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Este relatório de investigação intitulado "Consumers'Attitude towards Video on Demand Service in Nepalese Market" (Atitude dos consumidores em relação ao serviço de vÃdeo a pedido no mercado nepalês) é um estudo de investigação baseado num inquérito. O estudo procura conhecer a atitude dos consumidores em relação ao serviço de vÃdeo a pedido no contexto do Nepal. A dinâmica empresarial do serviço de VoD, que se manteve para as massas, tornou-se agora mais personalizada e mais amigável para as pessoas. Uma vez que foi efectuada muito pouca investigação sobre este tema, este estudo será útil para aqueles que pretendem investigar esta área. O estudo mostrou que existe um efeito de interação significativo da atitude do consumidor em relação à s aplicações VoD. Do mesmo modo, existe uma diferença significativa entre as atitudes dos consumidores em relação à s aplicações VoD. Os consumidores estão dispostos a subscrever serviços VoD tendo em conta as caracterÃsticas das aplicações VoD e a qualidade dos conteúdos das aplicações VoD.
Il presente rapporto di ricerca dal titolo "Consumers'Attitude towards Video on Demand Service in Nepalese Market" è uno studio basato su un sondaggio. Lo studio cerca di conoscere l'atteggiamento dei consumatori nei confronti dei servizi di video-on-demand nel contesto del Nepal. Le dinamiche commerciali del servizio VoD, sostenute per la massa, sono ora diventate più personalizzate e amichevoli per le persone. Dal momento che sono state condotte pochissime ricerche su questo argomento, sarà utile per coloro che desiderano fare ricerca in questo campo. Lo studio ha dimostrato che esiste un effetto di interazione significativo dell'atteggiamento dei consumatori nei confronti delle applicazioni VoD. Allo stesso modo, esiste una differenza significativa nell'atteggiamento dei consumatori nei confronti delle applicazioni VoD. I consumatori sono disposti ad abbonarsi ai servizi VoD considerando le caratteristiche delle applicazioni VoD e la qualità dei contenuti delle applicazioni VoD.
Ce rapport de recherche intitulé "Attitude des consommateurs à l'égard des services de vidéo à la demande sur le marché népalais" est une étude basée sur une enquête. L'étude tente de connaître l'attitude des consommateurs à l'égard des services de vidéo à la demande dans le contexte du Népal. La dynamique commerciale du service de vidéo à la demande, qui s'est maintenue pour la masse, est maintenant plus personnalisée et plus conviviale pour les gens. Ãtant donné que très peu de recherches ont été menées sur ce sujet, l'étude sera utile à ceux qui souhaitent faire des recherches dans ce domaine. L'étude a montré qu'il existe un effet d'interaction significatif entre l'attitude du consommateur et les applications de VoD. De même, il existe une différence significative entre les attitudes des consommateurs à l'égard des applications de VoD. Les consommateurs sont prêts à s'abonner à des services de VoD compte tenu des caractéristiques des applications de VoD et de la qualité du contenu des applications de VoD.
Dieser Forschungsbericht mit dem Titel "Consumers'Attitude towards Video on Demand Service in Nepalese Market" ist eine umfragebasierte Forschungsstudie. Die Studie versucht, die Einstellung der Verbraucher zu Video-on-Demand-Diensten im Kontext von Nepal zu ermitteln. Die Geschäftsdynamik des VoD-Dienstes, die für die Masse aufrechterhalten wurde, ist jetzt individueller und freundlicher für die Menschen geworden. Da zu diesem Thema bisher nur sehr wenig geforscht wurde, ist die Studie für diejenigen hilfreich, die in diesem Bereich forschen wollen. Die Studie zeigte, dass es einen signifikanten Interaktionseffekt der Einstellung der Verbraucher gegenüber VoD-Anwendungen gibt. Ebenso gibt es einen signifikanten Unterschied in der Einstellung der Verbraucher zu VoD-Anwendungen. Die Verbraucher sind bereit, VoD-Dienste zu abonnieren, wenn sie die Funktionen von VoD-Anwendungen und die Qualität der Inhalte in VoD-Anwendungen berücksichtigen.
The advent of digital marketing brings a new way of promoting products and/or services which associates the marketers and consumers on virtual platforms. Businesses see enormous opportunities and are eager to fit into the trend with the popularity of digital marketing. Digital marketing is marketing that uses different digital marketing platforms such as search engine marketing, content marketing, social media marketing and so on in order to promote products or services. Digital marketing is a relatively new field of study in Nepal. It is a survey based research study. A survey was conducted to find out the impact of different variables used in research (search engine marketing, content marketing, social media marketing and e-mail marketing) on consumer buying behavior. The research was conducted in Kathmandu Valley. It was found that search engine marketing, social media marketing and affiliate marketing have significant and positive relationships with consumer buying behavior. Similarly, content marketing and e-mail marketing have least relationship with consumer buying behavior.
