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  • - Processes, Stories and Challenges in the Czech Republic
    av Ji&#345 & í Zounek

    This book addresses the transformation of primary education in the former Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic) after the fall of the communist regime in 1989. It follows the overall transformation of education and school policy and offers original insights into the everyday life of the schools at that time. It also provides a unique perspective on the whole transformation process. The work discusses the school environment in the context of specific local characteristics, such as parents, community, regional institutions, and national and international contexts. The book specifically focuses on the changes in primary school management in terms of economics, organization, and personnel. The processes of pedagogical change are an essential theme of the book. They cover how teachers proceeded through the changes in their work at the time of the transformation and the reasons for their resistance to change, including the challenges that the transformation introduced into their work and personal lives. The book also monitors how the teachers navigated the selection and use of new textbooks and tools, such as digital tools. The work originates in historical-pedagogical research, based primarily on the oral history method and complemented by the study of contemporary documents.

  • av Ji&#345 & í Stacho

    Step into a world of intrigue and danger in A.D. 1307 Kingdom of Bohemia.Get ready to unravel the mystery surrounding a legendary scholar's shocking death and discover the truth behind the enigmatic woman who seems to be at the center of it all.Join two treasure hunters on their thrilling journey across the kingdom as they navigate treacherous noble politics, uncover ancient artifacts, and battle against hostile Hungarian soldiers.With the tension between Bohemia and Hungary at an all-time high, this is the ultimate high-stakes adventure that you won't want to miss.

  • - Saving Energy, Water and Resources
    av Ji&#345 & í Jaromír Klemes
    1 126

    This Third Edition of Sustainable Process Integration and Intensification extends the presentation of fundamentals of Energy Integration, Water Integration and CO2 management into Process Integration for waste valorisation and advanced Water Integration involving water mains and considering multiple contaminants. This edition is thoroughly updated and extended to include the latest developments and illustrated working sessions to assist readers in gaining a deeper understanding of the materials. The book is a suitable reference for graduate students as well as professionals seeking to apply Process Integration solutions in plant design and operation.

  • av Ji&#345, ka & i Ove&#269

    Invitation from a Mobster is inspired by real events. It tells the story of one of the most important and feared journalists of the 1990s and is set during the Wild West Gold Rush era of Czech politics following the Velvet Revolution. Vitas is a journalist who uncovers injustice and crime in the chaos of democratic beginnings in a formerly Communist nation. He works in an environment in which all things are affected by the pursuit of money and all human values fall to the wayside. Vitas uncovers various scams involving by one of the biggest mobsters in the Czech Republic, Kromen. The story moves to Tibet and its forcible annexation during the last century by China. A young girl is being raised in a monastery of Tibetan Buddhists near the Indian border. No one in the monastery has any idea that a destiny of great historical significance lies in wait for her. Because of the girl the monastery becomes a significant source of interest for Chinese officials.

  • - A Requiem for the Fifties
    av Ji&#345 & i Kratochvil

  • - Ein Lehrbuch fur Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler
    av Joachim Erven & Dietrich Schwägerl
    426 - 504

    Grundlagen: Mengen, reelle Zahlen, elementare Funktionen, Grenzwerte; Lineare Algebra (wesentlich erganzt): Vektorraume, lineare Gleichungssysteme, Matrizen, Eigenwerte, analytische Geometrie, Skalarprodukt, Norm; komplexe Zahlen: GAUSSsche Zahlenebene, komplexe Funktionen, Anwendungen in der Technik; Differentialrechnung: Differenzierbarkeit, Ableitungsregeln, Anwendung auf Naherungen und Grenzwerte, NEWTON-Iteration; Integralrechnung: Unbestimmtes, bestimmtes, uneigentliches Integral, Hauptsatz der Differential- und Integralrechnung, Integrationsmethoden, praktische Anwendungen, numerische Integration; Ebene und raumliche Kurven: Parameterdarstellung von Kurven, Kurvengleichung in Polarkoordinaten; Reihen: Konvergenzkriterien, Potenzreihen, FOURIER-Reihen; Funktionen mehrerer Variablen: Partielle und vollstandige Differenzierbarkeit, Doppelintegrale, Kurvenintegrale, Flachen im Raum, Umrisse; Differentialgleichungen: Elementare Verfahren fur Dgln 1. und 2. Ordnung, lineare Dgln, Dgl-Systeme. Neu enthalten: Lineare Ausgleichsrechnung, Nabla-Kalkul, LAPLACE-Transformation, RUNGE-KUTTA-Verfahren In diesem Lehrbuch werden alle notwendigen Mathematikgrundlagen fur Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler in einem Band dargestellt. Viele anschauliche Beispiele fuhren in die Thematik ein und vertiefen das Gelernte anhand von uber 300 Grafiken. Mit mehr als 300 Ubungsaufgaben mit Losungen eignet sich das Buch hervorragend zum Selbststudium. Die Erstauflage dieses Buches, 1999 unter dem Titel Mathematik fur Ingenieure erschienen, entstand aus Vorlesungen, die die beiden Autoren in verschiedenen Fachbereichen der Hochschule Munchen gehalten haben. In der Folge wurden mehrfach Uberarbeitungen und Erganzungen vorgenommen.

  • - Ihr Wesen Und Ihr Bezug Zu Wittenberg
    av erný, Ji&#345 & i &#268

  • av Ji&#345, Patrice Lajoye, i Dynda & m.fl.

    Slavic mythology is very little known to the Western public. Also a group of researchers from seven different countries (Australia, France, Greece, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine) has made the choice to translate recent works on the subject into English.Eight of the articles in this volume study different aspects of ancient Slavic mythology, while one is a synthesis of the Baltic mythology and religion.With the contributions of Ji

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