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Bøker av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

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  • - Ação e Romance
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

    Conseguiram dar um espaço político a uma realidade profunda dos povos marginalizados do planeta. Tornaram visível que a humanidade esquecida e secularmente excluída, de negros, indígenas, amarelos, brancos e, camponeses relegados para os arredores da sociedade cujos espaços vivos constroem um cinto de pobreza, esquecimentoe atraçãoou nas nossas fronteiras marinhas e selvagens, "os filhos de ninguém". Pensavam em termos de uma nação e de um grande continente.Eram Tiberio Palio e Karina Ogerru, uma mulher bonita, mas muito dinâmica e esclarecida, que sabia encher os seus sentimentos de amor, servir o povo e lutar pela sua coexistência, desenvolvimento e bem-estar social.

  • - Novela de Acción y Romance
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

    Lograron darle un espacio político a una realidad profunda de los pueblos marginados del planeta. He hicieron visible esa humanidad olvidada y secularmente excluida, de negros, indígenas, amarillos, blancos y, campesinos relegados a los extramuros de la sociedad cuyos espacios de vida construyen un cinturón de pobreza, olvido y atraso en nuestras fronteras marinas y selváticas, "los hijos de nadie". Pensaron en términos de nación y de un continente grande.Fueron ellos Tiberio Palio y Karina Ogerru, hermosa, pero muy dinámica e ilustrada mujer, que supo llenar sus sentimientos de amor, para servir al pueblo y luchar por su convivencia, desarrollo y, bienestar social.

  • - Romances de Ação E Romance
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

    Com o maior sigilo, nunca imaginado na história do combate ao crime e do submundo organizado, um ataque tão perfeito e bem coordenado havia sido realizado, não deixando dúvidas da capacidade técnica e logística daqueles que o planejaram. Todos na equipe foram méritos de pendurar seus louros.

  • - Action and romance novels
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

    With the utmost secrecy, never imagined in the history of the fight against the organized underworld, such a perfect and well coordinated incursion had been carried out, Which left no doubt of technical and logistical capacity of those who planned it. Everyone in the team was mertoria to hang their laurels.

  • - Action and Romance Novel
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

    They managed to give a political space to a profound reality of the marginalized peoples of the planet. I have made visible that forgotten and secularly excluded humanity, of blacks, indigenous, yellows, whites and, peasants relegated to the outside walls of society whose living spaces build a belt of poverty, oblivion and backwardness in our marine and jungle borders, "the children of no one". They thought in terms of a nation and a large continent.They were Tiberio Palio and Karina Ogerru, beautiful, but very dynamic and enlightened woman, who knew how to fill their feelings with love, to serve the people and fight for their coexistence, development and social welfare.

  • av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

    He needed a word, which would allow a person to come into contact with another human being immediately with knowledge of his intellect. As a result of this quest, the word "infinite" was born that denotes the "thought of a thought". If we look carefully, we can detect the appearance of a social strip that did not exist before and, it is the people who reach the age of fifty and pass the eighties. This group belongs to a generation of the new youth, who have cast out the word "Age" out of the language, because it simply does not have in its plans the possibility of doing so.

  • av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - With the reasonable understanding of human beings and the environment, we can achieve a great motivation to live better.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Com uma compreensao razoavel dos seres humanos e do ambiente podemos alcancar uma excelente motivacao para viver melhor.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Romances de Acao E Romance
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Novela de accion y romance
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Planta Integral para o processo de Residuos Domestica, Comerciais, Industriais, Toxicos, Patologicos e Hospitalares.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Metodologia de Direccion, instrumentos y estrategias de programacion y planeacion en la creacion del cultivo agroindustrial.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Planta Integral para el proceso de los Residuos Domesticos, Comerciales, Industriales, Toxicos, Patologicos y Hospitalarios
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre
    1 482,-

    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre
    1 288,-

  • - Industrial Treatament of the Urban, Commercial, Industrial, Toxic, Pathological and Hospital Solid Waste.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Integral treatment of urban solid waste. Integral Plant for the industrial process of the domestic, comercial and industrial solid waste.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Planta integral para el tratamiento industrial de los residuos domesticos, comerciales, industriales, toxicos, patologicos y hospitalarios.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Action and romance novels.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Action novel for Honor.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Novelas de Accion y Romance
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Novela de accion por Honor.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Con el entendimiento razonable de los seres humanos y del entorno podemos alcanzar una excelente motivacion para vivir mejor.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

    Al reconocernos podemos interactuar mejor con nuestros semejantes. La mente es la ley creadora de la vida y podemos disponerla para gravitar hacia las personas y lugares en forma agradable. El poder mágico de la imaginación creadora puede influenciar el entorno para que podamos vivir la existencia con tolerancia, explotando los valores éticos y morales al ser partícipes de crear una sociedad con disciplina espiritual.

  • - Novela de Accion y Romance
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Adocante Natural Para Conservar Uma Vida Saudavel.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Understanding, Love, Tolerance.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Entendimiento, amor, tolerancia.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - Basic treaty for the management of cultivation, maintenance, harvest and industrial process of Stevia
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

  • - We deserve what dream. Our intellect we strive to archive this.
    av Gabriel Jaime Avendaño Aguirre

    The singular live is one of the fields of knowledge of being besieged by argument that may not refuse by being raised by the nature of the reason. In life for the understanding of the pure reason, reason requires the totality of the conditions, and there is no another way to get the unconditional findings appears to be a contradiction say that to have the totality of the conditions we need something is not subject to any condition; a contradiction that does not exist, because the number of conditions is itself unconditioned.

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