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  • av John Mathew

    This work deals with visible sins and subtle sins. Subtle sins are pervasive among all Christians. It is easy to condemn those obvious sins such as murder, homosexuality, alcoholism, gluttony, and abortion. On the other hand, many Christians ignore their own sins of gossip, pride, envy, bitterness, and love of money etc. Some Christians may have become so preoccupied with some of the major sins of society around us that we have lost sight of the need to deal with our own subtle sins.The Church of Corinth was replete with moral problems. Although many at Corinth embraced Christianity, they did not abandon the decadent Corinthian culture. The pattern of a particular culture can influence people even after they become Christians. Even today it is visible all over the world in all religions and denominations. The Corinthian Church tolerated immorality, factionalism, flaunted their freedom, abused the observance of Lord's supper, misused spiritual gifts, and sued each other in court. However, the apostle Paul addressed them as "saints." (2 Corinthians 1:1 and first Corinthians 1:2). In the Roman Catholic tradition, sainthood is conferred posthumously.Today the believers in the Brethren movement address believers collectively as saints.The clue is to understand the real meaning for that word in the Bible. I made a google search for the Greek word. 40 hágios - properly, different (unlike), other ("otherness"), holy; for the believer, 40 (hágios) means "likeness of nature with the Lord" and "different from the world."The fundamental (core) meaning of 40 (hágios) is "different" - thus a temple in the 1st century was hagios ("holy") because different from other buildings (Wm. Barclay). In the NT, 40 /hágios ("holy") has the "technical" meaning "different from the world" and "like the Lord."[40 (hágios) implies something "set apart" and therefore "different (distinguished/distinct)" - i.e., "other," because special to the Lord.Contextually the word refers not to one's character but to a state of being. Its literal meaning is "one who is separated unto God. "In this context every believer is a saint. 1 Corinthians 1:2 states: "To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours: " Here Paul uses the word sanctified, a word usually associated with holy living. However, the word sanctified and saint both come from the same Greek word family. A saint is simply someone who is sanctified or separated. Yes, we are separated for what and for whom.? Every true believer in Christ has been separated or set apart by God for God.Believers are going to fall short in some areas of their lives until their glorification.The answer is given in Galatians 5:17 "For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want." Furthermore, Peter urges us to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. (1 Peter 2:11).

  • av John Mathew

    Every generation must make a renewed defense of the true Gospel, because the Gospel is under attack in each successive generation. Wokeness, Transgenderism, and CRT are destroying the Christian foundation of America. The new idea is basically neo-Marxism for deconstruction and dismantling of Social and economic structures of the West. They have invented new vocabulary like systemic racism, implicit bias, whiteness, white privilege, cultural appropriation, colonization, microaggression, equity and social justice.At the same time, Gospel doctrines like original sin, atonement, justification, and the glory of Christ are being eclipsed by new teaching with social inequalities, such as slavery, which can never be atoned by Biblical remedies. The only remedies are revenge and reparations. In many Black churches and liberal White churches, Gospel language is being supplanted by socialist sermons. They say that the American system is rooted in white supremacy and Western values. According to them every aspect of American culture is riddled with racism. The liberals angrily state that the founders of America created the constitution, economic system, and civil societies for the benefit of the White race. Politicians, even conservative pastors, have no logical answers. Instead, they all blush and with a guilty face say that there is equality in America. Many White liberals agree with the angry Marxist Black activists. I consider that the accusations of the liberals about the injustices of the founding fathers are illogical, racists, in order to create division anger, jealousy, and hatred among some minorities who have no historical acumen.We can find answers to most of the questions by using common sense with good knowledge of history. I would ask them like this, "How did Saudi Arabia establish their system? Did they pay attention to provide equal status to Shia Muslims and other minorities?" Yes, China made their system for their own people not for the benefit of India or any other countries.

  • - A collection of eclectic poems and quips
    av John Mathew

    Synopsis: My humble reflections, The first matter is thought. That which came from the abyss of silence and nothingness. The origin of thought is desire. An idea or a thought manifests from a mind and creates the material reality as we see and perceive. Yet we pay no heed to the thought whereas we are overwhelmed by the material universe.So naturally the question arises, is their a singular mind from which the whole universe emerged or are there multiple minds. There is a collective memory which humans share and similarly there is a collective mind(us), a repository of infinite information. There is no fragmentation in the collective just as there is no fragmentation in deep silence. Individuality is a concept in its repository which is used by the collective mind to fragment itself. The collective now contains repository of every single possibility and probability which has ever existed to that which will ever exist eternally as a result of this fragmentation. The natural question is will there be an end to the seeking of this knowledge or the information contained in that repository. Not as long as there is desire in the fire to burn. That very fire without which the fragmentation would not have been possible. What is that fire then? The only most passionate form of fire is love and as long as it burns, there will be fire brigades trying to bring down the fire and the story will go on forever. Mind is not our enemy, mind is the tool for exchange of information. But it can go out of hands when your thoughts are controlled by someone else using a social, religious or political narrative for their own benefits which is essentially to bring down the fire of love and rule the collective mind. There is no god except you and me and there is no devil except you and me. You are the silence, you are the thought, you are the matter, you are the whole. It's all in you. Remembering the whole while being fragmented is the ideal way to life and love. To love or not to love are the only two eternal choices in the whole of existence in a broader sense. Choose a side and fight. Either ways you will fight it with love to win. Love, John

  • av John Mathew

    John Mathew was a Presbyterian minister who developed an interest in Aboriginal ethnography after migrating from Scotland to work on his uncle's farm in Queensland in 1864. From 1879 he published influential studies of Aboriginal culture. Although Mathew's speculative argument for the tri-hybrid origins of the Australian Aborigines has long been disproved, his discussion of Aboriginal language and social behaviour was pioneering in the field of anthropology and is still well-regarded today. Two Representative Tribes of Queensland (1910) is the result of the extensive time Mathew spent visiting the Kabi and Wakka people living in the Barambah Government Aboriginal Station. This direct experience is emphasised in the preface to the book: 'For Mr Mathew Australian origins ... have been a life study, and the knowledge bearing upon these questions, which most others have gleaned from the library shelves, he has acquired at first-hand in the native camping grounds.'

  • av John Mathew

    Our Beloved Bhoomi–‘Earth’ deals with an unending migration of humanity. From time immemorial they started to travel in search of water, feed and also seeking better comfort. Here is the story of Tommy, a descendant of an immigrant from Portugal.Five hundred years ago, two youngsters Ouseph and Jaime, just for a secure living started a journey with all anxieties and hopes from Europe. One reached India and the other ended up in Brazil. Another Story is the journey of an eight year old boy Onappy and his family with all good hopes moved to escape poverty.United States liberalized immigration rules, and Tommy used this opportunity to have better education because of the demand put forward by his dream girl Mary. Yet Tommy ended up in the industrial town of Detroit where he married another girl Lisa.In current times, and in the native land of Tommy, other alien people migrate. An interesting love story, without crossing its boundaries, can be located in these pages. Watch the silent drama of coming together Tommy’s childhood friends on one stage.

  • - A study of the Australian aborigines including an inquiry into their origin and a survey of Australian languages
    av John Mathew

  • av John Mathew, Robinson Smile & Shailesh Kumar

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