Private label branding, store brand and retail brand are the terms which are used indistinctly to describe brands of consumer goods that are produced according to a retailer and marketed under a retailer name through the retailer outlets. Private label brands are the brands which are managed and owned by the retailers. From the consumers' standpoint, private label brands provide with a competitive alternative to manufacturer brands based on lower prices, due to their lower costs. This study is based on answering what are the factors that a consumer can perceive better regarding private label branding and what factors affects the personal label brand of retailers. No substantial research has been found in the field of private label branding in the context of Nepal.This study is based on the primary data collection from different consumers who uses private labeled food products. Total of 260 respondents were taken as a sample for this study and convenience sampling method was used for data collection. It has been found that three variables namely perceived value, perceived price and trust have significant positive impact on purchase intention of private labeled food products.
This research report entitled "Consumers' Attitude towards Video on Demand Service in Nepalese Market" is a survey-based research study. The study attempts to know the consumer attitude towards video-on-demand service in the context of Nepal. The business dynamics of the VoD service that sustained for mass has now become more customized and friendly for people. Since very little research has been carried out on this topic, it will be helpful for those willing to research this field. The study showed that there is a significant interaction effect of consumer attitude towards VoD applications. Similarly, there is a significant difference in consumer attitudes towards VoD applications. Consumers are willing to subscribe for VoD services considering the features of VoD applications and the Quality of Content in VoD applications.
Gopal Thapa et Rojan Shrestha, qui vise à examiner les facteurs psychologiques de la propension à entreprendre des jeunes diplômées en gestion. Il identifie les facteurs psychologiques qui influencent les jeunes femmes diplômées en gestion, tels que l'attitude, les normes subjectives, l'extraversion et l'aspiration, tout en examinant également la manière dont ces facteurs psychologiques influencent les inclinations entrepreneuriales des femmes. Cette étude porte sur les facteurs psychologiques qui influencent les intentions des jeunes femmes diplômées en gestion de gérer et de lancer une entreprise. Elle vise à évaluer les facteurs psychologiques des femmes au Népal sur lesquels il convient de se concentrer à l'avenir pour encourager et soutenir ces jeunes enthousiastes à devenir entrepreneurs. L'entrepreneuriat étant un outil clé pour la croissance économique et créant des plateformes pour le professionnalisme des femmes, cette étude permet d'identifier les attributs psychologiques nécessaires pour susciter l'envie d'entreprendre chez les femmes.
Este livro baseia-se na investigação conjunta do Dr. Gopal Thapa e de Rojan Shrestha, que tem por objetivo examinar os factores psicológicos da inclinação empresarial dos jovens licenciados em gestão. Identifica os factores psicológicos que influenciam as jovens licenciadas em gestão, tais como a atitude, as normas subjectivas, a extroversão e a aspiração, ao mesmo tempo que examina a forma como estes factores psicológicos influenciam as inclinações empresariais das mulheres. Este estudo aborda os factores psicológicos que influenciam as intenções das jovens licenciadas em gestão de operar e iniciar um empreendimento empresarial. Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar os factores psicológicos das mulheres no Nepal que devem ser tidos em conta no futuro para incentivar e apoiar estas jovens entusiastas a tornarem-se empresárias. Uma vez que o espírito empresarial tem sido um instrumento fundamental para o crescimento económico e cria plataformas para o profissionalismo das mulheres, este estudo ajuda a identificar os atributos psicológicos necessários para que as mulheres se concentrem na inclinação empresarial.
Jeta kniga osnowana na sowmestnom issledowanii d-ra Gopal Thapa i Roqn Shrestha, cel'ü kotorogo qwlqetsq izuchenie psihologicheskih faktorow predprinimatel'skoj sklonnosti molodyh wypusknic fakul'tetow menedzhmenta. V nej opredelqütsq psihologicheskie faktory, wliqüschie na molodyh wypusknic fakul'teta menedzhmenta, takie kak otnoshenie, sub#ektiwnye normy, äxtrawersiq i stremlenie, a takzhe rassmatriwaetsq, kak äti psihologicheskie faktory wliqüt na sklonnost' zhenschin k predprinimatel'stwu. V dannom issledowanii rassmatriwaütsq psihologicheskie faktory, wliqüschie na namereniq molodyh zhenschin-wypusknic fakul'teta menedzhmenta rabotat' i nachat' predprinimatel'skuü deqtel'nost'. Cel' issledowaniq - ocenit' psihologicheskie faktory zhenschin w Nepale, na kotoryh sleduet sosredotochit'sq w buduschem, chtoby pooschrqt' i podderzhiwat' molodyh äntuziastok w ih stremlenii stat' predprinimatelqmi. Poskol'ku predprinimatel'stwo qwlqetsq klüchewym instrumentom äkonomicheskogo rosta i sozdaet platformy dlq professionalizma zhenschin, dannoe issledowanie pomogaet opredelit' neobhodimye psihologicheskie atributy, chtoby sosredotochit' sklonnost' zhenschin k predprinimatel'stwu.
