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  • - Zürich, Grindelwald, Brienz, Interlaken, Zermatt, Matterhorn, Montreux, Castle Chillon, Basel, Luzern
    av Dorothea Chan

    In April 2023 I decided to show Switzerland to my online friend from England! In May and June, we travelled around Switzerland for nineteen days. First we took a boat trip on Lake Zurich to Rapperswil. We stayed in Grindelwald for a week and went on excursions from there: To the Eiger Glacier, Kleine Scheidegg, Grosse Scheidegg, Grindelwald Schreckfeld, Upper Glacier and Wetterhornhotel as well as Pfingstegg. We also didn't leave out the glacier gorge. Since we had hot weather, we visited several beach resorts: In Brienz, Lucerne and the Natural Swimming Pool in Riehen near Basel. From Brienz we drove to the Axalp and hiked on the Woodcarving Trail, where you can admire many carved works of art. Afterwards we proceeded to the Schweibenalp and after lunch hiked steeply down to the Giessbach Falls and the Giessbach Hotel, where we could refresh ourselves with a cool drink. In Zermatt we were also lucky with the weather and took the train to the Gornergrat, from where we could admire the Matterhorn. On the way to Basel we stopped in Montreux and walked along the lake to Chillon Castle! In Basel we stayed at the Spalentor Hotel with a view of the Spalentor! The next day I showed Sadie where I grew up. We took the post bus to Chall Höhe after we had visited the church in Mariastein. From there we walked to the Bergmattenhof Restaurant and then down to Dittingen. We then took the post bus to Laufen and back to Basel. We crossed the Rhine by ferry and had a look at Basel. We also visited the Park im Grünen for a short time. Together with my daughter we cooled off in the Natural Swimming Pool in Riehen. Then we went to Lucerne. We enjoyed sitting in the garden restaurant in the evening next to the Reuss river! The next day I went alone to Zurich to attend a ceremony at the Krishna Temple with my daughter. We didn't miss Berne neither: We met up in the Baer Pit with another friend we knew from the internet. Both Sadie and Tamara can speak light language and did so in Berne. In Lucerne we visited the Lion Monument and the Glacier Garden and spent time at the Lido Lake Pool. Then we went back to Zurich. Last but not least, we visited the Rhine Falls and Schaffhausen. On the last day we enjoyed Lake Zurich and fed the swans. This had clearly been a marathon round trip! Sadie got to know a large part of Switzerland. Not everything: we left out Ticino and Graubünden, it would have been too much. I hope that through the pictures you will participate in this Swiss Roundtrip with us!

  • - Photos of Basle, Laufen, Mettmen, Weggis, Bürgenstock, Stanserhorn, Morges and lots more!
    av Dorothea Chan
    1 010,-

    Despite of Covid and not crazy about wearing a mask, I dared going on a trip! Departing on August 30th my son drove me to the airport in Calgary and I took off towards my home country! Since not that many people were travelling, I was able to sit alone. In Amsterdam my next flight left immediately. In Basel my daughter came to pick me up from the airport. The next day I met my sister in Laufen. where we stayed at the hotel for one night. Walking up to the restaurant Bergmattenhof in Dittingen the next day, where we happened to meet our relatives by coincidence. Back in Basel I visited the "Joggeli" swimming pool for the first time. Visiting Wasserfalle view point was also for the first time. The next day we visited relatives in Zeiningen AG. My daughter and me played minigolf at the Park im Grünen in Basel. On September 8th we took the train to Weggis LU and stayed there for several days. We happened to meet two ladies from our home village by coincidence. It was also the first time I went up to the Bürgenstock. Stanserhorn I visited a few decades ago together with my parents. The next day my sister joined us and we laughed a lot sitting at the lake in the restaurant. We also enjoyed playing cards lots. The highlight was when my sister swam in Lake Lucerne naked! The next day we went to Mettmen GL, where our family went on vacation when we were kids, decades ago. We stayed for a few days in the Nature Friends Cabin. The weather was pretty good, only cloudy for two days, and we went hiking a little bit.Later my daughter and me visited a friend of hers in Sulgen SG. I also played minigolf with my cousin Alfred, who plays pretty well, since he played lots in the past. Finally, I visited Dittingen BL again with my sister and we met up with our older brother. Ermitage, Mariastein, meet up with a friend in Basel and by train to Morges where I met my 94-year-old aunt. The day before I left, my daughter and me ate at a vegan restaurant. Shopping, Cafe Spitz and Covid testing at the airport! My flight back to Calgary was early in the morning at six am. There were Covid measures and a long line up in Amsterdam. Everything went fast in Calgary and I brought nice weather along!

