and Chip be able to sour Braithwaite's land deal? Or will they be sent back to Hell and forced to remain there forever?

  • av David Berardelli

    Sexy, sassy and dead, Tiffany LeBouf is pulled into Hell by the incompetent demon Gutril. Paired with the demon Chip, she is sent to find Gutril after he is summoned to Ohio by a teenage girl goofing off with a spell she'd found online. They are given three days to find Gutril and bring him back before he can select a mortal host and remain here. As a spirit, Tiffany finds that she has the ability to change her appearance at will and conjure up any outfits she desires. She also realizes that her new powers can keep her from being forced to return to Hell.

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