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  • - Fiction or Science? Volume 8: Reconstruction of Chronology
    av Gleb W Nosovskiy
    1 067,-

    We have asked Open AI a question: Are there valid reasons to doubt world history as taught in school and university?The AI answered yes; there are such reasons: 1. Incomplete or biased narratives.The history we learn is often shaped by the biases of those who write it. It is inevitable that individuals, groups, and nations will interpret history in their favor, emphasizing their achievements and downplaying their failures. This leads to incomplete and biased narratives that can overlook or delegitimize the experiences of other groups.2. The role of power and politics.Historical knowledge can be manipulated to establish power and legitimize political ideologies. This means that the history we are taught can be shaped to reinforce the status quo and political agendas, excluding alternative perspectives or dissenting voices.3. Limited, partial, or false information. The historical evidence is incomplete, and it is impossible to have a full picture of the past. Furthermore, historical documents could be falsified, destroyed, or purposely ignored, resulting in a limited or false representation of the past.4. Interpretation of evidence.The interpretation of historical evidence is subjective and can be contested, leading to differences in the understanding of the same events. In conclusion, the AI said there are valid reasons for doubting world history as taught in schools and universities. Critics can argue that history is incomplete, biased, manipulated, and subject to interpretation, leading to limitations in our understanding of the past. Long before the AI, a group of mathematicians headed by Anatoly T. Fomenko reached the same conclusion and started, in 1972, the elaboration of the theory of New Chronology following the discovery by the American astrophysicist Robert Russel Newton of an important parameter D" in the Crazy Earth-Moon telluric system. U.S. research of earth-moon mechanics by the late NASA astrophysicist Robert Russel Newton led mathematicians to a breakthrough in the chronology of world history. The timeline of civilization based on only irrefutably dated events and artifacts shrinks drastically to 1,000 years.Warning: The New Chronology theory of Dr. Fomenko and team has been universally rejected by the non-scientist mainstream scholars of history, who branded it not only as pseudo-historic but also as pseudoscience! As Dr. Fomenko blows consensual world history to smithereens, he successfully removes a crucial cornerstone of chronology from underneath the otherwise impeccable edifice of World History.Saint Augustine was quite prescient when he said: "Be wary of mathematicians, particularly when they speak the truth." Henry Ford once said: "History is more or less bunk!" Prominent mathematician Anatoly Fomenko not only proved it for a fact but, as a true scientist, tried to upgrade it into rocket science.The authors claim that the civilization of homo sapiens species is barely 1000 years old and present the readers of Volume VIII with new irrefutable results of the autopsy of the consensual world history made with the toolbox of the new chronology, a.k.a. statistics, astronomy, exact sciences, and logic. Better yet, the authors have added the Bible to their toolbox with results confirming the theory of New Chronology to the utmost. The present volume contains a fully improved, cross-checked bibliography.

  • av Gleb W Nosovskiy

    NASA research of earth-moon mechanics by astrophysicist Robert Russel Newton leads mathematicians of MSU to a breakthrough in the chronology of civilization and geography of North America. Author and team analyses in detail the maps of 1771 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica and concludes that Northwestern part of United States of America was built on remains of Moscuvite Tartary, which according to Britannica of 1771 was the biggest state in the world with capital in Tobolsk! The war of new Russian Empire of 1773-1775 with Moscuvite Tartary covered up by Catherine II as a raid against peasant rebellion headed by aka Pougatchev (scare in Russian) was actually the final blow in the destruction of Great Tartary. After the war of 1773-1775 the new Russian Empire has taken over the Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, Alaska, Northwestern America down to San Franciso. These 'Russian' American territories were too far to control efficiently by the Rusian Empire and were therefore taken over step by step by the USA and British Empire.

