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Bøker av Howdie Mickoski

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  • av Howdie Mickoski

    " can't hide from a part of reality just because you may not like it."In this wide-ranging spiritual journey, Howdie Mickoski weaves together Zen, Shamanism, Nonduality, Advaita, Gnostic Christianity, Alchemy, Ancient Egypt, Hollywood films, and the teachings of Richard Rose to tell a story of spiritual awakening with a message for all. Full of practical details as well as wisdom gained from the realities of daily living. Howdie's story is an engaging and surprising read.

  • av Howdie Mickoski

    Versión es español de los primeros 6 capítulos del libro en Inglés. Mucha gente piensa que la realidad, el mundo y la vida son terribles. Porqué? Porque lo son. La experiencia llamada "vida en la Tierra" es una mentira. La espiritualidad, religión y la Nueva Era afirman que vivimos en un mundo maravilloso, hecho por un creador que nos ama y espera nuestras oraciones, pero los gnósticos y los cátaros creían que vivimos en una realidad virtual, creada por un ser malvado, con el propósito de consumir nuestra energía y mantener nuestras almas atrapadas. Platón creó la alegoría de la caverna para explicar una "realidad", donde somos prisioneros. Salir de la caverna requiere una exploración sincera de la trampa de la reencarnación, lo cual se logra al analizar información de textos antiguos y experiencias cercanas a la muerte, así como películas tales como Dark City y series de TV como Westworld, que ayudan a entender la alegoría de la caverna de Platón. Lo relevante de esto, es estar preparado en el momento de la muerte, ya que es la única "experiencia garantizada". Qué nos espera al otro lado si le damos la espalda a la posibilidad de encarnar constantemente en un pozo de sufrimiento? Quizás sea lo que nuestra alma ha estado soñando durante eones: volver a casa.

  • - Das Ende der Reinkarnationsfalle
    av Howdie Mickoski

    Die meisten Menschen werden sagen, dass sich etwas furchtbar falsch anfühlt... mit dieser Realität, der Welt und dem Leben. Warum ist das so? Weil etwas falsch ist. Diese ganze Erfahrung welche, "das Leben auf der Erde" genannt wird, ist eine einzige Lüge.Die Standardspiritualität, die Religionen und das New Age wollen uns glauben schenken, dass wir in einer wunderbaren Welt leben, welche von einem Schöpfer geschaffen wurde, der uns liebt und welcher stets auf unsere Gebete wartet. Einige Gruppen jedoch, wie zum Beispiel die Gnostiker und die Katharer glaubten, dass wir in einer Simulation, einer virtuellen Realität leben, erschaffen von einem bösartigen Schöpfer um unsere Energie zu konsumieren und unsere Seele gefangen zu halten. Platon schuf das Höhlen Gleichnis um ebenfalls darzustellen, dass wir in einer fiktiven Welt leben und tatsächlich Gefangene in ihr sind.EXIT THE CAVE geht der Reinkarnationsfalle auf den Grund, indem es eine Fülle unterschiedlicher Informationen aus antiken Texten und Nahtod-Erfahrungen bis hin zu Filmen wie Dark City und Westworld aufdeckt. All das um Platons Höhlengleichnis zu dekonstruieren und zu verstehen. Signifikant und daher das Wichtigste dabei ist, auf den Moment des eigenen Todes schon zu Lebzeiten ausreichend vorbereitet zu sein - Es ist unsere einzige, "garantiert wahre Erfahrung". Was erwartet uns auf der anderen Seite, wenn wir den ständigen Inkarnationen in einer Grube des Leidens den Rücken zukehren? Vielleicht ist es das, wovon unsere Seele schon seit Äonen träumt... endlich nach Hause zu gehen.

  • av Howdie Mickoski

    "This book is a staggering amount of research" (Editor)Where did hockey really start? You might think that answer has been solved. Not really.Montreal between 1850 to 1880 is presented as the most innovative hotbed of sports in history. In just 30 years this city "invents" hockey, lacrosse, American football, and if James Naismith had continued teaching at McGill University one more year - perhaps basketball. What is the coincidence that four of the five major North American sports were all founded in Montreal in a thirty year period? How is that possible? The obvious answer is that it wasn't. Nothing was "invented" in Montreal.So what happened regarding the supposed "first game of organized hockey" in 1875? I realized that three very important questions have never been properly answered. Why Montreal? Why 1875? Why James Creighton? Then I began to get into the research and found: outright lies, misdirection, pasted and doctored photographs, and everywhere I would turn another secret or esoteric society would show up? What was going on? Even the origin of the Stanley Cup in 1893 has unanswered questions and strange coincidences.There also seems to be covering over of the Native American stick-and-ball ice games, particularly those of the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia. They might be the true originators of hockey. Yet, they have a story that may link them to Ancient Egypt, Norwegian Vikings and the Knights Templar. What began as a simple examination of the origin of hockey, became a dive into the history of the 1800s.Be prepared to be surprised!

  • av Howdie Mickoski

  • - Revealing Egypt's Lost Wisdom- Revised and Updated
    av Howdie Mickoski

    The wisdom of Ancient Egypt has rarely been presented from so many perspectives. Here through over 500 pages and 200 photographs, comes the view needed to help unlock the wisdom secrets of the past. Using Hermeticism, Alchemy, Shamanism, Zen, Advaita, Taoism and sever other traditions- what the temples, tombs and texts of Egypt were pointing at might now be a bit closer to understanding.The Power of Then-Revealing Egypt's Lost Wisdom, looks not just at Ancient Egypt, but uses sites and mythology from all over the world to look into the wisdom of the ancients. The Maya and Toltec of Mexico show Egyptian similarity, from sites from Teotihuacan to Palenque. European stone circles provide a link to Native Indian Medicine Wheels and even Chinese acupuncture. Hawaii's myths reveal Egyptian-like sameness.Howdie Mickoski spent over 10 years studying texts, reliefs and ancient sites to present this book, less a set of answers but what might be described as a book attempting to locate better questions. Then showing other examples in other civilizations and teachings that have answers for such questions- then see what might be applied to the ancient world.Fully revised and updated in 2018, the book now examines if ancient Pyramid fields were really built in the time suggested- or if the dates of almost all of them must be pushed back by thousands of years. He unravels the Pyramid Texts, Book of the Dead and Book of What is in the Duat- to show their pointers to what today can be called Awakening and the nature of Absolute Reality.

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