  • - Photos from 2015 - 2017
    av Dorothea Chan

    In the beginning of 1997 our family immigrated to Canada and since then we live in Calgary.I want to give you a small glimpse into this town with this book!As you will see there are very many parks in this town and some of them are gigantic like Nosehill and Fishcreek Park. Nosehill is located in the North and Fishcreek in the South of Calgary.Kensington is a special part of Calgary with lots of murals and third world shops.Eau Claire Market and Princess Island are located close to each other and Chinatown is right beside it. I also published other books of this town, with which you can enhance you picture of Calgary: CALGARY STAMPEDE 2017CALGARY ZOO 2017HERITAGE PARK 2017Please enjoy this book

  • - Wanderung am 16. Juli beim Lake Louise See!
    av Dorothea Chan

    Am 16. Juli wollte ich wandern gehen. Es war bewölkt und zwischendurch schien die Sonne.Wie immer kam ich um die Mittagszeit an und aß im Lake View Lounge Restaurant im Hotel zu Mittag.Ich war schon ein paar Mal im Tee Haus beim Six Glaciers Wanderweg gewesen. Aber das war schon mehrere Jahre her. Aufwärts wandern ist recht mühsam in meinem Alter!Auf dem Weg begegneten mir wieder Backenhörnchen und Alpenblumen. Ziemlich weit oben gibt es eine Abzweigung die zum Lake Agnes Tee Haus führt. Ich ging in diese Richtung aber mir wurde gesagt, dass es noch weitere zwei Stunden dauern würde bis dorthin. Nach Berücksichtigung der Abfahrtszeit meines Buses nach Calgary und dem Zustand meiner Füße beschloss ich zurück zu gehen. Ich folgte noch eine Zeitlang dem ersten Wanderweg bis ich merkte, dass es Zeit war umzukehren. Ich kenne meine Grenzen und das war genug für mich. Von dort oben hatte ich eine schöne Aussicht auf den Lake Louise See und auch auf die Berge! Ein Bergvogel 'Grey Jay' posierte auf einem Foto! Die Waldbrände wüteten immer noch und es sah recht neblig aus in Canmore und sogar Calgary.(Plain of six Glaciers: Ebene der sechs Gletscher)Six Glacier Hikehttps: // // of six Glacier Trailhttps: //

  • - Hiking on July 16th at Lake Louise!
    av Dorothea Chan

    On July 16th I wanted to do some hiking. The weather was sometimes cloudy and then sunny again. As usually I arrived around lunch time and ate at the Lake View Lounge Restaurant at the Chateau Lake Louise hotel. I had been before to the tea house on Six Glaciers Trail. That was quite a few years back. Going uphill is pretty hard at my age! On the way, I met some chipmunks and beautiful flowers as usual. At some point, there is a junction where you could walk to the Lake Agnes tea house. I started but was told it would still take two hours to get there. Considering the time that my bus for Calgary left and the condition of my feet, I decided to still walk uphill towards the 2nd tea house until I realized that it was time to turn back. I knew my limits and this was enough for me.I had a nice view onto Lake Louise from up there and also onto the glaciers and mountains!A Grey Jay posed for me as well!As always, I made some videos, for which you can find the links below. The wild fires were raging and it looked pretty smoky in Canmore and even Calgary.Six Glacier Hikehttps: // // of six Glacier Trailhttps: //

  • - Photos from July 30th with beautiful sunshine!
    av Dorothea Chan

    Each weekend I went to Banff by bus, since it got a lot cheaper because of the 150-years Canada celebration! On July 30th, I got lucky with the weather! Moraine Lake is only very beautiful when the sun shines. That is when you see these turquois colors! Lots of photos fill one page of this book.Since the beginning of July these wild fires rage in British Columbia. Recently they expanded into the Banff National Park. The smoke is sometimes carried into Calgary by the wind!When I arrived in Banff there was quite a bit of smoke in the air and it looked foggy from far away. In Lake Louise, the air was fine. Canmore is affected the worst by it and I took pictures on the way back home.First, I ate lunch at the Lake Louise village. Since I recently had my birthday the waitress surprised me with a free ice cream!A shuttle drove us to Moraine Lake for thirty dollars. I made the mistake to sit in the back and got shaken thoroughly!First, I climbed up the rocks onto the rock pile. That is where you get the best view onto the lake! Going down I saw several chipmunks! I also made some videos. Afterwards I walked along the lake shore until the end of the lake and had a short footbath.These are the links to the videos: https: // // //