  • av Gleb W Nosovskiy

    Who and Why invented Antiquity and Dark Ages to let Europe escape from Empire of Eurasia?The consensual world history was manufactured in Europe in XVI-XIX centuries with political agenda of powers of that period on the basis of erroneous clerical chronology elaborated by Kabbalist Joseph Justus Scaliger and Jesuit Dionysius Petavius.- By the middle of XVI century the prime political agenda of Europe that reached superiority in Sciences and Technologies, but was still inferior militarily to the Evil Empire of Eurasia, was to free Europe.- The concerted effort of European aristocracy, black and white Catholic clergy, Protestants, humanists and scientists in XV-XVII centuries in creation and dissemination of fictional Ancient World served this agenda.- The fictional Ancient World was created by representing events of XI-XVI centuries as ones that happened thousands of years before according to the ancient sources they wrote by authorities they invented.- The European aristocracy, a considerable part of which were fugitives from Byzantine and/or the inheritors of Eurasian warlords, supported the myth of Ancient World to justify its claims to countries they ruled.- The black and white Catholic clergy, Protestants developed and supported the myth of Ancient World to justify their claims of being more ancient and to separate themselves from Eurasian orthodoxy in the countries ruled by European aristocracy.- The scientists supported the myth of Ancient World as safe cover for their heretic research that produced results contrarian to the tenets of Christianity. They justified their discoveries by authorities of ancient scientists they themselves invented and used as pseudonyms.- The humanists developed and supported the myth of Ancient World as a convenient safe haven for their ideas that conflicted with Christianity and aristocracy. They disguised and justified their ideas on authorities of ancient authors of their own making and wrote under their glorious aliases.Nowadays it is common knowledge that the Classical Age was followed by many centuries of utter stagnation and decline with virtually nothing happening but wars and famine and the destruction of the priceless ancient monuments. Then, during the Renaissance, the Classical authors reappear from oblivion, Latin and Greek become resurrected as the intelligentsia Esperanto of the Middle Ages, numerous manuscripts reappear from oblivion to be copied, enter wide circulation, and vanish again, never to be found.How preposterous would it be to suggest that there were no Dark Ages to separate the antiquity from the Renaissance - that the "Renaissance" was, in fact, the Naissance of the Western European culture as we know it? It does contradict everything that we may ever have learned about history. However, new methods offered by empirical statistics and astronomy, developed by Anatoly Fomenko provide plenty of evidence to support the theory that the Dark Ages are a phantom. The Dark Ages are the result of creation in XV-XVII centuries of a mythical Classical Age that never was, by misdating medieval events by hundreds and thousands of years as very ancient ones.

  • - (Volume 3)
    av Gleb W Nosovskiy

    US research of earth-moon mechanics by late NASA astrophysicist Robert Newton leads Russian mathematicians to a breakthrough in the chronology of The Revelations of St John. The astronomical aspect of The Apocalypse stayed hidden for centuries.'The Apocalypse as seen by Astronomy' has resurrected the astrological, i.e; astronomical ideas contained in The Apocalypse and extracted from it the precise date of its composition on the Isle of Patmos! St Augustin was quite right saying; "..beware of mathematicians, especially when they speak the truth! ".The Apocalypse - The Book of Revelation is the only apocalyptic document in the New Testament. It does not refer to actual people or events but is an allegory of the spiritual path and the ongoing struggle between good and evil, but contains nevertheless clues relative to its composition. An enormous body of learned research, centuries of heated discussions by different clerical schools about the origins, time and place of writing of The Revelations of St John has literally buried precious bits of verifiable astronomic data.The only moment on the time axis when the constellations of the night sky visible from the Isle Patmos correspond to the verbal Zodiac contained in the Revelations date to October 1486 A.D. and not to 56 A.D.! Note that the very text of the Revelations was for the first time included by Erasmus in the New Testament he printed in 1515 A.D in Geneva. This text of the Revelations was provided to Erasmus by Johan Reuchlin, his predecessor, founder of Hebraism and master astrologist.A significant part of medieval literature contains astrological texts, especially astronomical tractates up until Kepler's age and even after that. The existence of several competing astrological schools led to the use of lavish symbolism by medieval astrologers, which makes it hard to speak of unified astrological definitions. Furthermore, each school developed its own linguistic and symbolic system.However, we shall soon see that many countries have surprisingly enough used a more or less uniform astrological symbolic system - for zodiacal constellations, for example. This can mean that astrology was born relatively recently, in the epoch when the means of communication between the astronomers of different countries had already been developed well enough to provide for regular information exchange and a similar astrological language - in Europe and in Egypt, for instance. It would be expedient to remind the reader that the modern names for planets have been introduced by astrologers. The names for days of the week in such languages as English, French, and German are also in direct relation to astrological concepts.'The Apocalypse as seen by Astronomy' is just one of the facets of. New Chronology theory, Dr. Fomenko et al as scientists are ready to recognize at sight the alleged mistakes of New Chronology theory, to repent and to retract if and only if: - radiocarbon dating methods or dendrochronology pass the clear anonymous 'black box' tests; - calibration curve for the c14 methods established by Arizona laboratory on the samples with arbitrary ages supplied by Arizona University expedition to Egypt is replaced; - astronomic data refutes their results on solar eclipses; - it is proven irrefutably that Robert Newton (NASA astrophysicist) was wrong calling 'ancient' Ptolemy the greatest con man in history in his 'Crime of Claudius Ptolemy'; The radiocarbon dating labs stop their very costly tests only if is the sample to be dated is accompanied with an idea of age pronounced by historians on basis of...subjective..mmm...gutfeeling and the history books they have been writing for the last 400 years. Radiocarbon labs happily bill for their fiddling and fine tuning with C14 hardware to get the dates 'to order' of historians. Circulus Vicious is perfect.

