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Bøker av Hermann Hesse

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  • - Reflections on War and Politics
    av Hermann Hesse

    A collection of essays on the absurdity of war, from the Nobel Prize laureate

  • - Travel Writings from an Asian Journey
    av Hermann Hesse

    Hermann Hesse's voyage to the East Indies, recorded in journal entries and other writings translated into English for the first time, describes the experiences that influenced his greatest works. "I knew but few of the trees and animals that I saw around me by name, I was unable to read the Chinese inscriptions, and could exchange only a few words with the children, but nowhere in foreign lands have I felt so little like a foreigner and so completely enfolded by the self-existing naturalness of life's clear river as I did here." In 1911, Hermann Hesse sailed through southeastern Asian waters on a trip that would define much of his later writing. Hesse brings his unique eye to scenes such as adventures in a rickshaw, watching foreign theater performances, exploring strange floating cities on stilts, and luxuriating in the simple beauty of the lush natural landscape. Even in the doldrums of travel, he records his experience with faithful humor, wit, and sharp observation, offering a broad vision of travel in the early 1900s. With a glimpse into the workings of his mind through the pages of his journals, poems, and a short story-all translated into English for the first time-these writings describe the real-life experiences that inspired Hesse to pen his most famous works.

  • av Hermann Hesse

    Siddhartha is an interesting novel that deals with the spiritual journey of a boy known as Siddhartha, who leaves his home from the Indian subcontinent during the time of the Buddha. The book was published in the United States in 1951 and became influential during the 1960s.

  • - An Indian Tale
    av Hermann Hesse

  • av Hermann Hesse
    168 - 221,-

  • - An Indian Tale
    av Hermann Hesse
    130 - 236

  • av Hermann Hesse
    121 - 128

  • av Hermann Hesse

  • av Hermann Hesse
    170 - 431,-

  • av Hermann Hesse

  • - An Indian Tale
    av Hermann Hesse

  • av Hermann Hesse

    "Sidarto" ("Siddhartha") is an allegorical novel by German writer Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of a boy (and man) during the time of the Buddha. -- En 1922, post multjara okupigho pri hinduismo kaj budhismo, la germana kaj svisa verkisto Hermann Hesse (1877-1962; Nobel-premio en 1946) publikigis sian romanon "Sidarto. Hinda poezia rakonto". La eventoj en la libro kondukas nin proksimume al la jaro 500 a.K., al la tempo de la fondinto de budhismo, Gotamo Budho. Ni sekvas la vivon de samtempulo de Gotamo, Sidarto, kaj ties serchon de atmano, t.e. de la nedetruebla, unueca kaj eterna esenco de la spirito. La romano, konsistanta el du partoj kun kvar kaj ok chapitroj, strukture pli-malpli sekvas bazajn principojn de la budhisma instruo, la "Kvar noblajn verojn" kaj la "Noblan okeran vojon". -- "Sidarto" estas la nau'a romano de Hermann Hesse. Ghi estas rigardata de kelkaj kiel simpligita priskribo de hindaj religioj kaj filozofioj el okcidenta vidpunkto, sed entuziasme akceptita de aliaj kiel kreema literatura interpreto de budhismaj principoj; kaj la usona verkisto Henry Miller ech konstatis: "Krei Budhon, kiu superas la ghenerale akceptitan Budhon, estas nekredebla faro, ghuste por germano." -- La traduko de Detlef Karthaus nuancite redonas la simplecon kaj poeziecon de la germana originalo.

  • av Hermann Hesse

    The classic novel of ancient India. A young man searches for enlightenment.

  • av Hermann Hesse

  • - En Busca de la Verdad (Spanish edition)
    av Hermann Hesse

  • av Hermann Hesse
    166 - 266,-

  • av Hermann Hesse

    Written in a prose of almost biblical simplicity and beauty, Siddhartha is the story of a soul's long quest for the answer to the enigma of man's role on earth. As a youth, the young Indian Siddhartha meets the Buddha but isn't content with the disciple's role. He must work out his own destiny-a torturous road on which he experiences a love affair with the beautiful courtesan Kamala, the temptation of success and riches, the heartache of struggling with his own son, and finally, renunciation and self-knowledge.The name "Siddhartha" is often given to the Buddha himself-perhaps a clue to Hesse's aims contrasting the traditional legendary figure with his own conception.This new edition of the classic Siddhartha includes The Dhammapada ("Path of Virtue"), the 423 verses attributed to the Buddha himself, which forms the essence of the ethics of Buddhist philosophy.

  • av Hermann Hesse

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