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Bøker av Jiashi Yang

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  • av Jiashi Yang
    1 031,-

    Theory of Electromagnetoelasticity presents a systematic and unique treatment of elastic, electric and magnetic interactions in solids including various thermal and dissipative effects such as viscoelasticity and electrical conduction. In this book, a general and nonlinear continuum theory is constructed. The fundamental building blocks of the theory - the electromagnetic body force, couple and power - are calculated from a multi-continuum model consisting of a lattice continuum for elastic deformation, a bound charge continuum for electric polarization, a circulating current continuum for magnetization, and a free charge fluid for electrical conduction. The multi-continuum model is simpler than the common charged particle model and reveals the underlying physics from a unique angle. The complete set of Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic fields is included without the widely used quasistatic approximations of the electric and/or magnetic fields. The theory established can be used to describe different kinds of interactions between acoustic and optical fields or waves. Some linear problems are analyzed as examples to show some of the simplest elastic and electromagnetic couplings.

  • av Jiashi Yang
    1 239,-

    Conventional books on the mechanics of materials treat elastic deformations of solids through one-dimensional models for the extension of rods, torsion of shafts and bending of beams. In functional materials, mechanical, thermal, electric and magnetic fields interact among themselves, and therefore, need a more comprehensive model.This book presents a systematic treatment of the three-dimensional theories for these coupled phenomena and the corresponding one-dimensional models for extension, torsion and bending. This book adopts a mixed approach by devoting the first half of the book to the development of the three-dimensional theories of elastic, thermal, electric and magnetic fields as well as their interactions in dielectrics, conductors and semiconductors. The remainder of the book presents the one-dimensional models for extension, torsion and bending systematically.

  • av Jiashi Yang
    2 346 - 2 615,-

    This book presents the mechanics of piezoelectric semiconductor structures where the main electromechanical coupling of interest is the interaction between mechanical fields and semiconduction.

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