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Bøker av John King

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  • av John King

    The Football Factory centres on Tom Johnson, a reasoned 'Chelsea hooligan' who represents a disaffected society operating by brutal rules.

  • - New Penguin Parallel Texts
    av John King

    This is an all new version of the popular PARALLEL TEXT series, containing eight pieces of contemporary fiction in the original Spanish and in English translation. Including stories by Fuentes, Molinas, Marquez and Cortazar, this volume gives a fascinating insight into Spanish and Latin American culture and literature as well as providing an invaluable educational tool.

  • - A Treatise On The Principles Of The Common Law And The Statutes Of The Canadian Provinces Concerning Slander And Libel As Civil Wrongs, With The Articles Of The Criminal Code Of Canada Concerning Libel As An
    av John King

    This comprehensive legal treatise provides a detailed analysis of the principles and caselaw governing defamation law in Canada. The book includes a thorough discussion of both common-law and statutory causes of action, as well as the criminal aspects of defamation. This book is an essential resource for lawyers, judges, and scholars working in the field of media law.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • av John King
    253 - 538,-

  • av John King

    Welcome to ABC to Real Estate Investing: Investing in Rental Properties for Beginners. If you've picked up this book, you're likely seeking a new, accessible way to build wealth-a path that can lead to financial freedom and pave the way for generations to come. But where does one start?The path I'm here to guide you on is one less trodden but nonetheless promising: the road to reclaiming wealth through low-priced neighborhoods. Some may scoff at the idea, envisioning dilapidated houses in neglected neighborhoods, but there's an untold opportunity here-one that can serve both you and the community.Think about it: wealth is not merely about accumulation but distribution as well. It's about investing in places that others overlook, and in doing so, uplifting the very fabric of our communities. This concept may seem revolutionary, yet it is one rooted in practicality and social responsibility.My name is Lisa Phillips. As a seasoned investor, I've helped thousands of investors achieve financial independence by guiding them through the world of low-cost real estate investments. The properties we're talking about range from $30,000 to $50,000, located in middle-class neighborhoods across the country. These are not luxury condos or beachfront homes, but they're safe, affordable, and-most importantly-they make a real difference.The homes we'll discuss offer an unprecedented opportunity to build wealth while giving back. They provide a chance to inject capital, life, and prosperity into areas that have been overlooked for too long. And guess what? They're not just beneficial for the community; these investments are also profitable. We're talking about high returns and a steady cash flow-the kind of financial stability you can't always find in the stock market or other volatile investment avenues.This book is not just about investing; it's about making an impact. It's about reclaiming the narrative and understanding that wealth is not just about where we put our money, but how we use it to shape our world. It's about leveraging the opportunity in the overlooked, the underappreciated, the low-priced neighborhoods, and transforming them into vibrant communities while securing a financial future for ourselves.So, if you're ready to dive into a world of investment that is as rewarding socially as it is financially, I invite you to turn the page. Let's embark on this journey to reclaim our wealth and reshape our neighborhoods together.You might have a few questions about the person guiding you through this adventure. Who am I? Why have I chosen this unconventional path to wealth? Let me introduce myself formally: I'm Lisa Phillips, an ordinary woman with an extraordinary passion for helping people like you unearth the opportunities in the often-ignored, low-cost real estate market.Before I found my footing in the realm of real estate, I was not much different from many of you reading this book. I was not born into wealth, and the real estate market seemed like an intimidating venture. But through resilience, research, and a bit of trial and error, I found a niche that not only promised financial returns but also echoed my desire to make a positive societal impact. Over time, I have managed to aid thousands of investors in securing their financial future by investing in properties priced between $30,000 to $50,000 in middle-class neighborhoods all over the nation.

  • av John King
    426 - 546,-

  • - Authenticity Unleashed
    av John King

    The topic "Personal Branding in the Digital Age: Unleashing Your Authenticity" examines the significance of personal branding in the current digital environment. It explores the advantages of developing a strong personal brand and offers instructions for developing a strong and effective online presence. The important components of identifying your authenticity, creating your personal brand, utilizing your personal brand, and preserving it through time are covered in this article. It highlights the necessity of developing high-quality content that connects with your audience, maintaining a continuous online presence, and coordinating your personal brand with your goals and values. The importance of preserving your online reputation and remaining current with industry changes and best practices are also discussed in this article. After this subject is finished, the audience will have a clear understanding of how to build a powerful personal brand that reflects their authentic selves and sets them apart in today's competitive digital landscape.

