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Bøker av Gaurav Gupta

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  • av Gaurav Gupta

    La fisiopatologia o fisiopatologia è una convergenza di patologia e fisiologia. La patologia è la disciplina medica che descrive le condizioni tipicamente osservate durante uno stato di malattia, mentre la fisiologia è la disciplina biologica che descrive i processi o i meccanismi che operano all'interno di un organismo. La patologia descrive una condizione anormale o indesiderata, mentre la fisiopatologia cerca di spiegare i processi o i meccanismi fisiologici attraverso i quali tale condizione si sviluppa e progredisce. Per fisiopatologia si intendono anche i cambiamenti funzionali associati o conseguenti a malattie o lesioni. Un'altra definizione è quella di cambiamenti funzionali che accompagnano una particolare malattia. La fisiopatologia è un'area di studio obbligatoria per quasi tutti i programmi scolastici per professionisti del settore sanitario (medicina, odontoiatria, assistente medico, terapia occupazionale, terapia fisica, infermiere, radioterapisti, farmacia, infermieristica, scienze radiologiche, chiropratica e programmi paramedici).

  • av Gaurav Gupta

    Pathophysiologie oder Physiopathologie ist eine Konvergenz von Pathologie und Physiologie. Die Pathologie ist die medizinische Disziplin, die Bedingungen beschreibt, die typischerweise während eines Krankheitszustandes beobachtet werden, während die Physiologie die biologische Disziplin ist, die Prozesse oder Mechanismen beschreibt, die innerhalb eines Organismus ablaufen. Die Pathologie beschreibt den abnormalen oder unerwünschten Zustand, während die Pathophysiologie versucht, die physiologischen Prozesse oder Mechanismen zu erklären, durch die ein solcher Zustand entsteht und fortschreitet. Pathophysiologie kann auch die funktionellen Veränderungen bezeichnen, die mit Krankheiten oder Verletzungen einhergehen oder daraus resultieren. Eine andere Definition lautet: die funktionellen Veränderungen, die eine bestimmte Krankheit begleiten. Pathophysiologie ist ein Pflichtfach für fast alle Studiengänge im Gesundheitswesen (Medizin, Zahnmedizin, Arzthelferin, Ergotherapie, Physiotherapie, Krankenschwester und -pfleger, Strahlentherapeuten, Pharmazie, Krankenpflege, Radiologie, Chiropraktik und Rettungssanitäter).

  • av Gaurav Gupta

    A fisiopatologia ou fisiopatologia é uma convergência da patologia com a fisiologia. A patologia é a disciplina médica que descreve as condições tipicamente observadas durante um estado de doença, enquanto a fisiologia é a disciplina biológica que descreve os processos ou mecanismos que operam num organismo. A patologia descreve a condição anormal ou indesejada, enquanto a fisiopatologia procura explicar os processos ou mecanismos fisiológicos através dos quais essa condição se desenvolve e progride. A fisiopatologia também pode significar as alterações funcionais associadas ou resultantes de doenças ou lesões. Outra definição é a das alterações funcionais que acompanham uma determinada doença. A fisiopatologia é uma área de estudo obrigatória para quase todos os programas escolares de profissionais de saúde (medicina, medicina dentária, assistente médico, terapia ocupacional, fisioterapia, enfermagem, radiologia, quiroprática e programas paramédicos).

  • av Gaurav Gupta

    La physiopathologie est la convergence de la pathologie et de la physiologie. La pathologie est la discipline médicale qui décrit les conditions typiquement observées dans un état pathologique, tandis que la physiologie est la discipline biologique qui décrit les processus ou mécanismes opérant au sein d'un organisme. La pathologie décrit l'état anormal ou indésirable, tandis que la physiopathologie cherche à expliquer les processus ou mécanismes physiologiques par lesquels cet état se développe et progresse. La physiopathologie peut également désigner les changements fonctionnels associés ou résultant d'une maladie ou d'une blessure. Une autre définition est celle des changements fonctionnels qui accompagnent une maladie particulière. La physiopathologie est un domaine d'étude obligatoire pour la quasi-totalité des programmes d'études des professionnels de la santé (médecine, médecine dentaire, assistanat médical, ergothérapie, kinésithérapie, infirmières praticiennes, radiothérapeutes, pharmacie, soins infirmiers, sciences radiologiques, chiropraxie et programmes paramédicaux).

  • Spar 13%
    - A Comprehensive Clinical Guide
    av Gaurav Gupta
    1 476,-

    This book is a collection of the latest data and papers on neurological disorders during pregnancy. These complicated and difficult conditions require a multi-disciplinary approach to treatment, which may either be surgical intervention or medical management. For women in the reproductive age group, the diagnosis of neurological disorders during pregnancy or post-partum creates further challenges Taking motivation from the Editor's successful management for pregnant cases with neurological disorders, this book is intended to guide the neurosurgical community towards better management of treating neurological disorders in pregnancy.

  • av Gaurav Gupta

    Mongolia, a landlocked country in East Asia, possesses a rich and fascinating culture with a long and storied history. Renowned for its nomadic traditions, Mongolia is known for the legendary empire established by Genghis Khan in the 13th century, which became the largest contiguous empire in history. Mongolian culture is deeply rooted in its pastoral and nomadic heritage. Traditional life revolves around herding livestock, particularly horses, sheep, and camels. Nomadic families live in portable dwellings called yurts, which are easily dismantled and moved as the families follow their grazing animals across the vast Mongolian steppes. The nomadic lifestyle heavily influences Mongolian arts and customs. Mongolian music is characterised by throat singing (Khoomei), a unique vocal technique where singers produce multiple pitches simultaneously. Traditional instruments such as the horsehead fiddle (morin khuur) and the dulcimer-like instrument (yochin) are commonly used. Mongolia's history stretches back to prehistoric times, with evidence of human habitation dating back thousands of years. Various nomadic tribes inhabited the region, engaging in animal husbandry and developing unique cultural practices. This book will make you experience a captivating journey through Mongolia's vibrant landscapes, ancient traditions, and proud history. Experience the echoes of the nomadic spirit and the enduring legacy of remarkable people.

  • Spar 16%
    av Gaurav Gupta, Kamal Dua, Alisha Singh, m.fl.
    2 147,-

    This book reviews the role of the lung microbiome in the development and progression of lung diseases. It deals with the role of microbiota dysbiosis in influencing host defense and immunity leading to resistance, colonization, and disease exacerbation. The book delineates the complex interaction between pathogen and lung residual microbiota during disease conditions. It further highlights the potential role of lung microbiota as the key modulator of lung carcinogenesis and immune response against cancer cells. Lastly, it reviews technological developments for unraveling the lung microbiome that profoundly impacts clinical diagnostics. This book is an essential resource for the scientists working in pulmonary diseases, pharmaceutical & clinical sciences, and pulmonary clinicians.

  • av Gaurav Gupta
    1 989

    This book concentrates on understanding the relationship of religiosity with various aspects of consumption and consumer behaviour to improve policy and build on an under represented topic.

  • av Asoj Talesra, Gaurav Gupta & Alex Libby

  • av Gaurav Gupta & Feroz Pearl Louis

  • av Gaurav Gupta

    HTML5 has given web developers the ability to easily develop sites and applications which, previously, were extremely time consuming. Now, they can not only build visually stunning forms and web pages, but can also increase the scope of their applications, as well as collect valuable user inputs and data through customized forms. This practical guide will teach you how to create responsive forms, and how to link them to the database.

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