  • av Gleb W Nosovskiy

    NASA research of earth-moon mechanics by astrophysicist Robert Newton leads mathematicians of MSU Dr. Fomenko to a breakthrough in the world chronology in general and history of Great Britain in particular.'The Issue with British History' shows, on one hand, how much shorter than generally presumed it really is, but, on the other hand, it underscores the major role Great Britain played in the World History.Indeed, England, a small non-significant and underpopulated province of the Great Evil Empire of Eurasia stepped in XVI century in his own way to greatness, becomes within barely 300 years the World Empire that ruled the waves where the sun never set down!Indeed again, the Isle of England was the first country where old nobility was replaced with new gentry loyal to its King, the first to confiscate most of the Catholic church riches, free itself from the clutches of Roman Curia, and to introduce literacy and basic sciences.After the rule of the King Henry VIII that deeply transformed England in 1509-1547 and the rule in 1553-1558 of Queen Maria I Bloody Mary who tried and failed to return England to the Catholic fold, the re-establishment of Roman Catholicism was definitely reversed by in Elizabeth I that ruled in 1558-1603.During the 45-years of the Elizabethan Era, instead of dancing and dueling à la française, the Gentry was put to learning sciences, building the Royal Navy to ensure the British maritime supremacy, colonization, licensed piracy, and trade.Regretfully, British scholars of XVI-XVII th centuries based their historical writings on the consensual chronology of the French Kabbalist Scaliger and Jesuit Petavious. Dr. Prof Fomenko et al analyzed the english sources they used and put under scrutiny the consensual, i.e. Scaligerian version of the "ancient" and mediaeval chronology of Britain.His verdict: the British history is most likely to have been extended arbitrarily, and quite substantially so. To express the deep gratitude of the world scientific community to the British historians of Oxbridge for warping of the timescale - the cover of the book presents Jesus Christ by Tintoretto showing the true time of Big Ben. The British scholars have 5 years of scheduled repair of Big Ben to review in an adequate manner the History of Great Britain in line with the presented by Dr. Fomenko data.Prescient Saint Augustine warned: 'be wary of mathematicians, particularly when they speak the truth!'.

  • av Gleb W Nosovskiy

    Russia at the crossroads of western and eastern ways. Again?Russian history was rewritten to help Europe to free itself from the clutches of Empire Eurasia. Is Russian history a science at all? Well, one that taught in Russian schools was cooked up by learned German historians brought to Russia by Herr Romanov alias Peter the Great alias Peter the First. Herren Miller, Bayer und Schleizer did quite a job of distorting into oblivion all of pre-Romanovs history of XIV-XVII centuries! As a reformer to the hilt, Peter the Great has literally ruined Russia, lost at least a quarter of its population, tried to break into Europe, moved the capital of Russia from Moscow to St Petersburg, made from Russia an awkward upstart and a laughing stock of Europe. After spending 3 years in Holland and Germany Great First Peter ordered the nobility to cut beards, smoke tobacco, dance menuetto, and reformed the Orthodox church into total submission. He did not quite succeed in his brazen reforms, so he left a Will ordering the Russian Empire to conquer Europe again. Invention of glorious Antiquity and phantom Dark Ages saved Europe from Empire EurasiaThe consensual world history was manufactured in Europe in XVI-XIX centuries with political agenda of powers of that period on the basis of erroneous chronology elaborated by Jesuits Joseph Justus Scaliger and Dionysius Petavius. - By the middle of XVI th century the prime political agenda of Europe that reached superiority in Sciences and Technologies, but was still inferior militarily to the Evil Empire of Eurasia, was to free Europe.- The concerted effort of European aristocracy, black and white Catholic clergy, Protestants, humanists and scientists in XV - XVII th centuries in creation and dissemination of fictional Ancient World served this agenda.- The fictional Ancient World was created by representing events of XI-XVI centuries as ones that happened thousands of years before according to the ancient sources they wrote by authorities they invented.- The European aristocracy, a considerable part of which were fugitives from Byzantine and/or the inheritors of Eurasian warlords, supported the myth of Ancient World to justify its claims to countries they ruled.- The black and white Catholic clergy, Protestants developed and supported the myth of Ancient World to justify their claims of being more ancient and to separate themselves from Eurasian orthodoxy in the countries ruled by European aristocracy.- The scientists supported the myth of Ancient World as safe cover for their heretic research that produced results contrarian to the tenets of Christianity. They justified their discoveries by authorities of ancient scientists they themselves invented and used as pseudonyms.- The humanists developed and supported the myth of Ancient World as a cozy safe haven for their ideas that conflicted with Christianity and aristocracy. They disguised and justified their ideas on authorities of ancient authors of their own making and wrote under their glorious aliases.Saint Augustin being prescient said "..beware of mathematicians, especially when they speak the truth! "

  • av Anatoly T Fomenko & Gleb W Nosovskiy

  • av Anatoly T Fomenko & Gleb W Nosovskiy

  • av Anatoly T Fomenko & Gleb W Nosovskiy

  • av Anatoly T Fomenko & Gleb W Nosovskiy

  • av Anatoly T Fomenko & Gleb W Nosovskiy

  • av Gleb W Nosovskiy

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