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Bøker av Haley Gummelt

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  • av Haley Gummelt

    Psychopathic individuals are distinct from non-psychopathic individuals in affective,interpersonal, and behavioral domains. A hallmark characteristic of psychopathic individuals islack of empathy. Gender differences have been identified with regards to psychopathy andempathy. The current study examined two factors of empathy, Cognitive and Affective Empathy,and employed a triarchic model of psychopathy, which included boldness, meanness, anddisinhibition as the three factors (Patrick, Fowles, & Krueger, 2009). The current study examinedwhether gender and/or gender roles moderated the relationship between the empathy andpsychopathy factors. It was expected that gender roles, rather than gender alone, would moderatethe relationship between empathy and psychopathy, such that masculine individuals would bedeficient in empathy and endorse more psychopathic characteristics, whereas feminineindividuals were expected to have more empathy and endorse fewer psychopathic characteristics.As expected, in the current study, females demonstrated higher levels of femininity, as well asempathy and cooperation, whereas males demonstrated higher levels of psychopathy(specifically boldness and meanness) and the propensity to look out only for their best interestsand not cooperate with others. Further, masculine individuals demonstrated higher levels ofboldness and meanness. Results from an Exploratory Factor Analysis, Canonical Correlation,and Hierarchical Regression indicated that affective empathy factors, rather than cognitiveempathy factors, demonstrated the strongest negative relationship with boldness and meanness.Disinhibition demonstrated no relationship with either affective or cognitive empathy factors.Implications of these results are discussed.

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