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Bøker av Frederick Dodson

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  • av Frederick Dodson

    This book presents dozens of wonderful treatments and refreshing experiences you can try for yourself. You will learn about hydropathy and water-cures, electropathy or the healing with electrical currents and sound frequencies, at one time popular and effective treatments. The book also shares the untold story of how traditional healing methods got renamed "alternative medicine" while taking drugs got renamed "modern medicine". You will learn how and why Big Pharma suppressed the healing methods of our ancestors and why housands of hot springs disappeared across the United States and what exactly created the obesity crisis, the cancer crisis and and how it relates to foods and drugs. Finally, this book inspires you with a vision of how a wholesome hospital could look and feel, what the Spa of the future could be and how we can and will reclaim our healthcare.

  • - An investigation of the alien-reptilian presence on Earth
    av Frederick Dodson

    Because of personal experiences and spiritual realization, the author embarks on a quest to find out whether there is an anti-human or alien reptilian presence on, above or under Earth seeking to harvest human beings as energy, food, slave labor, for sex and other purposes. Among the many "forbidden" subjects covered in this book: The disappearance of "reptilian" researchers, the "human meat" conspiracy, missing children, propaganda and brainwashing techniques, how to spot and remove psychopaths from organizations, astral and dreamscape manipulation and many other things too controversial for mainstream "conspiracy" literature. Unlike other books of the genre, the author also presents methods to counter, combat and transcend nefarious agendas so that we can work together to take back our planet and restore freedom, peace and prosperity for all.

  • - Despierta tu capacidad innata
    av Frederick Dodson

    La capacidad de sanar a otros es innata a todo ser humano. No es algo para lo que necesites formarte, estudiar o certificarte. Ha sido utilizada instintivamente por madres, veterinarios, soldados que atienden a los heridos, pastores religiosos, curanderos energéticos y muchos otros a lo largo de los siglos. Este libro describe la curación mediante la imposición de manos, la oración, la energía de la atención y las órdenes en el nombre del Altísimo. Ha sido empleado con éxito por el autor a lo largo de 35 años de trabajo de Coaching. Con estas sencillas herramientas puedes curar a cualquier persona, incluido tú mismo.

  • av Frederick Dodson

    Because of personal experiences and spiritual realization, the author embarks on a quest to find out whether there is an anti-human or alien reptilian presence on, above or under Earth seeking to harvest human beings as energy, food, slave labor, for sex and other purposes. Among the many "forbidden" subjects covered in this book: The disappearance of "reptilian" researchers, the "human meat" conspiracy, missing children, propaganda and brainwashing techniques, how to spot and remove psychopaths from organizations, astral and dreamscape manipulation and many other things too controversial for mainstream "conspiracy" literature. Unlike other books of the genre, the author also presents methods to counter, combat and transcend nefarious agendas so that we can work together to take back our planet and restore freedom, peace and prosperity for all.

  • av Frederick Dodson

    The History you have been taught in school is false. It is not just a little false due to human error or bias, it's completely fabricated. This unique book presents the results of meticulous research into some of our mysterious "History". It examines buried cities in deserts, evidence of Giants as recent as the 1800s, the reality of subterranean civilizations, the Domed Earth, ancient energy lines and grids, the fake timelines of America and Africa and much more. This is a collection of articles published on between 2020 and 2022.

  • av Frederick Dodson

    This book examines humans and other living beings as electromagnetic fields of energy. Learn about electromagnetic healing, the spine as an antenna, the subconscious manipulation of group-energy-fields and mass indoctrination, the electromagnetic causes of violence, human magnetoreception, street-lamp-interference and other paranormal phenomena, the memory of water, cities and landscapes as closed and open energy circuits, recharging yourself and many other arcane and fascinating topics unknown to most people.

  • av Frederick Dodson

    Surgida de la física y presentada en la ciencia ficción, la "Teoría de los mundos paralelos" es una revisión trascendental de nuestra comprensión de la realidad. Dice, simplemente, que todo lo que puede pasar, está pasando. Los universos se ramifican y ramifican en el tiempo, uno para cada posibilidad alternativa. Mucho más que un ejercicio intelectual, el principio de los universos paralelos se puede aplicar en nuestra realidad personal y en la vida cotidiana. Puedes "crear" tu realidad convirtiéndote en la versión de ti mismo del mundo paralelo para quien la experiencia que deseas ya es real. Esta es tu hoja de ruta, tu guía, hacia los Universos Paralelos del Ser.

  • av Frederick Dodson

    This book examines humans and other living beings as electromagnetic fields of energy. Learn about electromagnetic healing, the spine as an antenna, the subconscious manipulation of group-energy-fields and mass indoctrination, the electromagnetic causes of violence, human magnetoreception, street-lamp-interference and other paranormal phenomena, the memory of water, cities and landscapes as closed and open energy circuits, recharging yourself and many other arcane and fascinating topics unknown to most people.

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

  • av Frederick Dodson

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