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Bøker av George Siedel

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  • - Essential Strategies and Skills
    av George Siedel

    We all negotiate on a daily basis. We negotiate with our spouses, children, parents, and friends. We negotiate when we rent an apartment, buy a car, purchase a house, and apply for a job. Your ability to negotiate might even be the most important factor in your career advancement.Negotiation is also the key to business success. No organization can survive without contracts that produce profits. At a strategic level, businesses are concerned with value creation and achieving competitive advantage. But the success of high-level business strategies depends on contracts made with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. Contracting capability-the ability to negotiate and perform successful contracts-is the most important function in any organization.This book is designed to help you achieve success in your personal negotiations and in your business transactions. The book is unique in two ways. First, the book not only covers negotiation concepts, but also provides practical actions you can take in future negotiations. This includes a Negotiation Planning Checklist and a completed example of the checklist for your use in future negotiations.The book also includes (1) a tool you can use to assess your negotiation style; (2) examples of "decision trees," which are useful in calculating your alternatives if your negotiation is unsuccessful; (3) a three-part strategy for increasing your power during negotiations; (4) a practical plan for analyzing your negotiations based on your reservation price, stretch goal, most-likely target, and zone of potential agreement; (5) clear guidelines on ethical standards that apply to negotiations; (6) factors to consider when deciding whether you should negotiate through an agent; (7) psychological tools you can use in negotiations-and traps to avoid when the other side uses them; (8) key elements of contract law that arise during negotiations; and (9) a checklist of factors to use when you evaluate your performance as a negotiator.Second, the book is unique in its holistic approach to the negotiation process. Other books often focus narrowly either on negotiation or on contract law. Furthermore, the books on negotiation tend to focus on what happens at the bargaining table without addressing the performance of an agreement. These books make the mistaken assumption that success is determined by evaluating the negotiation rather than evaluating performance of the agreement. Similarly, the books on contract law tend to focus on the legal requirements for a contract to be valid, thus giving short shrift to the negotiation process that precedes the contract and to the performance that follows.In the real world, the contracting process is not divided into independent phases. What happens during a negotiation has a profound impact on the contract and on the performance that follows. The contract's legal content should reflect the realities of what happened at the bargaining table and the performance that is to follow. This book, in contrast to others, covers the entire negotiation process in chronological order beginning with your decision to negotiate and continuing through the evaluation of your performance as a negotiator.A business executive in one of the negotiation seminars the author teaches as a University of Michigan professor summarized negotiation as follows: "Life is negotiation!" No one ever stated it better. As a mother with young children and as a company leader, the executive realized that negotiations are pervasive in our personal and business lives. With its emphasis on practical action, and with its chronological, holistic approach, this book provides a roadmap you can use when navigating through your life as a negotiator.

  • av George Siedel
    581 - 1 843,-

  • - Strategy, Law and Ethics
    av George Siedel

    Your friend decides to order a pizza. President Obama decides to authorize the mission that leads to the death of Osama bin Laden. You decide that your business should launch a new product. What do these decisions have in common? They all require using the Three Pillar model of decision making. Our personal, leadership, and business decisions are based on a Law Pillar, a Strategy Pillar, and an Ethics Pillar.The Three Pillar model originated in a leadership course that every Harvard MBA student takes before graduation. The Harvard course is based on three lenses of decision making: economics, law, and ethics. The Three Pillar model expands these lenses by replacing "economics" with "strategy." With this change, the model becomes a powerful tool for personal and leadership decisions, as well as for business decisions.This book takes you through four steps that enable you to use the Three Pillar model for business decisions: Step One: Become a legally savvy leader. This does not require memorization of legal rules. Instead, you should understand how the law works in practice. Various surveys have identified the key legal areas that every business leader should understand: product liability, employment law, government regulation, intellectual property, contracts, and dispute resolution. This book provides briefings on each area and shows how they impact your key stakeholders: customers, employees, government, and investors.Step Two: Become an effective risk manager. After your briefings on the law, you are now ready to focus on the Law Pillar. The Law Pillar emphasizes risk management. This book explains how to manage the legal risks that constitute the main threat to your business success. For example, the chapter on product liability will describe how to make strategic new product decisions, how to isolate product risks by creating subsidiaries, and how to design new products to minimize the risk of being sued for selling a defective product.Step Three: Align the Strategy Pillar with the Law Pillar to create value. Many leaders think that there is an inherent tension between the Strategy Pillar, with its value creation orientation, and the Law Pillar, with its risk management orientation. This book explains how you can overcome this tension and align the two pillars by focusing on the interests of each of your stakeholders. For example, by focusing on customer interests, a process designed to prevent product liability can be transformed into a powerful product development tool.Step Four: Develop an ethical organization. Understanding the Ethics Pillar of decision making enables you to play a leadership role in developing compliance and values standards for your organization. This role requires that you "walk the talk" by using a principled process for making ethical decisions. By combining the Ethics Pillar with the Law Pillar and the Strategy Pillar, you can become a responsible corporate citizen while at the same time creating value for your shareholders and other stakeholders.Once you master the Three Pillar model for business decisions, you can easily apply the model to personal decisions and to leadership in any organization.

