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Bøker av Harley Stroh

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  • av Harley Stroh

    The classic adventure, now available as a hardcover! Since time immemorial you and your people have toiled in the shadow of the cyclopean ruins. Of mysterious origins and the source of many a superstition, they have always been considered a secret best left unknown by the folk of your hamlet. But now something stirs beneath the crumbling blocks. Beastmen howl in the night and your fellow villagers are snatched from their beds. With no heroes to defend you, who will rise to stand against the encircling darkness? The secrets of Chaos are yours to unearth, but at what cost to sanity or soul? An introductory adventure for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game, Sailors on the Starless Sea pits a mob of 0-level adventurers against the legacy of the Chaos Lords and their corrupted hordes. Delving beneath the crumbling ruins, the characters discover ancient crypts, a starless sea, and an ancient ziggurat, where death and treasure await in equal measure! This hardcover version also contains a gallery of alternate covers from previous printings, an essay on Doug Kovac's "Reverse Sailors", an interview with adventure creator Harley Stroh, original sketch maps, and more!

  • av Harley Stroh

    The classic adventure, now available as a limited foil-enchanced hardcover! Since time immemorial you and your people have toiled in the shadow of the cyclopean ruins. Of mysterious origins and the source of many a superstition, they have always been considered a secret best left unknown by the folk of your hamlet. But now something stirs beneath the crumbling blocks. Beastmen howl in the night and your fellow villagers are snatched from their beds. With no heroes to defend you, who will rise to stand against the encircling darkness? The secrets of Chaos are yours to unearth, but at what cost to sanity or soul? An introductory adventure for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Roleplaying Game, Sailors on the Starless Sea pits a mob of 0-level adventurers against the legacy of the Chaos Lords and their corrupted hordes. Delving beneath the crumbling ruins, the characters discover ancient crypts, a starless sea, and an ancient ziggurat, where death and treasure await in equal measure! This hardcover version also contains a gallery of alternate covers from previous printings, an essay on Doug Kovac's "Reverse Sailors", an interview with adventure creator Harley Stroh, original sketch maps, and more!

  • av Harley Stroh

    A level 5 adventure! The Isle of Dagon: to common folk, it presages death, pestilence, and woe. To warlocks, witches, and wizards, the isle offers a wealth of occult power, forbidden knowledge, and spells beyond the ken of mortal man. But before you can lay claim to the island's secrets, first you have to survive its fabled spell duels -- a series of death matches where only one caster may reign supreme. Wizards and elves will be tested to the fullest of their abilities. To triumph, parties must also survive the machinations of the other contenders and their wicked retinues. For when vying for the title of Master of Dagon, and battling against some of the most powerful sorcerers to tread the Known Worlds, you will need every advantage you can glean. Will you and your companions sit passively by, awaiting whatever fate befalls you? Or will you take the fight to your foes? And when your life -- and those of your companions -- hangs on the casting of a single spell, will you have the courage to accept Dagon's challenge? The time for questioning has passed. Black-sailed ships have come to ferry you and your companions to the fabled death matches. It is time to Enter the Dagon.

  • av Harley Stroh

    A level 4 Adventure for DCC RPG The stories have reached you: A world beneath our own, lit by a brilliant sun and ruled by sages beyond reproach, where magic has replaced the spoken word, the weakest slave is like unto a superman, and the domes gleam with hammered gold. You've spilled enough blood to know better. Your trek to discover the truth will take you through endless caverns, ancient causeways, and along unknown rivers. An expedition worthy of true explorers, Journey to the Center of Áereth offers characters the adventure of a lifetime - or the means to a quick doom. The Journey awaits!

  • av Harley Stroh

    A Level 3 Adventure for DCC RPG At the end of a forgotten back alley, in the weird and otherworldly marketplace of faiths known as the Bazaar of the Gods, stands the ruins of a forgotten chapel. Once the cult of the Carnifex was celebrated throughout the City of a Thousand Gates. But a band of holy warriors rose against the cult of executioners and torturers, casting down her signs and scattering her devotees to the winds. The fate of the cthonic goddess, and - more importantly - her fabled jewels remains a mystery...until this night. Set amid the sprawling decadence of Punjar, Jewels of the Carnifex offers low-level adventurers a chance to plumb the mysteries beneath the city's soiled streets, explore forgotten crypts lavished with weird artifacts, and - for the quick and daring - claim the lost Jewels of the Carnifex!