Questo libro si basa sulla ricerca congiunta dei dottori Gopal Thapa e Rojan Shrestha, che mira a esaminare i fattori psicologici dell'inclinazione imprenditoriale delle giovani laureate in management. Identifica i fattori psicologici che influenzano le giovani donne laureate in management, come l'atteggiamento, le norme soggettive, l'estroversione e l'aspirazione, esaminando anche come questi fattori psicologici influenzano le inclinazioni imprenditoriali delle donne. Questo studio affronta i fattori psicologici che influenzano le intenzioni delle giovani donne laureate in management di operare e avviare un'impresa imprenditoriale. Questo studio mira a valutare i fattori psicologici delle donne in Nepal su cui concentrarsi in futuro per incoraggiare e sostenere queste giovani appassionate di imprenditoria. Poiché l'imprenditorialità è uno strumento chiave per la crescita economica e crea piattaforme per la professionalità delle donne, questo studio aiuta a identificare gli attributi psicologici necessari per focalizzare l'inclinazione imprenditoriale delle donne.
Dieses Buch basiert auf der gemeinsamen Forschungsarbeit von Dr. Gopal Thapa und Rojan Shrestha, die darauf abzielt, die psychologischen Faktoren der unternehmerischen Neigung junger Managementabsolventen zu untersuchen. Es identifiziert psychologische Faktoren, die junge weibliche Managementabsolventen beeinflussen, wie z. B. Einstellung, subjektive Normen, Extrovertiertheit und Ambition, und untersucht gleichzeitig, wie diese psychologischen Faktoren die unternehmerischen Neigungen von Frauen beeinflussen. Diese Studie befasst sich mit den psychologischen Faktoren, die die Absichten junger Absolventinnen von Managementstudiengängen beeinflussen, ein unternehmerisches Unternehmen zu betreiben und zu gründen. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die psychologischen Faktoren von Frauen in Nepal zu bewerten, auf die man sich in Zukunft konzentrieren sollte, um diese jungen Enthusiastinnen zu ermutigen und zu unterstützen, Unternehmerinnen zu werden. Da Unternehmertum ein Schlüsselinstrument für wirtschaftliches Wachstum ist und Plattformen für die Professionalität von Frauen schafft, trägt diese Studie dazu bei, die notwendigen psychologischen Eigenschaften zu ermitteln, um die unternehmerische Neigung von Frauen zu fördern.
La qualité du service est l'un des principaux aspects du marketing moderne. La satisfaction du client sans qualité de service est pratiquement impossible. Les banques commerciales népalaises ne font pas exception. Il convient donc d'étudier l'impact de la qualité du service sur les banques commerciales népalaises. La banque NICASIA a été choisie comme banque échantillon. NICASIA est l'une des banques commerciales de catégorie A les plus populaires au Népal. La satisfaction du client est considérée comme une variable fiable et les dimensions de la qualité du service sont considérées comme des variables indépendantes. L'étude a examiné la perception de la qualité du service parmi les clients de la vallée de Katmandou et a également identifié si les cinq dimensions de la qualité du service affectent la satisfaction du client. L'étude a conclu que les cinq dimensions de la qualité du service sont positivement corrélées entre elles et avec la satisfaction du client à un niveau de signification de 1 %.
A qualidade do serviço é um dos principais aspectos do marketing moderno. A satisfação do cliente sem qualidade de serviço é quase impossível. Os bancos comerciais nepaleses não são exceção. Por conseguinte, é louvável estudar o impacto da qualidade do serviço nos bancos comerciais nepaleses. O banco NICASIA foi selecionado como banco de amostra. O NICASIA é um dos bancos comerciais de nível A mais populares do Nepal. A satisfação do cliente é considerada uma variável fiável e as dimensões da qualidade do serviço são consideradas variáveis independentes. O estudo examinou a perceção da qualidade do serviço entre os clientes do Vale de Katmandu e também identificou se as cinco dimensões da qualidade do serviço afectam a satisfação do cliente. O estudo concluiu que as cinco dimensões da qualidade do serviço estão positivamente correlacionadas entre si e com a satisfação do cliente ao nível de significância de 1%.