  • - This is a Zoo with lots of flowers, merry go round, train, playground and animals!
    av Dorothea Chan

    We visited the Calgary Zoo in June with my son's family and the two grandchildren. A lot of effort is made in Calgary to make the Zoo an interesting place for children, since children are the main visitors of zoos! There is a merry go round, playground, a little train and a lot more that fascinates children!We saw a little gorilla baby. There are exotic butterflies inside a building flying around, as well as lots of exotic plants.The lion was far away from us, but the tiger came closer towards us.The Calgary Zoo doesn't keep elephants anymore since 2014!I wish you lots of fun with this book!

  • - Photos of my two weeks in Nepal and India in November and December 2018!
    av Dorothea Chan

    Three weeks stay in India turned into three months! Since my visa was only valid for two months, I had to leave India to get a new one. The friend of my daughter was at that time in Kathmandu and I arranged to meet her before she and her family returned to Switzerland. Kathmandu is very polluted and I had no idea of this when I booked my trip. Also, it is very touristy. With Olivia (friend of my daughter) I visited the Swayambhunath-Tempelcomplex which is also called monkey temple. The next day I visited Boudhanath where the biggest Stupa is located. While waiting for my visa I visited two temple sites: Patan and Bhaktapur. The following day I went up to Chandragiri Hills by cable car. Up there one can enjoy fresh air, finally! There is a small temple: Bhaleshwar Mahadev Temple. The weather was good and one could see the Himalayas! As soon as I got my visa, I flew to Rishikesh! In Rishikesh there are lots of cows on the road and it lies at the Ganges river.There is a big Shiva statue as well as Hanuman statue. Every evening the Ganges Aarthi takes place near the river. Me and my friends drove to the Vashistha Cave, also situated close to the Ganges. The next day we went to look at the Neer Garh waterfalls. In Haridwar we visited the Chandi Devi Temple.

  • - Photos of my three months at Sathya Sai Seva Grama Ashram and of my excursions to the Sai Baba campuses!
    av Dorothea Chan

    Sathya Sai Baba left His body on April 24th 2011. Since 2014 one heard that He is still present in His light body in Muddenahalli, close to Bangalore. I asked Baba inside of myself if this is true. He then sent me a dream, where I saw Baba sitting on a chair. This chair I realized later was the same chair I saw in the videos (Sai Vrinda on YouTube shows videos of Madhu (who sees Baba in His light body) giving Darshan).Since it was said, that He will only be available in His light body for a few more years, I decided to travel to India to find out what was happening in this ashram!On October 18th I arrived in Bangalore in the middle of the night. The taxi chauffeur I had ordered wasn't there. An Indian man helped me and made a phone call. Then I travelled all alone at night by taxi to the ashram! Since there is not much room in the ashram, I stayed in the middle of a coffee plantation called Nisarga at Muni Swamy's. It is quite expensive but still cheaper than a hotel. There are lots of hibiscus flowers at Nisarga. And towards the ashram there are trees with beautiful blooms! At Nisarga and the ashram are several monkey colonies who fascinated me. In Canada one can only see them in the zoo! Dogs with their puppies provided many photo subjects!At first, I only wanted to stay for three weeks but in the end, this turned into three months! Every morning one can take part in OM singing and Subrabatham and afterwards Sankirtan (walking through the ashram singing). One walks up to the Sri Sathya Sai Anandam building, which has a clock tower. Sai Baba stays there in His light body and the interviews take place there. After that I joined the kitchen team until breakfast time at 8 am. If necessary, I helped some more later on. Inside the ashram is only one store, which helps you concentrate on your Sadhana (spiritual efforts). Every day at 5.30 pm the Rudhram, Samastha Loka and Bhajans are sung at the Premamrutham hall. It is a very beautiful building and has a high energy inside. Darshan always took place on a Thursday and Sunday. I recommend you to watch the videos on YouTube (Sai Vrinda). This book contains the best photos of these three months. On November 24th I travelled to Kathmandu to get a new visa. From there I continued on to Rishikesh, since Swami (Madhu) stayed there for a few days and many devotees followed Him.I had a hard time seeing Sai Baba in Madhu. Baba then sent me a dream where He showed me, that it was truly Him who gives darshan inside the hall!Three times a week I went for meditation at Krishna's place. He is a devotee from the USA. He told us that Sai Baba stood inside the meditation room for ten minutes and told him how to arrange everything inside the room. Meditation in this room was really special and it was clear that Sai Baba was there and helped us to meditate. Kryshna explained to us, that Sai Baba erased our mind so that we could stay inside the heart while meditating. The Canadian author Catherine Kapahi also took part in the meditations. She published many books of Sai Baba's channeled messages. Sai Baba gave Catherine the message for this meditation. It's called: Sai + I are one. On Saturday there is also a study circle.We celebrated all the festivals in the ashram. First Dasserah, Akhanda Bhajan, Diwalli, Sai Babas birthday, Christmas and lots more. In January the sports festival took place. Also, journeys were organized to visit the Sai Baba campuses. I took part on three of them. Sai Baba invited me in a dream on January 8th to stay longer in the ashram. But I had rebooked this trip so many times that I didn't want to rebook it again. I travelled back to Canada on January 22nd. I will return on February 19th!I published another book with the photos of Kathmandu and Rishikesh. Otherwise this volume would have become too fat!I wish you lots of fun with this book!

