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Bøker av John Mills

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  • av John Mills

  • - I Segreti dell'Alimentazione Sportiva per Ottimizzare le Prestazioni, Bruciare il Grasso Corporeo e Aumentare la Massa Muscolare
    av John Mills

    Sei stanco di allenarti duramente senza vedere i risultati che speri?Vuoi finalmente bruciare il grasso corporeo e aumentare la tua massa muscolare? Allora hai bisogno di "LA FORMULA VINCENTE!" In questo libro rivoluzionario, scoprirai i segreti dell'alimentazione sportiva utilizzata dai campioni di tutto il mondo. Imparerai a: Personalizzare il tuo piano alimentare in base al tuo sport, al tuo livello di esperienza e ai tuoi obiettivi.Sfruttare al meglio l'energia del cibo per migliorare le tue prestazioni.Recuperare più velocemente dagli allenamenti e prevenire gli infortuni.Mangiare in modo equilibrato e soddisfacente, senza rinunciare al gusto.Inoltre, troverai: Piani alimentari di esempio per diverse discipline sportive.Consigli pratici per la spesa e la preparazione dei pasti.Semplici Idee per preparare pasti sani e gustosi in pochi minuti.Tabelle nutrizionali e consigli per la scelta degli integratori.LA FORMULA VINCENTE è la tua chiave per accedere al mondo dell'alimentazione sportiva e raggiungere il tuo massimo potenziale.Non perdere altro tempo! Inizia il tuo viaggio verso il successo con LA FORMULA VINCENTE!

  • - Manual ilustrado para aumentar la fuerza y la hipertrofia. Tablas de entrenamiento, nutrición y prevención de lesiones
    av John Mills

    Alcanza tus objetivos de fitness con la Calistenia: ¡sin pesas, sin entrenador, sin gimnasio! Gana fuerza, masa, resistencia y flexibilidad utilizando movimientos corporales sencillos y nada más que tu peso. El Manual Perfecto "Free Body Training and Calisthenics" ofrece un plan de entrenamiento completo que no requiere grandes sacrificios de tiempo, energía o cartera. Sigue estos programas de entrenamiento calisténico que progresan en cuanto a técnica e intensidad para adquirir un conocimiento exhaustivo de este método de entrenamiento accesible para todos.A continuación, explora las técnicas y pautas de recuperación para crear una rutina de entrenamiento que se adapte a tus objetivos personales y a tu estilo de vida. La calistenia es el entrenamiento preferido por atletas de todos los niveles de forma física, desde paseantes de fin de semana hasta estrellas del deporte profesional. Las Habilidades de la Calistenia incluyen: Entrenamiento para todos los niveles: los entrenamientos de calistenia ajustables y personalizables se adaptan a tus necesidades y objetivos de fitness.Entrenamiento de todo el cuerpo: este enfoque integral y eficaz del fitness trabaja todo el cuerpo con una serie de patrones de movimiento sencillos.Variedad, versatilidad y diversión: los mejores ejercicios dinámicos con las progresiones, modificaciones y variaciones necesarias para mantener las cosas interesantes, estimulantes y atractivas.Se trata de una guía realmente completa sobre el entrenamiento calisténico, que te permitirá comprender cómo entrenar todo el cuerpo y conseguir las habilidades y ejercicios básicos. El mito de que para mantenerse en forma se necesita un gimnasio, un entrenador e incluso pesas ha quedado desmentido: ¡la calistenia es el método de acondicionamiento físico del futuro!

  • - Or, the Fields and the Woods; Volume 3
    av John Mills

    This charming novel tells the story of a man who retreats from the city to the countryside to live a simpler life. Along the way he learns valuable lessons about love, life, and nature, making this book a timeless classic for readers of all ages.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • - Healthy, Strong and Always in Shape with the spectacular Free Body workout
    av John Mills

    Reach your fitness goals with Calisthenics - no weights, no trainer, no gym! Gain strength, mobility, endurance, and flexibility using simple body movements and nothing but your weight. The Perfect Handbook " Calisthenics Skills " offers a comprehensive workout plan that requires no major sacrifices of time, energy, or wallet. Follow these calisthenic training programs that progress in terms of technique and intensity to gain a comprehensive understanding of this accessible training method for everyone. Then, explore recovery techniques and guidelines to create a workout routine that fits your personal goals and lifestyle. Calisthenics is the workout of choice for athletes of all fitness levels, from weekend walkers to professional sports stars. Calisthenics Skills includes: Workout for all levels: adjustable and customizable calisthenics workouts fit your needs and fitness goals.Whole body workouts: this comprehensive and effective approach to fitness works the whole body with a series of simple movement patterns.Variety, versatility and fun: the best dynamic exercises with the progressions, modifications and variations needed to keep it interesting, challenging and engaging.This is a true comprehensive guide on Calisthenics training, it will enable you to understand how to train the whole body and achieve the Basic Skills and Exercises. The myth that keeping fit requires a gym, an instructor and even weights has been disproved: calisthenics is the physical conditioning method of the future!

