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  • av Europa Publications
    21 432,-

  • av Europa Publications
    14 830,-

    This fully revised directory of international foundations, trusts, charitable and grantmaking NGOs and other similar non-profit institutions provides a comprehensive picture of foundation activity on a worldwide scale. Now in its 33rd edition, The Europa International Foundation Directory includes: Information on some 2,700 organizations, organized by country or territory, including details of funding priorities and projects, geographical area of activity, principal staff and contact details Details of co-ordinating bodies and centres that assist foundations, grantmaking organizations and other NGOs Bibliography Comprehensive index section This new edition has been revised and expanded to include the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on this growing sector.

  • av Europa Publications
    13 599

    The Europa Directory of International Organizations 2024 serves as an unequalled one-volume guide to the contemporary international system.Within a clear, unique framework the recent activities of all major international organizations are described in detail. Given alongside extensive background information the reader is able to assess the role and evolving functions of these organizations in today's world.The contact details, key personnel and activities of more than 2,000 international and regional entities have again been thoroughly researched and updated for this 25th edition.Highlights in this edition include: - a fully revised Who's Who section with biographical details of the key players in the international system.- the response of the international community to crises and conflicts throughout the world.- specially-commissioned introductory essays cover topics including global environmental governance, transboundary water management, and multilateral governance and global action on health.

  • av Europa Publications
    17 291,-

    The most influential and distinguished women throughout the world are brought together in this unique single-volume publication. Listing more than 7,500 entries from a variety of backgrounds, this new tenth edition reflects the significant role of women in modern society. A one-stop research tool making reference quick and easy, recognizing established personalities as well as women who are rising to prominence. To ensure accuracy, the entrants themselves validate information wherever possible.Each entry provides comprehensive biographical details, including, where available, Key Features: - each entry includes: name, titles, nationality, profession, date and place of birth, personal details, education, career history, honours, awards and prizes, publications, artistic achievements, leisure interests, and contact details, including address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and website addresses.where available - comprehensive biographies of women from all occupational fields are included: politics, finance, business, academia, science, literature, the media, fashion, the arts, medicine, sports and many more.

  • av Europa Publications
    23 033,-

    The definitive one-volume guide to all sub-Saharan African countries, providing invaluable economic, political, statistical and directory data. General SurveyThoroughly revised and updated analytical articles written by experts on the region and covering both continent-wide and sub-regional issues. Country SurveysIndividual chapters on every country incorporating: essays on the physical and social geography, recent history and economies an extensive statistical survey of economic indicators a full directory containing names, addresses and contact details for key areas such as the government, diplomatic representation, the media, finance, trade and industry, and defence a useful bibliography, providing sources for further research. Regional InformationDetailed information on regional organizations; commodities; research institutes; and select bibliographies of books and periodicals.

  • av Europa Publications
    23 033,-

    The definitive survey of the countries and territories of Western Europe, comprising expert analysis and commentary, up-to-date economic and socio-political data and extensive directory information.General SurveyEssays by leading experts on the area cover issues of regional importance.Country SurveysIndividual chapters on each country, comprising: an introductory survey, containing essays on the geography, history and economy of each country, including a chronology and extensive statistical survey of economic and demographic indicators, including area and population, health and welfare, agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, industry, finance, trade, transport, tourism, communications media and education.a comprehensive directory of names and contact details covering the most significant political and commercial institutions.Regional Informationa directory of research institutes specializing in the regionbibliographies of books and periodicals covering the region

  • av Europa Publications
    23 047,-

    Exhaustively researched and updated, South Asia 2024 is an in-depth library of information on the countries and territories of this vast world region.General SurveyEssays by specialists examine issues of regional importance.Country SurveysIndividual chapters on each country, containing: - essays on the geography, recent history and economy of each nation- up-to-date statistical surveys of economic and social indicators- a comprehensive directory providing contact details and other useful information for the most significant political and commercial institutions.In addition, there are separate sections covering each of the states and territories of India.Regional Information- detailed coverage of international organizations and their recent activities in South Asia- information on research institutes engaged in the study of the region- a survey of the major commodities of South Asia- bibliographies of relevant books and periodicals.Additional features- biographical profiles of around 270 prominent individuals in the region.

