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Bøker av Gabrielle Lore

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  • av Gabrielle Lore

    In "The Tearing in Time," Evlyn embarks on an extraordinary journey through the ages, guided by the elusive Myrddin. From the royal courts of the past to epic battlefields, each step through time reveals buried secrets. As her heart opens to an unexpected love, the arrival of Arthur disrupts everything, creating a whirlwind of emotions and revelations. In this quest to find herself, Evlyn must unravel the mysteries of her identity and the destiny that awaits her. Amid intense feelings and heart-wrenching dilemmas, she must choose her path in this temporal epic that will forever alter her life.

  • av Gabrielle Lore

    Dans les ténèbres de "Murmure du Saule", Alanna porte les cicatrices d'une nuit tragique qui la hantent depuis 15 ans. En prison, la vengeance était son unique bouée de sauvetage, une lueur dans l'obscurité. Pourtant, à sa libération, une tempête d'émotions inattendue la submerge, réveillant les démons du passé.Au coeur de ce tourbillon, elle retrouve Noah, son ami d'enfance, et l'amour renaît de manière mystérieuse. Mais les secrets enfouis, la vengeance et les sombres mystères familiaux menacent de tout effondrer. Alanna erre sur le fil du destin, entre la rédemption, la transformation et la possibilité d'une nouvelle vie après des décennies de tourments.L'odyssée d'Alanna est une descente dans les abysses de la vengeance implacable, une métamorphose énigmatique, une exploration de l'amour transcendant les frontières de la vie et de la mort. Dans "Murmure du Saule", des mystères insaisissables et des révélations poignantes vous emporteront dans un tourbillon d'émotions, jusqu'à la dernière page, où les secrets les plus sombres finissent par éclater au grand jour.

  • av Gabrielle Lore

    In the darkness of 'Willow Whisper, ' Alanna bears the scars of a tragic night haunting her for 15 years. In prison, vengeance was her sole lifeline, a glimmer in the darkness. Yet, upon her release, an unexpected tempest of emotions engulfs her, awakening the demons of the past.At the heart of this whirlwind, she reunites with Noah, her childhood friend, and love is rekindled in a mysterious way. But buried secrets, vengeance, and the dark family mysteries threaten to crumble everything. Alanna teeters on the edge of destiny, between redemption, transformation, and the possibility of a new life after decades of torment.Alanna's odyssey is a descent into the abyss of relentless vengeance, an enigmatic metamorphosis, an exploration of love transcending the boundaries of life and death. In 'Willow Whisper, ' elusive mysteries and poignant revelations will sweep you into a whirlwind of emotions, right up to the last page, where the darkest secrets finally come to light.

  • av Gabrielle Lore

    Dans "Le Déchirement du Temps", Evlyn embarque pour un périple extraordinaire à travers les âges, guidée par l'insaisissable Myrddin. Des cours royales du passé aux champs de bataille épiques, chaque pas dans le temps dévoile des secrets enfouis. Alors que son coeur s'ouvre à un amour inattendu, l'arrivée d'Arthur perturbe tout, créant un tourbillon d'émotions et de révélations. Dans cette quête pour se trouver elle-même, Evlyn doit démêler les mystères de son identité et du destin qui l'attend. Entre sentiments intenses et dilemmes déchirants, elle devra choisir sa voie dans cette épopée temporelle qui bouleversera sa vie à jamais.

  • - You
    av Gabrielle Lore

    In the enchanting atmosphere of "The Mortal Gift," Chris and Ally set off on their honeymoon in Europe, bathed in the radiance of their blossoming love. However, darkness creeps in, plunging their idyllic escapade into a terrifying nightmare. Through heart-wrenching trials, submerged memories resurface, revealing a troubling past and unsuspected connections. Lives are lost in their wake, while an impossible love haunts them, shaking their mutual trust. Ally, torn between reality and destiny, must delve into the depths of her soul to uncover her true identity, a key that could seal the fate of multiple worlds. Faced with crucial choices, the strength of her heart will be severely tested. Embark on this thrilling odyssey where mystery intertwines with the deepest emotion. Each page unveils an enchanting ballet between good and evil, love and loss, revelation and redemption.The stakes rise to dizzying heights, providing a literary experience that takes your breath away, where the reader's heart resonates in harmony with Ally's. Immerse yourself in this symphony of adventure and passion, where the power of human will confronts unsuspected universes, leaving an indelible mark on the soul of the reader eager for intense sensations.

  • - Les Ephemeres Eternels
    av Gabrielle Lore

  • - Legacy
    av Gabrielle Lore

  • - Legitime
    av Gabrielle Lore

  • av Gabrielle Lore

  • - Lumiere
    av Gabrielle Lore

  • - Apparition
    av Gabrielle Lore

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