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  • av Saniye Dedeoglu, Ibrahim Sirkeci, Fethiye Tilbe, m.fl.
    287 - 773,-

  • - Case studies from Around the World
    av Fethiye Tilbe

  • av Fethiye Tilbe & Yusuf Topaloglu

  • av Ibrahim Sirkeci, Fethiye Tilbe & Mehtap Erdogan

    The Migration Conference 2017 hosted by Harokopio University, Athens from 23 to 26 August. The 5th conference in our series, the 2017 Conference was probably the largest scholarly gathering on migration with a global scope. Human mobility, border management, integration and security, diversity and minorities as well as spatial patterns, identity and economic implications have dominated the public agenda and gave an extra impetus for the study of movers and non-movers over the last decade or so. Throughout the program of the Migration Conference you will find various key thematic areas are covered in about 400 presentations by about 400 colleagues coming from all around the world from Australia to Canada, China to Mexico, South Africa to Finland. We are also proud to bring you opportunities to meet with some of the leading scholars in the field. Our line of keynote speakers include Saskia Sassen, Oded Stark, Giuseppe Sciortino, Neli Esipova, and Yüksel Pazarkaya.

  • av P&#305, nar Yazgan & Fethiye Tilbe

    Viyana'daki 4. Türk Göç Konferans¿nda titiz bir hakem sürecinin ard¿ndan 72 oturum 2 workshoptan olu¿an bir konferans program¿ olu¿turulmu¿tur. 350 sözlü sunum 400 yazar taraf¿ndan dünyan¿n çe¿itli ülkelerden kat¿l¿mla gerçekle¿tirilmi¿tir. 4. Türk Göç Konferans¿nda sunulan seçme bildiri metinlerinin bir k¿sm¿ revize edilerek ve geni¿letilerek çe¿itli ulusal ve uluslararas¿ dergi ve kitaplarda yay¿nland¿. Bu derlemede sizlere konferansta sunulan bildirilerden bir seçki daha sunuyoruz. Bu bildiri derlemesi göç alan¿nda temel alanlar çerçevesinde dört bölümden olu¿maktad¿r. ¿lk bölüm de Göç, Ekonomi ve Sosyal Politika, ikinci bölümde Göç, Kimlik Ve Diaspora, üçüncü bölümde Kentle¿me, Siyaset ve Göç Politikalar¿ ve dördüncü bölüm ise Tarih, Sanat ve Göç bäl¿¿¿ alt¿nda çe¿itli çal¿¿malar yeralmaktad¿r. Umuyoruz ki bu çal¿¿malar da Türkçe göç yaz¿n¿n¿n geli¿mesine mütevazi bir katk¿ olacakt¿r.

  • av Ibrahim Sirkeci, Anett Condick-Brough & Fethiye Tilbe

    The Turkish Migration Conference 2016 is the fourth event in this series, we are proud to organise and host at the University of Vienna, Austria. Perhaps given the growing number of participants and variety in scope of research and debates included at the Conference, it is now an established quality venue fostering scholarship in Turkish Migration Studies. Over the last five years, we have seen over 1000 abstracts submitted to the conference and year on year the number of accepted presentations grew. This year, the conference accommodates over 350 presentations by hundreds of academics from all around the World. The Migration Conference attracting such a healthy number of academics is a good indicator of the success and means the conference serving its purpose and offer a good opportunity for scholarly exchange and networking. Main speakers include Jeffrey Cohen, Ibrahim Sirkeci, Philip Martin, Gudrun Biffl, Karen Phalet, Samim Akgönül, and Katharine Sarikakis.

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