  • av Alan Warner, John King & Irvine Welsh

  • av John King

    The purpose for writing this work is, as Peter urged, "[to] be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks ... a reason of the hope that " we have in Christ. We endeavor, therefore, starting at Creation to explain Calvary as reasonable and reasonably meaningful for faith. Not every theory of the Atonement greets our public with an interest that can lead to conviction, and while God could use our words spoken with sensitivity from a sanctified heart [1 Peter 3:15] it should sound reasonable to want to speak in a language God can inspired and use to draw hungry hearts to Himself. It cannot be wrong to search for a Bible based pathway to the Cross that explains God's justice and love in a reasonable way. But to get closer to Calvary, we must get closer to God, and that is only possible in prayer and the prayerful study of His Word. And we will never in this lifetime be totally understanding of God's reasonings [Romans 11:33]-nor should we. Calvary must remain a matter for faith, but the Biblical answer to life, our reason for life, is to be found in the Cross because when God drew up the blueprint for humanity, He had that lonely hill of suffering in mind. Who we were created and who He is are forever linked in God's mind and heart. Somewhere, therefore, in the nature of God, in the unfathomed depths of His inexhaustible grace, lies the secret to His passion. Perhaps, in eternity a thousand timeless years from now, we may begin to unravel the mystery of Godliness [1 Timothy 3:16], but-truthfully?-I think not. It will take "the ages to come [that] He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." [Ephesians 2:7].A word about God's "covenant faithfulness." God always planned through Jesus' crucifixion to restore His original vision of Eden. God's over-comers [Revelation 12:11] will be invited to "eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God" [Revelation 2:7]. We have, metaphorically, taken a step back from looking at a few trees-those isolated events in which the awesome power of our God was on display-to scope out the forest around them. There is a larger picture here than the return from Babylon or the Exodus. There is throughout prophetic history the thought of restoration on God's heart and mind which the disciples, no doubt, picked up on at Jesus's ascension [Acts 1:6]. We must step back far enough to see Eden in our peripheral vision on both ends of that history.

  • av John King

    We imperil our own souls when we marginalize the prophetic visions in the Old Testament, when we set the Old Testament aside as a message to Ancient Israel and not us. Almost sixty percent of the Scripture by book (almost 75% by verse) is in the older record of what God had to say to all of us-not just Israel. Assuming this record is only an ancient literary work fails to consider the passion by which our Creator directed biblical history.There is, in other words, a pulsating love that throbs behind every word in the text and we should be feeling it.Isaiah chapter five and Habakkuk's prayer are throbbing with a passionate divine interest in us and the times in which we live. Some of this emphasis may be lost in translation. This booklet represents a desire to capture some of the nuance that suggests urgency and an importance for our world. As Habakkuk shows: It is in prayer our eyes our opened to a spiritual reality, to another interpretation of our circumstances, of life itself in Christ [1 John 5:11]. And even if Isaiah nor Habakkuk could say all this before Calvary, there is that prophetic glimpse into a higher, divine, purpose behind what was about to happen in Judah when God chose Habakkuk to join Isaiah in warning them of God's imperative to repent. What God did, God does.

  • av John King

    Conceived in the Gilded Age, the Ferry Building opened in 1898 as San Francisco's portal to the world-the terminus of the transcontinental railway and a showcase of civic ambition. In silent films and World's Fair postcards, nothing said "San Francisco" more than its soaring clocktower. But as acclaimed architectural critic John King recounts, the rise of cars and double-deck roads severed the city from its beloved structure. King's narrative spans the rise and fall and rebirth of the Ferry Building, introducing colourful figures who fought to preserve its character (and the city's soul)-from architect Arthur Page Brown and legendary columnist Herb Caen to poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Senator Dianne Feinstein. A microcosm of the changing American waterfront, the saga of the Ferry Building explores the tensions of tourism and development-and the threat that sea level rise poses to a landmark that in the twenty-first century remains as vital as ever.

  • av John King & Jean Calvin
    359 - 466,-

  • av John King & Armand Marie Jacques de Chast Puységur
    190 - 373,-

  • av John King & Jean Calvin
    386 - 493,-

  • av John King & Harvey Wickes Felter
    519 - 586,-

  • av John King

  • av John King & John Uri Joint Ed Lloyd
    245 - 399,-

  • av John King

    A punk with a sampler, a nurse on a mission, a skinhead with a thirst - these three big-hearted locals just want to be left alone to live their lives to the scorching sounds of the Herbert Hi-Fi, but events are clouding their moods. When two friends look sure to clash in deadly fashion, a monster steps out of the shadows and romance looms in the shape of someone who may or may not have been abducted by aliens, some tough decisions are needed. And these decisions will have consequences. London Country is an upbeat tale from the margins. Out here, different rules apply. Anything is possible.

  • av John King

    The following study is based in large part on "The Cost of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Pastor Bonhoeffer's work is insightful into the kind of instruction we would expect Christ to have given the original twelve disciples to prepare them for the work God gave them. Bonhoeffer became a martyr for Christ during the Holocaust of World War 2, a time when pure evil seemed unstoppable. We are living again in a precarious time of societal unrest, class division, and, probably most threatening, an organized, political, attack on the institution of the church. The Bible singles out Christianity-as the name implies-as a Christ-centric way of life which now comes into conflict with a growing global opposition to both the moral principles Jesus endorsed as well as the freedom believers in Christ exercise in serving Him. From the public displays of religious devotion to God to their outspoken promotion of teachings and traditions that conflict with a society becoming more and more secular, believers are being marginalized as social outcasts and even, in some cases, criminals. We know there is a cost to being a disciple of Christ. Daniel is walking close to the lion's den because of his love for God. To quote Peter, "we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard" [Acts 4:20].

  • av John King & Robert C Wintermute

  • av John King
    213 - 295,-

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