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Bøker av Dawn Knight

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  • - A Welsh Language Case Study
    av Dawn Knight, Steve Morris, Mair Rees, m.fl.

    This book aims to provide a micro-level, working model of a methodological approach and practical guidelines for building a corpus, informed by the work on the CorCenCC project (Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes - the National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh).

  • - The National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh - Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes
    av Dawn Knight, Steve Morris & Tess Fitzpatrick

    This bilingual book provides a detailed overview of the project to construct a National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh (CorCenCC), addressing the conceptual and methodological challenges faced when developing language corpora for minoritised languages. A conceptual framework is presented for the user-driven design that underpinned the CorCenCC project, along with a detailed blueprint that can function as a scaffold for other researchers embarking on projects of this nature. This book will be of value to those working in language teaching, learning and assessment, language policy and planning, translation, corpus linguistics and language technology, and to anyone with an interest in Welsh and other minoritised languages.Mae'r llyfr dwyieithog hwn yn rhoi trosolwg manwl o'r prosiect i greu Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes (CorCenCC), ac yn mynd i'r afael â'r heriau cysyniadol a methodolegol a wynebir wrth ddatblygu corpora iaith ar gyfer ieithoedd lleiafrifoledig. Cyflwynir fframwaith cysyniadol ar gyfer y cynllun wedi'i yrru gan ddefnyddwyr sy'n greiddiol i brosiect CorCenCC, ynghyd â glasbrint manwl a all weithredu fel sgaffald i ymchwilwyr eraill sy'n dechrau ar brosiectau o'r fath. Bydd y llyfr hwn o werth i'r rhai sy'n gweithio ym meysydd addysgu, dysgu ac asesu ieithoedd, polisi iaith a chynllunio ieithyddol, cyfieithu, ieithyddiaeth gorpws a thechnoleg iaith, ac unrhyw un â diddordeb yn y Gymraeg ac ieithoedd lleiafrifoledig eraill.

  • - The Life and Legacy of George Taliaferro
    av Dawn Knight
    296 - 704,-

    Race and Football in America provides an insightful portrait of race in America through the story of legendary football player George Taliaferro and other athletes of color, as they confront discrimination and fight for change.

  • - A Corpus Approach
    av Dawn Knight
    2 511,-

    Taking as its starting point the fact that language is not a mirror of reality but lets us share what we know, believe and think about reality, this book focuses on language as a social phenomenon, and makes visible the attitudes and beliefs expressed by the members of a discourse community.

  • - A Corpus Approach
    av Dawn Knight

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