  • av Europa Publications
    23 033,-

    A unique combination of the latest data on, and detailed analysis of, a vast region. Scrupulously revised and updated, this definitive survey of the countries and territories of South America, Central America and the Caribbean combines expert analysis and commentary, up-to-date economic and socio-political data and extensive directory information.General SurveyEssays by leading experts on the area cover issues of regional importance, including the rise of the so-called `pink tide' in Latin American politics; moves towards republicanism and growing calls for reparations in the Caribbean; the cultural and political relevance of religion in Latin America; relations between Mexico and the USA in the context of the US opioids epidemic; popular protests in Latin America; developments in the People's Republic of China's Belt and Road Initiative in the Caribbean and Latin America; and different approaches to transitional justice in several Latin American countries. This in-depth analysis is complemented by extensive coverage of the activities of international organizations operating in South America, Central America and the Caribbean, together with background information on the major commodities of the region. Also included are detailed listings of research institutes studying South America, Central America and the Caribbean, and comprehensive bibliographies of books and periodicals relevant to the region.Country SurveysIndividual chapters on each country, comprising: a geographical overview and map, an essay on the history and the economy; an extensive statistical survey of economic and demographic indicators, including area and population, health and welfare, agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, industry, finance, trade, transport, tourism, communications media and education; a directory of names, addresses and further key information on the constitution, government, election commissions, political organizations, diplomatic representation, judicial system, religion, the media, finance, trade and industry, transport, tourism, defence and education. A bibliography is also provided for further research.Regional Informationfull details of the main regional organizations active within Latin America and the Caribbean. A separate section is included on major commodities of the area. Also included is a directory of research institutes specializing in the region, and bibliographies of books and periodicals covering the region.

  • av Europa Publications
    14 420,-

    This fully revised directory of international foundations, trusts, charitable and grantmaking NGOs and other similar non-profit institutions provides a comprehensive picture of foundation activity on a worldwide scale. Now in its 32nd edition, The Europa International Foundation Directory includes: Information on some 2,700 organizations, organized by country or territory, including details of funding priorities and projects, geographical area of activity, principal staff and contact details Details of co-ordinating bodies and centres that assist foundations, grantmaking organizations and other NGOs Bibliography Comprehensive index section This new edition has been revised and expanded to include the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on this growing sector.

  • av Europa Publications
    23 033,-

    Thoroughly updated, this extensive reference source provides in-depth information on all matters relating to the European Union (EU): EU energy policy in the context of the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine is covered in depth, as is the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on EU policy; EU citizenship after Brexit is discussed, together with EU migration policy and the EU's social framework; EU-Africa relations are reviewed, and current issues in overall foreign policy and security are addressed.Key Features: an up-to-date chronology of the EU from 1947 to present an A-Z section contains definitions and explanations of organizations, acronyms and terms, and articles on each member state. Comprising some 1,000 entries, terms listed include: Brexit; the European Institute for Gender Equality; Next Generation EU; REPowerEU; and Team Europe articles written by experts on the EU provide an overview of its policies and activities a directory of principal names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail and internet addresses of all major European Union institutions and their official bodies. This information is supplemented by summaries of important treaties, and details of EU-level trade and professional associations. Users will also find details of MEPs and the political groups and national parties contributing to the European Parliament a statistical survey gives tables covering: population, employment, agriculture, energy and mining, industry, the environment, finance, trade, transport and communications, tourism, health and welfare, and education across the EU This title will prove valuable to academic and public libraries, politicians and government agencies and the media, as well as to all those in need of accurate and reliable information on the European Union.

  • av Europa Publications
    23 033,-

    Now in its seventieth edition, this title continues to provide the most up-to-date geopolitical and economic information for this important world area.Key Features: - covers the Middle East and North Africa from Algeria to Yemen- includes topical contributions from acknowledged experts on regional affairs- accurately and impartially records the latest political and economic developments- provides comprehensive data on all major organizations active in the countries of the region.General Survey- introductory essays cover a wide range of topics relating to the region as a whole.Country SurveysIndividual chapters on each country incorporating: - essays on the physical and social geography, recent history and economy- an extensive statistical survey of economic and social indicators, which include area and population, health and welfare, agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, industry, finance, trade, transport, tourism, communications media and education- a full directory with names, addresses and contact details covering the constitution, government, legislature, political organizations, election commissions, diplomatic representation, judiciary, religious groups, the media, finance, trade and industry (including petroleum and natural gas), tourism, defence and education- a country-specific bibliography, providing suggestions for further research.Regional Information- includes all major international organizations active in the Middle East and North Africa; research institutes specializing in the region; and select bibliographies of books and periodicals.