  • - Strategies et competences essentielles
    av George Siedel

    Nous négocions tous au quotidien. Nous négocions avec nos conjoints, nos enfants, nos parents et nos amis. Nous négocions lorsque nous louons un appartement, achetons une voiture, faisons l'acquisition d'une maison ou encore postulons à un emploi. Votre capacité à négocier pourrait bien être le facteur le plus important dans l'avancement de votre carrière.La négociation est aussi la clé de la réussite en affaires. Aucune organisation ne peut survivre sans contrats rentables. D'un point de vue stratégique, les sociétés cherchent à créer de la valeur et à représenter un avantage compétitif. Mais le succès de ces stratégies commerciales de haut vol dépend des contrats passés avec les fournisseurs, les clients et autres parties prenantes. La capacité à passer des contrats - la faculté de négocier et de conclure des contrats réussis - est la fonction la plus importante de toute organisation.Avec ce livre, je souhaite vous aider à atteindre le succès dans vos négociations personnelles et dans vos transactions d'affaires. Cet ouvrage est unique à deux égards. D'abord, il ne traite pas uniquement des concepts de négociation, mais vous fournit également des actions pratiques à entreprendre dans vos négociations futures. Il comprend une liste de vérification pour planifier vos négociations.Le livre inclut aussi (1) un outil que vous pouvez utiliser pour évaluer votre style de négociation; (2) des exemples d' arbres de décision, qui sont utiles pour calculer vos solutions alternatives dans le cas de négociations infructueuses; (3) une stratégie en trois parties visant à augmenter votre pouvoir au cours des négociations; (4) un plan pratique pour analyser vos négociations, en fonction de votre prix de réserve, de votre objectif étendu, de votre cible vraisemblable et de votre zone d'accord possible; (5) des consignes claires sur les normes éthiques à appliquer aux négociations; (6) des facteurs à prendre en compte lorsque vous décidez si vous devez passer par un intermédiaire pour négocier; (7) des outils psychologiques à employer en négociation - et les pièges à éviter lorsque c'est l'autre partie qui les utilise; (8) des éléments clés du droit des contrats qui interviennent au cours des négociations; et (9) une liste de facteurs à utiliser lorsque vous évaluez votre performance de négociateur.Par ailleurs, le livre est unique par son approche holistique du processus de négociation. D'autres livres se concentrent exclusivement sur la négociation ou le droit des contrats. De plus, les ouvrages sur la négociation ont tendance à cibler ce qui se produit autour de la table des négociations, sans traiter de la conclusion de l'entente. Ces livres partent du principe erroné que l'on détermine le succès en évaluant la négociation plutôt que la mise en oeuvre de l'accord. De même, les ouvrages sur le droit des contrats tendent à se concentrer sur les exigences légales nécessaires pour qu'un contrat soit valide, ne donnant ainsi que peu de place au processus de négociation qui précède le contrat et l'exécution qui suit.Dans le monde réel, le processus contractuel n'est pas divisé en phases distinctes. Ce qui se passe au cours d'une négociation a un impact profond sur le contrat et la mise en oeuvre qui suit. Le contenu juridique du contrat doit refléter les réalités de ce qui a lieu à la table de négociation, ainsi que la réalisation qui s'ensuit. Ce livre, contrairement aux autres, traite de l'intégralité du processus de négociation par ordre chronologique, en commençant par votre décision de négocier et en continuant jusqu'à l'évaluation de votre performance en tant que négociateur.

  • - Estrategias y habilidades esenciales
    av George Siedel

  • - Lessons from Legendary Professors
    av George Siedel
    512 - 2 147,-

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