  • av Harley Stroh

    A level 5 adventure Goodman Games is proud to present DCC DE #5 Penumbra of the Polar Ape, the next adventure in the DCC Dying Earth line. A mysterious aura surrounds a distant star and the adventurers must travel into the cosmos to discover its origin. What first appears to be a small moon is soon discovered to be the egg of a star-dragon about to hatch! Only a quick-thinking party can prevent a stellar catastrophe. Penumbra of the Polar Ape is a softcover adventure for 5th-level characters. The adventure details an entire moon that the party must explore and chart in order to solve its mystery and avert disaster. Although designed for DCC Dying Earth, it can easily be integrated into any DCC RPG setting with minimum changes. Based on The Dying Earth Book Series by Jack Vance.

  • av Harley Stroh

    Prepare for Harley Stroh's sword-and-planet fantasy epic! Your characters are cast across the cosmos to a foreign world. Left to die beneath a weirdling sun and its sickening rays, their survival depends as much upon a quick wit as a quick blade. Even the finest chain hauberk must fail beneath the crush of an alien horde. DCC RPG Tome of Adventure Volume 4 is a level 4 exploration-style adventure spanning scores of leagues. On the Purple Planet, your characters cross hundreds of miles of alien wasteland, where they face predatory creatures, deadly mushroom jungles, and thousands of factious savage man-beasts locked in an endless war. In the course of the sprawling hex-crawl, characters have the opportunity to assume mastery of their own warbands, pit faction against faction, plumb ancient burial mounds, respect the age-old taboos, and experiment with deadly artifacts - the remnants of the Last War. How characters meet each challenge determines whether they discover the secrets to returning home, or slip beneath the sands of the wastes, succumbing to the perils of the Purple Planet. For those few with the courage to remain, we offer a world for the conquering.

  • av Harley Stroh

    Goodman Games is proud to present DCC #108 The Seventh Thrall of Sezrekan for Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. When the tower of a powerful wizard is raided by evil warriors, it's up to his humble retainers to come to their master's rescue. Are these untrained souls up to opposing one of the vile minions of the dreaded archmage, Sezrekan? DCC #108 The Seventh Thrall of Sezrekan is a 24-page adventure perfect for beginning a new DCC RPG campaign. This 0-level funnel includes several adventure locations, including a wizard's tower, a wilderness journey, and the evil citadel of the Seventh Thrall of Sezrekan--a figure known only as "the Litch." Written for DCC RPG, it can be inserted into any campaign with ease.

  • av Harley Stroh

    Centuries past, Lady Ilse ascended to scion of House Liis by trading the archdevil Mammon what he wanted most: her immortal soul - and a diabolical betrothal. The triumph proved hollow, for every year on the eve of her fell covenant, she was beset by visions of Mammon and her foul promise. Seeking to save herself, she was buried alive, swaddled in the holy symbols of a dozen divergent faiths. This desperate ploy held Mammon at bay for centuries...but a devil can afford to wait a very long time. After hundreds of years, the last of the holy wards has fallen. The devil has come to collect his due. Tonight a storm crashes against the ancient manor house and forgotten spirits rise from the muck and mire. The fallen belfry tolls once more, announcing the hellish fete. As the adventurers arrive to explore the Black Manse, Mammon calls for his winsome bride. He will leave with a soul at the end of the night. The only question is: Whose?

  • av Harley Stroh

    Punjar: wide-eyed madmen stalk the streets pronouncing the end of days, mail-clad priests crush the skulls of heathens underfoot, and timorous virgins are offered up in sacrifice within sooty temples. But even the greatest of shining temples and the strangest of mystery cults don't dare to challenge the terrifying finality of death. Until now. In Blades Against Death, the adventurers cross between the realms of the living and the dead, and wager their souls in a desperate bid to steal a soul from Death's hoary grasp. To win over the God of Dooms, you must be the most daring, stalwart and cunning and - when all else fails - willing to test your blades against Death! A mid-level adventure for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role-Playing Game, Blades against Death offers characters a once in a lifetime escapade. Those that return from the Realms of the Dead will have earned the true title of Adventurer, while those that fail will spend eternity in Death's service.

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