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  • - How to Use this Prayer Ritual for Financial Abundance, Protection Against Witches and to Get What You Want.
    av Gedaliah Shay

    Have you been experiencing hardship? Do you desire restoration in your life, marriage, business, and home? Do you need a change in situation and life? Have you been praying without answers? Do you desire a sweet and pleasant life experience? Then this book is for you.Prayer is powerful but engaging in other things as you pray speeds up your answers. One of the items mostly used is salt.Salt can be found in every home, but not many understand its power in getting what we want in prayers. Salt is that potent tool that many have ignored due to ignorance.Salt is a valuable item not just in the home for food and other domestic purposes but unbelievably valuable in spiritual matters, particularly in prayers. Many Individuals and spiritual leaders recognize its potency in prayers.Salt was mentioned in various scriptures, both in the old and New Testaments. It was used by prophet Elisha and cited by other prophets. Jesus used it to speak to His disciples, further showing its level of significance.Jesus used salt to make a metamorphic comparison with believers, which means we have the power the salt has; we have the level of influence, potency, and nature it has and can do the same thing it does in men's lives and on earth. When our saltiness is missing, we lose value, relevance, importance, and every great quality a man must possess to live a meaningful life on earth. This is why the book of Matthew admonished believers to ensure we secure our faith as we preserve salt. If salt is wrongly exposed, it loses its relevance.Salt is used for various spiritual reasons, with several testimonies recorded from breakthrough to restoration to spiritual protection, fortification, and others. This is why it is often used in important events and rituals that involve declarations and prayers.This book contains powerful insights on salt's spiritual power, its rituals, and uses in prayers to get what you want in life, marriage, business, and other areas. Salt doesn't just bring answers to prayers when used because one is a Christian; as long as you have faith and follow spiritual instructions, you will get everything you desire.This spiritual book is a must-read for every seeker of knowledge. TO YOUR VICTORY!

  • - Prayers, Prophetic Declarations, And Promises from God to Release You from Every Spiritual Bondage and Witchcraft in 7 Days
    av Gedaliah Shay

    Do you understand what the Bible says about blessings, demonic curses, and spells? Do you realize that you can be cursed a similar way you can be blessed? The Bible is not a one-sided book because as it talks about Blessings, it also talks about Curses.Today, similarly as in Biblical occasions, individuals with cruel intentions still place curses, spells, and wickedness on others. They can force undetectable obstructions in your day to day existence that can influence your wellbeing, business, and connections in profoundly negative ways.Also, curses can come not only from an external perspective through condemnations and black magic, but from inside ourselves if we harbor disdain, harshness, cruelty, and unforgiveness in our souls (Matthew 18:21-35).Be that as it may, Christians can't be completely and completely controlled by the Devil was because of the Holy Spirit.This book helps you break all curses, spells, witchcraft, and even evil intentions, witchcraft, and wish craft sent to you in just seven days. Learn how to deliver yourself as a Christian from the antics of evil-doers; how to be loaded up with the Holy Spirit and move from being under a curse to appreciating the gifts and blessings of Abraham and Jesus Christ!In this book, you will figure out how to break through from these powers working in your life by revoking all contact, relationship with, and cooperation in wickedness and by following Jesus Christ completely and getting His incredible endowments through the Holy Spirit of God. It is the Cross of Jesus Christ that will liberate you. You can't do this without anyone's help. It isn't sorcery; You don't counter enchantment with more wizardry.If you, a friend, or family member need help managing invisible boundaries and impediments that might be restricting God's blessings and destiny for your life, "Breaking Demonic Spells and Curses", is the book to help you. It will invalidate any condemnations to get God's endowments in your day to day existence.

  • - 7 Days Victory Over Enemies and Agents of Darkness for Christians Using Tested Secret Weapons
    av Gedaliah Shay

    TAKE CONTROL OF THE DEMON AND WITCHES INVADING YOUR LIFE!Do you experience difficulty in making progress in your workplace, among your colleagues, or even spiritually?Do you get disappointment in places where you should get favors and keep experiencing failure even when you're close to the end of your dark tunnel? Or, do you find it hard to get the real purpose of your life, and you keep going round in circles without any real progress?Why do you experience this, you may ask?The depth of the Spiritual realm and its effect on your life is more than meets the eye! It is more than what you think it is. The secret to getting to the root of the world's evil powers is unknown to many, which is why they stay camped under the influence of the principalities of this world.You know the magnitude of God's power and his greatness over every evil over your life, but do you know that you can command much more with some secret weapons at your disposal?How would you like to know the exact strategies and plans of your enemies and combat them to turn things around to greatness for you?What if you are shown the exact picture of the works of the devil and taught the surest ways to fight back and take over your life completely from the evil that witches and wizards control?Wouldn't it be easier for you to know exactly where your problem stems from and the most definite solution to do to get back on track of progress?Do you know the strange and terrifying lengths that men of this world go to acquire power? Do you want to keep yourself safe, away from their predatory Eyes?Then get the secret of these in "HOW TO AGGRESSIVELY DESTROY DEMONS AND WITCHES."This Book was specially made to prepare you by guiding you through steps on knowing your enemy, learning more about the power of God, and the exact ways to use the unconquerable weapons God has given you! You need to stop grappling with the fear of the unknown and send fire for fire against the forces of darkness against you!The Perfect Prayer handbook for all Christian Warriors.

  • - Using Biblical Principles, Prayers and More To Overcome, Treat And Cure Porn Addiction The Right Way
    av Gedaliah Shay

    A PORNOGRAPHY ADDICT CAN BE FREED!Many Christians have been in bondage due to pornography and its effects, creating confusion in their lives. How to break addiction From Pornography is a powerful tool aimed at liberating victims of porn addiction and creating awareness for other Christians not to get caught in it. Using biblical scriptures, It encompasses everything 'delivering' a Christian needs to be freed, including "creating awareness on what causes porn addiction, signs of pornography addiction, understanding the effects of porn addiction and how to break free from its clutches. The step-to-step guidelines using references from the bible will help a struggling Christian who is caught under the web of this habit to gain deliverance and restore his spiritual life to normal. By focusing on Spiritual freedom, the other aspects of the victim's life are redeemed. Therefore, it is expected that anyone who follows the guidelines patiently to get their liberation will expect a positive result. This life-changing piece is recommended for everyone seeking freedom from pornography addiction. It is especially recommended for Christian youths, teens, kids, men, women, parents and guardians, and moral/sex educators and counselors.

  • - A Fun Christian Relationship Love Journal with Intimate, Thought Provoking Quiz Conversation Starters to Ask Your Partner
    av Gedaliah Shay

  • - Its biblical significance and How to Use its Secret Powers for Wealth, Financial Abundance, Healing, and Protection
    av Gedaliah Shay

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