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Bøker av Doug McPhillips

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  • av Doug McPhillips

    This is a blended genre story of the facts and fictitious events surrounding the life of Marco Polo and his friend and confidant Rustichello da Pisa. Marco spent 17 years in the court of Kublai Khan, gaining favour with the Khan and eventually becoming one of his trusted diplomats. After Marco returned to Venice employed in the family merchant business, he got involved in the city's war with Genoa and was imprisoned with Rustichello. It was during their imprisonment Marco told his story to Rustichello of his service to The Khan of Khans in Asia and his many adventures beyond the confines of the known world. Rustichello da Pisa journaled a manuscript entitled "The Travels of Marco Polo." Whilst this story was read far and wide throughout Europe at the time it was nonetheless eclipsed by the stories and talents of the author's life himself, for da Pisa's adventures gained him much notoriety in later life as " A Master of The Arts." Untrue, but the author has made it so. This story is a tale of tragedy, loss of material wealth, courage and determination to succeed in the face of great odds. It tells of adventure, change in direction and philosophy of life which carried him into many fields of endeavour as it had done for his friend Marco Polo. It is fitting that this tale be told of a man of many talents and how he utilised his God-given gifts ultimately in the service of others. If the facts and fiction of the tale had not been told it would be just a whiff of smoke in the scheme of things and a pity beyond the imagining.This tale tells more extensively of fiction of the life of Rustichello's entry into the halls of Philip III, king of France (1270-85) services, in whose reign the power of the monarchy was enlarged and the royal domain extended, though his foreign policy and military ventures. It is a delightful lesson in the importance of perseverance for him to find his rightful place in the world., for it was the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that he was called upon initially to adapt his chameleon talents to the outer world as well as holding in reserve his inner divine commitment. De Pisa proved flexible, discerning in his ability; a juxtaposition of masking his part divinity and at the same time his ability to be a trickster to gain favour with the king. and a position of importance. to reflect his various talents to gain a position of importance for his immediate survival in service.

  • av Doug McPhillips

    This is a story of physical endurance, spiritual aspiration, historical myth and the startling truth that beams a guiding light to the struggles of modern man. It is the story of myth, legends and folklore that the writer uncovers as he walks his third Camino de Santiago, looking back on his first and second pilgrimages.The way of pilgrimage uncovers outward signs and symbols that lead through the myths of the finite world to infinite completeness. The lessons herein set a template for living that, to a great degree, is lacking in our modern hedonistic lifestyle.The story uncovers myths of the Camino, lessons of romantic lust, false belief in medical treatment for mental abnormalities and a desire to fulfil symbolic needs that can only be satisfied through the language of the heart. Whilst tramping his happy path of destiny, the writer happens upon critical clues and evidence that help solve a present-day murder and discovers the third secret of Fatima, which proves to be a catalyst to saving the world from a 21st Century Armageddon.This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a vision for the future, inward spiritual guidance and healing. It is also an engaging read for "Atlas eaters" wishing to learn more about the Camino Way. Bookworms will enjoy this journey as a "good yarn."

  • av Doug McPhillips

    This book is a collection of stories from the author's memory of former 'devil-may-care' days of his wild and wayward youth before he gave up the booze. He recounts the many characters he met during his drinking days and the trouble they and he caused in their efforts to enjoy life to the fullest. The plot is centred in and around the bars of the central business district of Sydney known as The Rocks. The writer describes his early drinking career as a prelude to entering the haunts centred around The Rocks during the 1960s. It is written focusing on the humorous side of his escapades whilst mainly under the weather from the effect of alcohol.

  • av Doug McPhillips

    This book details the influence of Lucifer and his angels of death on the defects of the character of assassins throughout history. Assassinations have had a profound effect on the course of history, and this book reveals the capacity of killers of politicians, civil rights leaders and other movers and shakers of world affairs to cause chaos and wars; the author delves into the lives of great men, the services they provide to humanity and the dysfunctional behaviour of those against them who ultimately plot and murder for their cause or misguided belief. Each chapter has essays that include a gripping account of the assassination, its political context and consequences, and a biographical profile of both the victim and the killer. It covers the method and motivations behind each killing, from multiple stabbings to close-range shootings, to suicide bombings, aerial attacks with poisons, from catastrophic overthrows to religious fanatics to propaganda that encourage assassins to do the deed. This book offers dramatic and perceptive views on the history of assassinations from the first recorded biblical account to the latest in this 21st century.

  • av Doug McPhillips

    This little story that follows unlocks the meaning, mystery and relevance. of myth, sacrifice and suffering. It is an introduction to guiding oneself into the ultimate purpose of living in this world but not of it. It led this author to the life on earth of one man who understood all of the legends and myths before and after his allotted time while he walked this earthly plain, and it uncovers his message of salvation as it applies to today. It is a little guidebook to enlightenment about the chosen spirit. I call it " The spiritual truth of The One." Now, read on.