  • - Photos of my Trip from 27th March to 17th April!
    av Dorothea Chan

    This book contains the best photos of my trip in April 2018.During the three weeks back in my home country I got so spoiled, that I didn't want to return to Canada!We went on several excursions: Blausee, Schweibenalp, Liestal, Bergmattenhof, Mariastein, Olten, Bern, Park im Grünen, Axalp, Basel, Dornach, Zeiningen and of course to Dittingen.The trees had no leaves yet, but they were blooming, since I came earlier this year. There were already flowers. As usually I took lots of pictures of animals: Goats, dogs, cows, calves, horses, cat, ducks, swan. It was nice to keep my mother company and we had a lot of fun watching Laurel + Hardy.I also got invited to attend the 1st communion celebration of the family of my daughters' friend. This book contains a lot of nature photos and places of interest.This time I also did videos, which you can watch on YouTube. I filmed ducks who were fighting nonstop (unfortunately like my daughter and me). I also caught the sound of the postal car (Tütatoo) together with the wonderful Brienzersee (Lake). When we went to Blausee (Blue Lake) I also did a video. I wish you lots of fun with this book and the videos!https: //

  • - The best photos of my trip to Switzerland and four mandalas for coloring!
    av Dorothea Chan

    This book contains the best photos of my April 2018 trip. I also added four mandalas for coloring. Actually, I wanted to design twenty mandalas, but since I have problems with my hand I stopped to give my hand a rest. During the three weeks back in my home country I got so spoiled, that I didn't want to return to Canada!We went on several excursions: Blausee, Schweibenalp, Liestal, Bergmattenhof, Mariastein, Olten, Bern, Park im Grünen, Axalp, Basel, Dornach, Zeiningen and of course to Dittingen.The trees had no leaves yet, but they were blooming, since I came earlier this year. There were already flowers. As usually I took lots of pictures of animals: Goats, dogs, cows, calves, horses, cat, ducks, swan. It was nice to keep my mother company and we had a lot of fun watching Laurel + Hardy.I also got invited to attend the 1st communion celebration of the family of my daughters' friend. This book contains a lot of nature photos and places of interest.This time I also did videos, which you can watch on YouTube. I filmed ducks who were fighting nonstop (unfortunately like my daughter and me). I also caught the sound of the postal car (Tütatoo) together with the wonderful Brienzersee (Lake). When we went to Blausee (Blue Lake) I also did a video. I wish you lots of fun with this book and the videos!https: //

  • - Living 65 years on planet Earth!
    av Dorothea Chan

    In this book, I am sharing with you my experiences from my birth up until now. I was born in Switzerland and our family moved a few times until finally we moved back to our father's hometown where we built our own house.I am telling you many of my experiences, some are full of humor, others tragic. For instance when we learned the facts of life through our cousins and friends. And then my escape to Paris with only enough money to get there. My sister played a prominent role in my childhood. She always had the craziest ideas and we never got bored. After travelling to Brazil and England (getting married in England), moving to the USA my family finally got back to Switzerland and stayed there for twenty years. Now for the last twenty years we have been living in Canada, close to my husband's sisters. I think it is a good time to write my memoirs now since I am 65 years old and when I still have the capability to do so!This book also describes my spiritual journey. There are many pictures, nostalgic ones and others. My trips lead me to Australia, India, Switzerland (birth place), Canada (Montreal), USA (San Francisco), Brazil, Spain, France and England. I was in India five times and am writing in detail about my experiences with Sathya Sai Baba. I hope everyone enjoys this book and I appreciate your interest!Thank you and may God bless you!