La qualità del servizio è uno degli aspetti principali del marketing moderno. La soddisfazione del cliente senza la qualità del servizio è quasi impossibile. Le banche commerciali nepalesi non fanno eccezione. È quindi opportuno studiare l'impatto della qualità del servizio sulle banche commerciali nepalesi. Come banca campione è stata scelta la NICASIA Bank. NICASIA è una delle banche commerciali di classe A più popolari del Nepal. La soddisfazione del cliente è considerata una variabile dipendente, mentre le dimensioni della qualità del servizio sono considerate variabili indipendenti. Lo studio ha esaminato la percezione della qualità del servizio tra i clienti della Valle di Kathmandu e ha anche identificato se le cinque dimensioni della qualità del servizio influiscono sulla soddisfazione dei clienti. Lo studio ha concluso che tutte e cinque le dimensioni della qualità del servizio sono correlate positivamente tra loro e con la soddisfazione del cliente al livello di significatività dell'1%.
Kachestwo obsluzhiwaniq - odin iz wazhnejshih aspektow sowremennogo marketinga. Udowletworenie klientow bez kachestwa obsluzhiwaniq prakticheski newozmozhno. Nepal'skie kommercheskie banki ne qwlqütsq isklücheniem. Takim obrazom, celesoobrazno izuchit' wliqnie kachestwa obsluzhiwaniq na kommercheskie banki Nepala. V kachestwe obrazca byl wybran bank NICASIA. NICASIA - odin iz populqrnyh kommercheskih bankow klassa A w Nepale. V kachestwe zawisimoj peremennoj wzqta udowletworennost' klientow, a w kachestwe nezawisimyh peremennyh - pokazateli kachestwa obsluzhiwaniq. V issledowanii izuchalos' wospriqtie kachestwa obsluzhiwaniq klientami w doline Katmandu, a takzhe opredelqlos', wliqüt li pqt' izmerenij kachestwa obsluzhiwaniq na udowletworennost' klientow. Issledowanie pokazalo, chto wse pqt' izmerenij kachestwa obsluzhiwaniq polozhitel'no swqzany drug s drugom i s udowletworennost'ü klientow na 1-procentnom urowne znachimosti.
Die Dienstleistungsqualität ist einer der wichtigsten Aspekte des modernen Marketings. Kundenzufriedenheit ohne Servicequalität ist fast unmöglich. Nepalesische Geschäftsbanken sind da keine Ausnahme. Daher ist es lohnenswert, die Auswirkungen der Servicequalität auf nepalesische Geschäftsbanken zu untersuchen. Die NICASIA Bank wurde als Beispielbank ausgewählt. NICASIA ist eine der beliebtesten A-Grade-Geschäftsbanken in Nepal. Die Kundenzufriedenheit wird als zuverlässige Variable betrachtet, während die Dimensionen der Servicequalität als unabhängige Variablen betrachtet werden. Die Studie untersuchte die Wahrnehmung der Servicequalität durch die Kunden im Kathmandutal und stellte fest, ob die fünf Dimensionen der Servicequalität die Kundenzufriedenheit beeinflussen. Die Studie kam zu dem Schluss, dass alle fünf Dimensionen der Servicequalität bei einem Signifikanzniveau von 1 Prozent positiv miteinander und mit der Kundenzufriedenheit korreliert sind.
Service quality is one of the major aspects of modern marketing. Customer satisfaction without service quality is almost impossible. Nepalese commercial banks are no exception. Thus, it is praiseworthy to study the impact of service quality on Nepalese commercial banks. NICASIA Bank was selected as a sample bank. NICASIA is one of the popular A-grade commercial banks in Nepal. Customer satisfaction is taken as a dependable variable, and service quality dimensions are taken as independent variables. The study examined the perception of service quality among the customers in Kathmandu Valley and also identified whether the five dimensions of service quality affect customer satisfaction. The study concluded that all five dimensions of service quality are positively correlated to each other and customer satisfaction at the 1 percent significance level.
This book is based on the joint research of Dr. Gopal Thapa and Rojan Shrestha which aims to examine the psychological factors of young management graduates' entrepreneurial inclination. It identifies psychological factors influencing young management women's graduates, such as attitude, subjective norms, extroversion, and aspiration, while also examining how these psychological factors influence women's entrepreneurial inclinations. This study addresses the psychological factors that influence young women management graduates' intentions to operate and start an entrepreneurial venture. This study aims to evaluate the psychological factors of women in Nepal that are to be focused on in the future to encourage and support these young enthusiasts to be entrepreneurs. As entrepreneurship has been a key tool for economic growth and creates platforms for professionalism in women, this study helps to identify the necessary psychological attributes to focus entrepreneurial inclination on women.
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