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Bøker av Elaine Hopkins

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  • av Elaine Hopkins & Ruth Hopkins Lopes

    David loved his big brother Jake. When Jake left to join the military, David looked forward to the day that his brother would return home. One day, 2 military officers came to their house to tell his family that Jake had been killed in an explosion in the war zone. David was very sad. His grandmother, best friend, Malik, Mr. Louis, and the kids of the neighborhood, heard the news, and wanted to help David get through it all. This book is in essence of the ministry of Little Hometown Soldiers, a non profit children's organization of kids 5-12 years, that reach out to kids whose parents are away at war. These children feel very honored to learn at an early age the preciousness in association with sharing. They also do shows for Veteran's Hospitals and Veteran's Nursing Homes in appreciation for veterans that have put themselves in harm's way to help maintain a strong, and safe environment for them to grow.

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