  • - Nostalgic post cards of my parents with poems as well as drawings of my father!
    av Dorothea Chan

    I took a few items with me home to Canada when we sold our parents' house.My parents wrote love letters to each other in the 1940's and always used beautiful post cards with flowers on it and other pictures. I love these pictures so much that I decided to make a book out of it and to share it with you!My parents also enjoyed to include poems in their letters.My father had the gift to be able to draw. He painted beautiful cards and also paintings. I added a small part to this book.When they met, the 2nd world war was raging. Luckily, Switzerland was spared. On one of the cards you can see a soldier and the card is quite funny!Please enjoy this book!

  • - A selection of my father's slides taken within a 50 year time span!
    av Dorothea Chan

    My father always liked to take pictures. For this reason we were lucky that so many memories of old times were left to us! He also was very proud, that our family could always afford to go on vacation. Both parents were flower and landscape fans: nature lovers! My father especially liked cactus, orchids, mushrooms and the flowers of the alps: Edelweiss, gentian, Alpen rose.As we were recently selling our parents' home, I undertook it to save some of fathers photo slides. The first three chapters include photos from the three places we used to live in. Dittingen BL is where my father was born and we moved there in 1959. Most of the photos were taken in Switzerland. A few are from Majorca, Italy and Brazil.I hope you enjoy this nostalgic photo collection!

  • - Pictures of our day trip in April 2017!
    av Dorothea Chan

    On May 7th 2017, we started our trip (my daughter and me) to Schweibenalp. We enjoyed sitting in the restaurant of the train.Schweibenalp is also called the Center of Unity. It used to be a Babaji ashram. Now people can book courses there, which I did once in the past (Mandala Drawing Course). There is a beautiful view onto lake Brienz from up there. The weather wasn't that great, no sun, but luckily also no rain! Which made it easier for me to hike up the mountain from the falls to Schweibenalp! I arrived totally whet even though there was no rain!I wish you lots of fun while enjoying these photos!

  • - Excerpts from my diaries!
    av Dorothea Chan

    In this book, I tell you in detail of my trips to Sai Baba. It is a summary of my diaries. It shows that I had unrealistic expectations on my first visit and my gradual spiritual development later on. I was fortunate enough to be able to travel five times to India! The first two times departing in Switzerland together with my friend Irene. Afterwards my family moved to Canada and I was in Puttaparthi in 2002 and 2010 when Swami was still alive. He left His body on the 24th of April 2011. In 2013 my wish to be in the ashram during Christmas got fulfilled. At the same time, I got the chance to visit Swamis Samadhi (burial site).I asked Swami to help me with this book. While meditating, I saw how He looked at everything that I had written! At this opportunity, I want to thank you Swami for all Your help, which you gave me and still will give me in the future!In the book 'Swamis Revelations and Teachings' you find all the quotes of Sai Baba, who are important to me. The second book 'My life journey with Swami' includes all my experiences with Swami.Title page: Swami is materializing holy ash!I hope you enjoy this book!

  • - Photos of my excursions to Lake Louise, Moraine Lake and Banff!
    av Dorothea Chan

    This summer I went on four excursions in Canada: First to Lake Louise, on my birthday to Lake Louise and Moraine Lake and on Happy Day (according to Sai Baba) on the 5th of August to Banff! On August 21st I one more time visited the two famous lakes and got lucky with the weather!I invite you to enjoy with me these landscapes, flowers, animals and maybe one day you will be drawn towards this country too.On my birthday I spoiled myself with good food in the Post Hotel in Lake Louise and got a free dessert in the Fairmont Château Lake Louise Hotel!PS: No, I am not paid for the advertisement!

  • - My best Photos of my trip in May 2016!
    av Dorothea Chan

    On the 1st of May 2016 I took off on my trip to Switzerland. Nature is beautiful and green in May and it is possible to enjoy the flowers. Every time I went on excursions I got lucky with the weather! First I took the train with my daughter and her friends to Lucerne. From there we took the boat to Viznau and then took the funicular train up to the mountain Rigi. Later on I went on a day trip through Switzerland. First to Meiringen and from there with the funicular railway up to the Reichenbachfälle, which are famous because of the Sherlock Holmes stories. From there I walked up to the restaurant. One always gets rewarded in Switzerland for a little bit of hiking. There I could enjoy ice cream with a little bit of Schnaps in it! Back in Canada I visited for the first time Niagara Falls, thanks to a Baba Devotee who was so kind to drive me there! Afterwards I took part in the First National Sai Baba Conference in Toronto. I also got the opportunity to visit the new building of the Sathya Sai Baba School. I hope you enjoy this book!