  • - Gesund, stark und immer in Form mit dem spektakulären Free-Body-Workout
    av John Mills

    Erreichen Sie Ihre Fitnessziele mit Calisthenics - ohne Gewichte, ohne Trainer, ohne Fitnessstudio! Gewinnen Sie an Kraft, Mobilität, Ausdauer und Flexibilität mit einfachen Körperbewegungen und nichts als Ihrem Körpergewicht. "The Skills of Calisthenics" bietet einen kompletten Trainingsplan, der nicht viel Zeit, Energie oder Geld erfordert. Folgen Sie diesen Trainingsprogrammen, die sich in Technik und Intensität steigern, damit Sie alle zugänglichen Trainingsmethoden umfassend verstehen. Lernen Sie dann Erholungstechniken und Richtlinien kennen, um ein Trainingsprogramm zu erstellen, das Ihren persönlichen Zielen und Ihrem Lebensstil entspricht. Calisthenics ist das Training der Wahl für Sportler aller Fitnessniveaus, vom Wochenendspaziergänger bis zum Profisportler. The Skills of Calisthenics enthält: Workouts für alle Levels: anpassbare und individuell gestaltbare Calisthenics-Workouts, die Ihren Bedürfnissen und Fitnesszielen entsprechen.Workouts für den ganzen Körper: Dieser umfassende und effektive Ansatz für Fitness trainiert den ganzen Körper mit einer Reihe einfacher Bewegungsmuster.Abwechslung, Vielseitigkeit und Spaß: die besten dynamischen Übungen mit den notwendigen Fortschritten, Modifikationen und Variationen, um das Training interessant, herausfordernd und fesselnd zu gestalten. Der Mythos, dass man, um sich fit zu halten, ein Fitnessstudio, einen Trainer und sogar Gewichte braucht, ist widerlegt: Calisthenics ist die Trainingsmethode der Zukunft.

  • av John Mills
    277 - 423,-

  • av John Mills

    The Life of a Foxhound, has been acknowledged as a major work throughout human history, and we have taken precautions to assure its preservation by republishing this book in a modern manner for both present and future generations. This book has been completely retyped, revised, and reformatted. The text is readable and clear because these books are not created from scanned copies.

  • av John Mills
    215 - 383,-

  • av John Mills
    229 - 396

  • av John Mills & Manchester Statistical Society (Manch
    188 - 369,-

  • av John Mills
    230 - 701

  • - a Paper Read Before the Economic Section of the National Social Science Association, at Manchester, October 5th, 1866; With Notes Added
    av John Mills

  • av John Mills

  • av John Mills
    245 - 536,-

  • av John Mills
    555 - 563,-

  • - Or Puffy Doddles
    av John Mills

  • - The Great Tradition
    av John Mills
    1 110,-

    He launches this work with the first Hamlet portrayal, that of Richard Burbage, and then, in chronological order, describes and analyzes the Hamlets of the other actors who make up the great tradition of English-language Shakespeare acting.

  • av John Mills

  • av John Mills & Raymond White
    3 496,-

    Presents a survey of the chemical composition, properties and analysis of the whole range of organic materials incorporated into objects and artworks found in museum collections. This work covers the fundamental chemistry of the bulk materials such as wood, paper, natural fibres and skin products.

  • av John Mills, Bryan Gould, Shaun Stewart & m.fl.
    1 385,-

  • av John Mills
    1 385,-

    John Mills provides a critical survey of the way economics has developed. He argues that the main goal of economics ought to be to show how to achieve a combination of economic growth, full employment, low inflation, avoidance of extreme poverty and sustainability.

  • av John Mills
    1 385,-

    America's Soluble Problems , while recognising the many successes of the US economy, analyses its well known problems with a fresh new approach. America's Soluble Problems argues that they are not, and that entirely achievable changes in macro - economic policy could transform the prospects for the US economy and for most American citizens.

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