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Bøker av Divya Singh

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  • av Divya Singh

    Les cellules souches représentent des unités naturelles du développement embryonnaire et de la régénération des tissus. Les cellules souches sont des cellules pluripotentes qui ont la capacité naturelle de se diviser en de multiples cellules avec une hyperplasie contrôlée et marquée. Elles jouent un rôle essentiel dans le développement de la dent qui est régulé par le processus d'endodontie régénérative. Le potentiel des cellules souches pour traiter des maladies dévastatrices a été présenté comme l'une des plus grandes percées médicales de tous les temps. Les cellules souches ont d'autres rôles à jouer en médecine et en dentisterie. La restauration complète de l'intégrité physiologique, structurelle et mécanique de la structure tissulaire native est un fait fascinant et c'est un chemin qui est loin d'être à la portée de l'humanité. Les progrès réalisés dans le domaine de la biologie des cellules souches adultes ont fortement incité la communauté biomédicale à traduire ces découvertes en applications cliniques.

  • av Divya Singh

    As células estaminais representam unidades naturais do desenvolvimento embrionário e da regeneração dos tecidos. As células estaminais são células pluripotentes que têm a capacidade natural de se dividir em múltiplas células com hiperplasia controlada e marcada. Desempenham um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento do dente, que é regulado pelo processo de endodontia regenerativa. O potencial das células estaminais para tratar doenças devastadoras foi apresentado como uma das maiores descobertas médicas de todos os tempos. As células estaminais têm mais papéis a desempenhar na medicina e na medicina dentária. A restauração completa da integridade fisiológica, estrutural e mecânica da estrutura do tecido nativo é um facto fascinante e está longe de chegar às mãos da humanidade. Os avanços na biologia das células estaminais adultas deram um grande impulso à comunidade biomédica para traduzir estas descobertas em aplicações clínicas.

  • av Divya Singh

    Le cellule staminali rappresentano le unità naturali dello sviluppo embrionale e della rigenerazione dei tessuti. Le cellule staminali sono cellule pluripotenti che hanno la capacità naturale di dividersi in più cellule con iperplasia controllata e marcata. Svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nello sviluppo del dente, che viene regolato dal processo di endodonzia rigenerativa Il potenziale delle cellule staminali per il trattamento di malattie devastanti è stato presentato come una delle più grandi scoperte mediche di tutti i tempi. Le cellule staminali hanno più ruoli da svolgere in medicina e in odontoiatria. Il ripristino completo dell'integrità fisiologica, strutturale e meccanica della struttura tissutale nativa è un fatto affascinante ed è una strada ancora lontana da raggiungere per l'umanità. I progressi nella biologia delle cellule staminali adulte hanno dato un grande impulso alla comunità biomedica per tradurre queste scoperte in applicazioni cliniche.

  • av Divya Singh

    Stammzellen stellen natürliche Einheiten der Embryonalentwicklung und der Geweberegeneration dar. Stammzellen sind pluripotente Zellen, die die natürliche Fähigkeit besitzen, sich in mehrere Zellen mit kontrollierter und ausgeprägter Hyperplasie zu teilen. Sie spielen eine zentrale Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Zähnen, die durch den Prozess der regenerativen Endodontie reguliert wird Das Potenzial von Stammzellen zur Behandlung verheerender Krankheiten wurde als einer der größten medizinischen Durchbrüche aller Zeiten vorgestellt. Stammzellen können in der Medizin und der Zahnmedizin eine größere Rolle spielen. Die vollständige Wiederherstellung der physiologischen, strukturellen und mechanischen Integrität der nativen Gewebestruktur ist eine faszinierende Tatsache und ein Weg, der noch weit entfernt ist von den Händen der Menschheit. Die Fortschritte in der Biologie adulter Stammzellen haben der biomedizinischen Gemeinschaft einen großen Anstoß gegeben, diese Erkenntnisse in die klinische Anwendung zu übertragen.

  • av Divya Singh

    Stem cells represent natural units of embryonic development and tissue regeneration. Stem cells are pluripotent cells which have the natural capacity to divide into multiple cells with controlled and marked hyperplasia. It plays a pivotal role in the development of tooth which is regulated by the process of regenerative endodontics The potential of stem cells to treat devastating diseases has been introduced as one of the greatest medical breakthroughs of all time. Stem cells have more roles to play in medicine and dentistry. The complete restoration of the physiologic, structural & mechanical integrity of the native tissue structure is fascinating fact and it¿s a way far to reach the hands of mankind. Advances in adult stem cell biology have provided a great deal of impetus for the biomedical community to translate these findings into clinical application.

  • av Sunpreet Singh, Divya Singh, Seema Ramniwas & m.fl.
    1 899,-

    This book compiles a diverse and interdisciplinary range of scientific literature, laboratory developments, industrial implications and future prospects covering Entomophagy in 3D food printing to fight against hunger and nutritional deficiencies. Recent developments in Entomphagy in 3D printing of Drosophila based materials, and their nutritional, social, economic, scientific and environmental aspects. are comprehensively covered. Readers will also find shortcomings, guidelines, and industrial prospects for these materials, with emphasis on processing methods for the extraction of sustainable materials through 3D food printing. 3D Printing of Sustainable Insect Materials focuses on the methodology, technology and processing used for utilizing insects in 3D food printing applications, establishing technology-driven knowledge to fight against hunger. Chapters cover the principles for Entomophagy, insect processing methods, modern 3D food printing technologies, and the theoretical and practical aspects of Emtomophagy in 3D printing, with a special focus on future prospects and technologies. This ground-breaking book will serve knowledge to researchers and industry professionals across the food industry with broad coverage of emerging technologies, materials developed through Entomophagy, functional characterization and the technical details required to produce sustainable insect-based materials through 3D food printing.

  • av Divya Singh

    A number of restorative materials have flooded the markets from time to time. Biocompatibility remains a major concern in the selection of future restorative materials. Autian and his colleagues were amongst some of the first people with publication to evaluate the tissue response of dental materials in 1970¿s and slowly the concept of biocompatibility were developed.Until a few years ago, almost all national and international dental standards and testing programs focused entirely on physical and chemical properties. Today, however, dental materials standards require biological testing as well. The science of dental materials now encompasses a knowledge and appreciation of certain biological considerations associated with the selection and use of materials designed for use in the oral cavity.

  • av Divya Singh

    The book 'Life Style and Productivity Optimization for Paramedical Hospital Employees' focuses on portraying the various dimensions of paramedical health care. Nursing profession within the health care sector, focused on maintaining people's health and quality of life. This book emphasises the importance of nurses in health care industry and society. So taken this aspect into consideration, a study was conducted to explore the various activities performed by nurses and to ergonomically assess their working environment. The endeavour is to help academicians, researchers and the nurses comprehend and compliment this noble profession.

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