  • - Meeting up with my online Friends in Glendalough, Bantry and Dublin
    av Dorothea Chan

    In August 2022 I came across a post on Facebook, where they had a zoom session on the occasion of Lions Gate. I took part in it and found the energy quite uplifting! Also a lot of these members of Star Tribes of Light can speak light language. I found it quite amusing to listen to them. A lot of them live in Ireland. Now I kept looking for a retreat for spiritual advancement. I was notified of one happening in Ireland and I decided to take part in it. It took place in Glendalough Sanctuary quite close to Dublin. Here is how Wikipedia describes Glendalough: Glendalough is a glacial valley in County Wicklow, Ireland, renowned for an Early Medieval monastic settlement founded in the 6th century by St Kevin. From 1825 to 1957, the head of the Glendalough Valley was the site of a galena lead mine. Glendalough is also a recreational area for picnics, for walking along networks of maintained trails of varying difficulty, and also for rock-climbing. I arrived in Dublin on April 27th 2023 and took the bus for some distance and then got picked up by Susanne from the Glendalough Sanctuary. Susanne is a very nice lady born in Germany but living in Ireland for decades. The yellow blooming bushes called Furze impressed me, decorating the landscape. On our way to the Sanctuary we stopped in Roundwood to get some groceries. I stayed alone in a big apartment for most of the time. Later on one lady also had a room there. During the following week I explored the neighborhood and the lake area. Also, every day we had meditation in the morning, led by the missionary priest Michael. He is a gentle soul. So is the golden retriever called Alainn, a very quiet beautiful dog! He always took part in the meditation! There are lots of sheep in Ireland and it is very green. I found some cute gifts to take home. Sister Breda (she is a very sweet person) and Michael took me along to visit the National Botanic Gardens in Kilmacurragh. I enjoyed nature in its bloom (Rhododendron trees) and those beautiful trees (monkey puzzle tree). Michael new a lot to tell about this park, since he has been there many times I presume. I guess I came at the right time, in spring, when every thing is blooming. I also visited Mount Ushers Garden which was blooming as well and Wicklow town to see the Ocean. Next I visited Bantry by bus. Actually my online friend picked me up in Cork and gave me a ride to Bantry. In the next few days she showed me all the ancient sites as well as the bamboo park and the Glengarriff Woods and Nature Reserve. Bantry (Irish: Beanntraí, meaning '(place of) Beann's people') is a town in the civil parish of Kilmocomoge in the barony of Bantry on the southwest coast of County Cork, Ireland. It lies in West Cork at the head of Bantry Bay, a deep-water gulf extending for 30 km (19 mi) to the west. The Beara Peninsula is to the northwest, with Sheep's Head peninsula to the southwest. (Wikipedia). Donna joined us and we visited Gougane Barra. The name Guagán Barra comes from Saint Finnbarr (or Barra), who is said to have built a monastery on the island in the lake during the sixth century. The present ruins of a hermitage date from around 1700 when a priest called Denis O'Mahony retreated to the island.[ (Wikipedia) After four days we travelled back to Glendalough and took part in a weekend retreat. On the 15th of May we were off to Dublin and in the afternoon went on a Viking Tour. It was a bit a chilly day and luckily I had my coat with me to keep me warm. The Tour car transformed into a boat which was quite special! The next morning we left for the airport by taxi at 6 am! I wish you lots of fun with this book!

  • - Mini Memoir mit Versen - beinhaltet 72 Jahre meines Lebens!
    av Dorothea Chan

    Schnitzelbängg sind Verse auf Schwiizerdütsch mit Bildern, die vorallem in Basler (Schweiz) Restaurants gesungen werden während der Fasnacht. Ich hatte die Idee einen Schnitzelbangg zu kreieren der mein ganzes Leben beinhaltet! So entstand diese Mini Biographie mit Fotos aus meinem Leben! Die Verse sind aber auf Hochdeutsch, damit alle es verstehen können. Mein Sohn David nahm an der Basler Fasnacht teil als er ein Bub war. Er trommelte! Die Larven macht die Clique auch selber. Ich habe alte Fotos von den 1950er Jahren beigefügt. Auch Fotos von den Schweizer Bergen und von Kanada. 1997 wanderten wir nach Kanada aus. Es hat auch Bilder von Indien. In 2019 verbrachte ich acht Monate in Indien.Sie werden alle aufregenden Details meines Lebens kennenlernen. Ich hoffe, dass Ihnen dieses Buch soviel Freude bereitet wie mir, als ich es entstehen liess!

