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Bøker av Jake Kail

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  • - Libertad de la influencia de los espíritus malignos
    av Jake Kail

    La liberación de los espíritus malignos es un tema que a menudo se ha evitado en la iglesia. Pero para Jesús y sus primeros seguidores, era completamente normal expulsar demonios. Claves para la Liberación elimina el miedo, el estigma y la confusión del tema de la liberación. Utilizando un enfoque bíblico y muchos testimonios de la vida real, este libro ayudará a equipar al creyente promedio para que pueda recibir liberación y ministrarla a otros. Los temas que se cubren incluyen: - El papel de la liberación en el ministerio de Jesús y sus seguidores.- La realidad de la influencia demoníaca en nuestro mundo y por qué la liberación es relevante hoy en día.- Diferentes tipos de demonios y cómo buscan influir en las personas- Las puertas abiertas que dan acceso a los espíritus malignos a la vida de las personas.- Cómo discernir la presencia de demonios- Cómo recibir liberación y cómo ministrarla a otros- Libertad de palabras destructivas e hirientes- Liberarse de maldiciones y fortalezas generacionales- Qué es lo oculto y cómo liberarse de su influencia- Cómo permanecer libre una vez que hayas sido entregado- Una oración por la liberación que puedes usar para ti o para otros.- ¡Y más! No podemos permitirnos seguir evitando el tema de la liberación de los espíritus malignos. Dios está restaurando este ministerio crucial para la iglesia, y es hora de analizar honestamente lo que la Biblia tiene que decir al respecto. ¡Lea este libro y encuentre las claves para liberarse y liberar a otros!

  • - When Evil Pretends to Be Good
    av Jake Kail

    How do sexual predators, domestic abusers, and false prophets blend into our churches undetected? How do some people appear to be so godly in public, but live a life of complete darkness and unrepentant sin in private? How can a person cause terrible damage to others without feeling any genuine remorse? The answer to these questions lies in understanding the nature of hypocrisy.Jesus warned us to be on guard against hypocrisy, but we have often not understood what the term actually means. Hypocrisy is not when a righteous person sins, it is when an evil person pretends to be good.In Hypocrisy Exposed you will learn: -The true meaning of the word hypocrite-Why Jesus was so harsh against hypocrisy-The difference between hypocrisy and other sins-Characteristics and tactics of a chronic hypocrite-The connection between narcissism and hypocrisy-The difference between true and false repentance-How to heal from the damage done through hypocrisy-How to walk in integrity instead of hypocrisyGod is shining light in the church and exposing hidden things. It's time to grow in wisdom and discernment so that we can spot wolves in sheep's clothing and recognize hypocrisy in our midst!

  • - 40 Reflections on the Spirit-filled Life
    av Jake Kail

    ABIDING IN THE VINE is a collection of 40 devotional writings that are meant to feed your spirit and draw you closer to God. Rich with the Word of God and insights into the Spirit-filled life, each reflection will bring understanding and encouragement, as well as challenge you to go deeper in your walk with Christ. The reflections in this book are organized into seven categories: the Word, the Christian life, prayer, the Holy Spirit, healing, contending for the faith, and the church. Abiding in the Vine is great for personal devotion, or to give as a gift!

  • - Freedom From the Influence of Evil Spirits
    av Jake Kail

    Deliverance from evil spirits is a topic that has often been avoided in the church. But for Jesus and His early followers, it was completely normal to cast out demons. Keys for Deliverance removes the fear, stigma, and confusion from the topic of deliverance. Using a biblical approach and many real-life testimonies, this book will help equip the average believer to be able to both receive deliverance and minister it to others.Topics that are covered include: -The role of deliverance in the ministry of Jesus and His followers-The reality of demonic influence in our world and why deliverance is relevant for today-Different types of demons and how they seek to influence people-The open doors that give evil spirits access to people's lives-How to discern the presence of demons-How to receive deliverance and how to minister it to others-Freedom from destructive and hurtful words-Breaking free from generational curses and strongholds-What the occult is and how to be delivered from its influence-How to stay free once you have been delivered-A prayer for deliverance that you can use for yourself or others-And more!We cannot afford to avoid the topic of deliverance from evil spirits any longer. God is restoring this crucial ministry to the church, and it's time to take an honest look at what the Bible has to say about it. Read this book and find the keys for getting free and setting others free

  • - Foundations for Growing in Christ
    av Jake Kail

    The Rooted Discipleship Manual is all about spiritual growth. Being saved and set free should be seen as a beginning, not an end. We are born again into God's Kingdom, and now we are called to know God intimately, mature in Christ, and produce the fruit that He desires. In order for this to happen, we must be rooted.This discipleship manual will help equip you with foundational truths and spiritual disciplines necessary to grow in your relationship with God. Each lesson contains biblical teaching combined with sections for reflection and personal application. Rooted can be used for personal study and growth, small group teaching and discussion, or as a tool for discipling others.Some of the topics covered include: Being rooted in God's love as a foundationDeveloping a consistent and fruitful prayer lifeGetting grounded in the Word of GodUnderstanding the purpose and power of fastingBeing empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill our callingKnowing God in a personal and intimate wayCultivating the fruit of the Spirit and character of ChristConnecting to the local church and growing through Kingdom relationshipsAnd more!

  • - Finding and Fulfilling Your God-given Purpose
    av Jake Kail

    We all know that we were created with a God-given purpose. Yet, many believers go through life without a clear sense of what they are specifically called to do. Discovering Your Destiny outlines biblical principles for how to walk in your calling. Using relevant personal illustrations and examples from the Bible, this practical book will put tools in your hands to help you discover and fulfill your destiny.You will learn about: -How destiny flows out of relationship with God-Clues that God gives to uncover your destiny-The different seasons of walking out your calling-How your gifts and passions relate to your purpose-The powerful impact of small steps of obedience-Obstacles that can derail you from your destinyEach chapter includes questions for reflection or discussion, making this book a great resource for both personal and small group study

  • - How to Break the Chains of Demonic Influence
    av Jake Kail

  • av Jake Kail

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