  • av Europa Publications
    23 033,-

    Europa's comprehensive survey of Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia.General SurveyLeading authorities on the region analyze topics of regional importance.Country SurveysChapters on each country, containing: - essays on its recent history and economy, and a chronology of events- an extensive statistical survey of economic indicators- a comprehensive directory of the most significant political, commercial and cultural institutions- a bibliography of books concerned with the country's history, politics and economy- detailed coverage of the self-proclaimed secessionist territories of the region, including, for the first time, chronologies of events.Who's Who in Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia- biographical information on more than 150 leading political figures in the regionRegional Information- a directory of major international organizations and research institutes concerned with the region- select bibliographies of books and periodicals.

  • av Europa Publications
    23 047,-

    A comprehensive survey of the countries and territories of this region, incorporating the latest economic and political developments.General SurveyEssays by acknowledged experts in the region cover a variety of topical issues.In addition, appendices discuss the religions of the region and the Russian Baltic territory of Kaliningrad.Country SurveysIndividual chapters for each country, containing: - information on physical and social geography- a detailed chronology of political events, both recent and historical- essays on each country's political history and economy- a statistical survey- an extensive directory of contact details for political, state and commercial institutions and organizations in the region (covering national and local government, political organizations, diplomatic representation, the judicial system, religion, the media, finance, telecommunications and broadcasting, major companies, transport, tourism, culture, social welfare, the environment, defence, education and more)- and a select bibliography.Who's Who in Central and South-Eastern EuropeBiographical details for more than 200 of the region's leading political figures.Regional InformationContact information and extensive details of the activities of regional and international organizations active in the region; a list of research institutes that focus on the region, together with contact details; and select bibliographies of both books and periodicals.

  • av Europa Publications
    22 252,-

  • av Europa Publications
    9 127,-

    One of the world's foremost reference sources, renowned for reliable, up-to-date information.

  • av Europa Publications
    7 447

    A guide to the talented and distinguished women in the world. Listing over 6,000 entries from a variety of backgrounds, this fourth edition reflects the role of women in modern society. It is a research tool with indexing, recognizing established personalities.

  • av Europa Publications
    8 354,-

    Covering issues of regional importance including: the faces of the Left in Latin America; gender development in Latin America; environmental issues in Latin America and the Caribbean; judicial politics in Latin America; the emergence of the people's republic of china in Latin America: and trade, investment and development.

  • av Europa Publications
    2 361

    Presents a distinctive collection of political, geographical and economic information on the 89 constituent units of the Russian Federation.

  • av Europa Publications
    7 897

    An invaluable directory and reference resource covering over 30,000 academic institutions and 200,000 staff and officials. Includes universities and colleges as well as details on international cultural, scientific and educational organizations

  • av Europa Publications
    5 806

    Over 5,500 detailed biographies of the most eminent, talented and distinguished women in the world today.

  • av Europa Publications
    4 295

    A unique source of social and economic information on this increasingly important region.

  • av Europa Publications
    5 171,-

    An invaluable reference guide to a region that is at the forefront of world political and economic affairs.

  • av Europa Publications
    3 659

    An extensive and unequalled one-volume guide to international organizations

  • av Europa Publications
    7 478,-

    Provides essential statistical and directory material on these vast North American nations and the issues surrounding it

  • av Europa Publications
    5 902,-

    Charts the emerging world awareness of environmental issues. Provides an A-Z glossary of key terms, a comprehensive directory, an extensive bibliography, detailed maps and a Who's Who.

  • av Europa Publications
    15 280,-

    A comprehensive directory and guide to organizations and institutions throughout the sphere of higher education, research and learning. Profiles some 33,000 academic institutions and over 246,000 staff and officials.

  • av Europa Publications
    7 956

  • av Europa Publications
    10 358,-

  • av Europa Publications
    18 971,-

  • av Europa Publications
    3 221

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