  • - Mini Memoir with Rhymes covering 72 years
    av Dorothea Chan

    A Schnitzelbangg are verses with pictures sung during Carnival in restaurants in Basel, Switzerland. I did a similar project with photos of my life which is sort of like a mini memoir. My younger son David took actively part in Carnival in Basel. He played the drums. They make the masks themselves too, . There are old photos from the 1950's. Mountain pictures from Switzerland and photos from Canada, where we moved to in 1997. Also some from India, where I spent most of 2019. You will get to know all the exciting details of my Life! I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed creating it!

  • - Visitation of Lourdes, Fatima, Santiago de CompostelaAvila and Montserrat.
    av Dorothea Chan

    It has always been a deep desire of mine to visit Lourdes at least once in my life time. This wish finally got fulfilled in September 2019. In August I went on a three days tour to La Salette in France. Now I noticed, that the same company offered a tour which included Lourdes, Fatima, Montserrat (someone recommended this place to me) and many other pilgrimage destinations. I immediately booked this tour to finally realize this long-cherished desire!For this reason, I cut my stay in Canada short and took a flight to Switzerland. The tour took place September 2nd until September 13th 2019. Two catholic priests came along with the tour and now and then Holy Mass was celebrated. During the trip we also prayed the rosary sometimes. It was difficult for me as a vegetarian to get my meals. The groups food consisted mainly of carbohydrates and meat. Wine was a must (I don't drink alcohol). Eventually things worked out and I got my vegetables. In each chapter I explained what happened and then added my photos. If you are a Facebook member, you can also watch my videos. When the tour was finished, I stayed for another two weeks in Switzerland and then flew on to India, where I am staying until the end of February 2020.Enjoy the photos, without using your mind too much. This is a meditative book!

  • - 1. - 7. January 2020
    av Dorothea Chan

    When living in Muddenahalli (for eight months in 2019) I made it a habit to travel after Swami, whenever he was on the go.His name is Madhusudan and he used to be a student at one of Sathya Sai Baba's schools. A Russian lady had the same intention as me and she joined me in Colombo. We travelled across Sri Lanka in one day and arrived just in time when Swami arrived! During our trip we came across deer, a peacock that flew away and we saw elephants in the distance. In between we took a break and had lunch at a beautiful lake. Swami came to the Medical Center in Batticaloa. When we arrived, they didn't want to let us in. I thought: This cannot be happening! We travelled all across Sri Lanka especially for this! Finally, we were allowed in anyway. Swami was even so nice and invited all of us, to eat supper with him! He distributed ice cream to each and everyone of us single handedly. Then he invited us to stay in Muddenahalli for Shivarathri! Our hotel was right next to the beach. Each party had their little hut. The next day we took the taxi again and drove to the Medical Center. We visited the place, where the future hospital was to be built. Again, we were allowed to eat lunch there. Later we went to the beach. It was too hot for me. My Russian friend and I were again obsessed to follow Swami the next day, even though it didn't make any sense. Swami already took the helicopter yesterday and flew to Hatton. Despite of this fact we drove to Hatton to the same place Swami had been. In the mean time he had left already. We took photos and were allowed to go inside the house. We stayed in a hotel in Hatton. The next day we visited Kandy. On the way there we came across a tower and drove there. The tower is called Ambuluwawa tower, is 48 meters high and was built in 1588. It is at a height of approximately 1000 meters above sea level. I went up the tower almost to the top. But it got so narrow that it looked dangerous to me and I preferred to go down again. This place is also special for the reason, that it included almost all the religions: Christians, Buddhist, Moslems and Hindus. It is a Multi-Religious Center. Later we visited the Bahirawakanda Buddha Statue. This statue was built in 1972 and is almost 27 meters high. It took 20 years to build it. On January 6th we drove to Bentota and stayed at a hotel right at the beach and it also had a swimming pool. First we spent time at the beach and then visited another buddha statue. The next day we swam at the beach and in the pool. There was another buddha statue for us to visit. My friend stayed longer in Sri Lanka. I drove to the airport. I arrived on time in Muddenahalli for the evening singing. Afterwards I ate supper at the canteen with my German friend. I hope you enjoy the pictures!