  • av Doug McPhillips

    King O'Malley- legends and mystery surrounds his name and are unravelled in this account of his life. Was he born in Canada or America, and did he pioneer the Waterlily Rockbound Church in frontier America, then live in a cave in Queensland for two years, being nursed back to health by an Aboriginal?He was a born raconteur whose political career was super insurance salesman, land dealer, and gold speculator whose Irish charm and 'spread eagle ' rhetoric carried him first into State politics and then into the Federal parliament where He became Minister for Home Affairs, was instrumental in founding the Commonwealth Bank, overseeing the completion of the transcontinental railway, and establishing Canberra as the federal capital. Aided by his style, he continued to be characterised by wild proposals, strong reformist policies and fervent business know-how. A fanatically Australian foreigner, a socialist with capitalist personal values, he outlived his political colleagues, enemies, and critics of the press to become Australia's most colourful politician.

  • av Doug McPhillips

    The writer dissects the Creed prayer of Catholicism to explain the doctrine of the essential and fundamental Catholic belief regarding faith and morals and the seven sacraments. It is an exploitation of a Mission statement to serve as an instrument in teaching in laymen's language post-Vatican 11 Canon Law for those interested in Godly purpose. It is for Christian believers and non-believers seeking guidance for spiritual well-being in daily living according to certain principles. The process of this book dissects the Catechism of the Catholic Church using the Apostle's Creed as the template to base the writer's findings on. As any renegade Catholic may do, the book leads to a personal mission statement of a new creed of belief for the writer. Embracing the findings of this book may well result in you, the reader writing your own Credo for spiritual growth too.

  • av Doug McPhillips

    The first step of anything is the beginning. It's exciting because it's the first day of a new life. This is where the awakening and healing started. This little guidebook is from the random thoughts of one who lived by the rules of denying what God had destined for him in preference to living in accord with the laws of what the world had to offer. To get to the top of the heap, it taught him dishonesty, a belief in the material at the expense of the spiritual essence of his soul purpose, self-destructive addictive behaviour in his acceptance of an artificial egocentric half-life, for in his searching for happiness lost his way, his integrity, his humility, and lack of willingness to put others before himself. In belief in service, in giving an account of his stewardship, it was always about his recognition. Then comes the getting of wisdom after a lifetime of a fall from grace. Then came the recognition of powerlessness over all that he had become. The recognition that he had for so long had his ladder planted firmly against the wrong wall. He had striven for money and fame, for glory, for self-satisfaction, only to find that it was all empty. So in the unfamiliar state of getting spiritual wisdom, life seems daunting at the new start, but fortunately, like all on an inward journey, it becomes easy with one step at a time. He began admitting he was powerless over his addictions, people, places and things. He developed faith in a Power Greater than self in a new awakening. He ultimately handed over his all to that power with faith and total surrender. He had to learn discernment in the light of day and not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Instead, he learnt to clothe himself in the grace bestowed by his God and not the need to gratify the desires of the flesh.This is the story of one man's transition from fumbling in the darkness of his base nature to embracing the spiritual waters of life in newfound freedom. Now in his dotage, random thoughts come from time to time in reflection. It is these that he ponders and writes for the benefit of you, the reader and his other well-being. So it is that he goes back to the very beginning. Now read on.

  • av Doug McPhillips

    This story is of one man's application to living Karma and Grace according to his interpretation. It comes from living experiences of decades of streams of consciousness for better living in the now, irrespective of circumstance.

  • av Doug McPhillips

    It tells of each character's lifestyle and united bent as wild men of Australia's west who set upon a plan to rob the Sugar and Tea Express. How the plan manifested and what drove them to an apparent reckless course in gaining the never-to-be-found robbery reward is a colourful story herein. The story tells of the life they all led before and after the robbery, but in life gaining wealth by devious means always seems to ultimately bring later regrets. Well at least for read on.

  • av Doug McPhillips

    The Wicklow Way and other Irishman's tales was an afterthought. For it came at the finish of his Camino on the final kilometre to waht is known historically as " the end of the earth." High on the hill a faded mural on an old ruin stands.It is that of a Spaniard dressed in traditional garb standing proudly playing the Irish playing the Irish Uillean pipes. It was enough to raise the irish blood and curiosity of the Pilgrim.And so it came to pas that he made his way to Ireland and to a new adventure in the land of his ancestors. Now real on.

  • - In the shadow of James K Baxter
    av Doug McPhillips

    James K Baxter was arguably New Zealand''s foremost creative poet, writer and playwright of the 20th century. It did not take me long to delve into the man''s poetic genius and complexities of character that he once was. Baxter was the man of many talents who had been a gloomy youth of dysfunctional behaviour, a sex maniac, academic drop-out, odd jobs man, teacher of young children, once divorced, an uncontrollable alcoholic who ultimately became a most gifted counsellor of alcoholics, drug addicts, founder and pioneer of a community for lost souls of the street and seekers of a new wave of communal life that lingers to this very day. Baxter was a searcher of perception, an extreme pacifist with an eye towards truth and personal distinction, religiosity, and death. My own life seemed to parallel his in so many ways. So it was after a great deal of soul searching of his life that I concluded to use his life experience to draw a template to write my own life''s experience in his shadow. James K Baxter died in 1972. He was only forty-six years old. When he died the whole country mourned. And whilst his spiritual essence still lingers over the Maori community at Jerusalem, his bones have long since turned to ahses. It is hoped that this little story gives you the reader insight into eternal life as it did for James K Baxter. As for me in my dotage, it further enhances my reason for being, as I tramp in the valley of the shadow of death always in search of the light.

  • av Doug McPhillips

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