  • - 20 Mandalas with the Themes of Peace and Unity to be colored by You!
    av Dorothea Chan

    Since our world needs peace and unity the most at this moment I used these themes for this book. I created mandalas for the three main religions and Sathya Sai Baba. He always said, that all religions are good and the main teachings are the same. He also said: 'Unity is Divinity'.This book contains many beautiful mandalas for coloring: Christmas Mandala, Buddha, Ganesha, peace mandala. I also added my photos. They are from the following of my books: Calgary in my View, Bow Falls and Banff Spring Hotel 2017, Moraine Lake Canada 2017, 150 Years Canada, Lake Louise 2017, Lake Louise + Fairview Lookout 2017, Lake Minnewanka Canada 2017, Calgary Stampede 2017, Calgary Zoo 2017, Heritage Park Calgary 2017, Switzerland April 2017, Giessbachfalls + Schweibenalp Switzerland, Rome + Capri Snapshots.You can find the colored mandalas at the back of the book in case you need to get inspired while coloring! I wish you lots of fun with this book

  • - Some of my Experiences with Sathya Sai Baba from 1988 - 2016!
    av Dorothea Chan

    Sathya Sai Baba came relatively late into my life, when I was already 37 years old! But there must have been a reason for that!I was lucky to be able to travel to India several times and to still experience Swami before He left His bodyMy book 'My Journeys to Swami' contains excerpts from my diaries and therefore more details of my trips.With this book I am hoping to be of help to people who are on the spiritual path. My book 'Swamis Revelations' contains quotes of Sai Baba.I hope that you enjoy this book!

  • - 20 Mandalas to Color!
    av Dorothea Chan

    This is my sixth mandala book and I hope, that you like it!Like the title says it is utopian! I put in angels, Pegasus, unicorns as well as some Indian inspired mandalas!Additionally, I added some photos of my trip to Switzerland in September 2016. The pictures were taken in Basel and the Laufental. As usually I captured beautiful flowers as well as the ferry crossing the Rhine in Basel. I went to the flea market in Basel with my daughter and saw some funny motives there! I wish you a lot of fun while coloring and I hope that you will enjoy this book!

  • - 20 Mandalas to Color!
    av Dorothea Chan

    This is my fifth mandala book. I hope you like it!I included nature photos of my book 'Rocky Mountains 2016' with landscapes, animals and flower images! The mandala 'Naughty Lukas' was inspired by my grandson Lukas. Last time he visited, he hid my cell phone!These are the twenty magical mandalas included in this book: cross with beams, chakras, elephant with flowers, jewels, colorful circles, circles, fish, naughty Lukas, hot air balloons, Indian mandala, Indian flowers, lotus, mosaic cross, field of flowers, pyramids, cross, sea urchins, spider net star, star magic, universe. I wish you lots of fun!

  • - All my Experiences with Sathya Sai Baba since 1988!
    av Dorothea Chan

    Sathya Sai Baba came relatively late into my life, when I was already 37 years old! But there must have been a reason for that!I was lucky to be able to travel to India several times and to still experience Swami before He left His bodyMy book 'My Journeys to Swami' contains excerpts from my diaries and therefore more details of my trips.With this book I am hoping to be of help to people who are on the spiritual path. My book 'Swamis Revelations' contains quotes of Sai Baba.I hope that you enjoy this book!

  • - Funny, tragic and annoying experiences from my childhood and youth!
    av Dorothea Chan

    I look back to my childhood and youth in this book and tell all of you a small part of it.Our family consisted of the parents and two boys and girls. We lived in Switzerland and moved quite often. First we lived in Chur, Graubünden, then in Pfäffikon ZH, after that in Irgenhausen ZH, Staufen AG and in the end we moved to Dittingen BL. This was my father's home village and then it still belonged to the Canton Bern. I was born in Pfäffikon ZH. Many chapters of this book relate to the dares my sister staged!My father painted the title picture! I hope you enjoy reading this book!

  • - 20 Mandalas to Colour for Adults and Children during the Summer Vacation!
    av Dorothea Chan

    I dedicate this book to all the children and adults as a possibility to relax from all their outdoor activities during the summer holidays! I designed mandalas for the spring and summertimes for this book. It has been five years since Sri Sathya Sai Baba left His body on April 24th 2011. I designed a mandala for this occasion. Since a lot of my family members birthdays fall into this time frame I designed a birthday mandala. Also I designed mandalas on the occasion of the national holidays of Canada, USA and Switzerland (1st of August)! In July there is a day where one remembers ones spiritual teacher. I drew the hands of my teacher Sri Sathya Sai Baba, as He held them up to bless everybody! Since summer is a time for travelling I drew the Egypt mandala, mountain world and the summer mandala! I hope you all have fun while colouring!

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