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  • - A Lenten Journey with Our Lord
    av John Paul Thomas

    New for Lent 2024!Lent is a sacred time of the year. On the surface, many cringe at the thought of Lent approaching, but deep down, faithful Christians anticipate this holy time with hopefulness that it will produce good fruit in their lives.Recall Jesus saying, "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few" (Matthew 7:13-14). Entering through that "narrow gate" is a path that requires resolve and sacrificial love. In order to take that constricted and challenging road, we must face difficult aspects of our lives, including our sins.This book offers reflections for the Lenten season that are based on Jesus' forty days in the desert. Beginning with Jesus' time preparing for His ministry, meditations on the seven capital sins and Holy Week complete the forty days. In addition, since Lent lasts more than forty days when Sundays are counted, separate reflections for every Sunday of Lent are included.

  • - Volume Two: April-June
    av John Paul Thomas

    If a list were made of the greatest human beings who have ever lived, those reflected upon in this four-volume series would be at the top of that list. Though historians often attempt to judge greatness from their own subjective perspective, there must be an objective criteria by which human greatness is judged. The only Person Who is capable of establishing that criteria is God. The criteria that God has established are the virtues, as identified by Jesus and revealed by Him through the holy Gospels.The goal of this four-volume series is to present each saint found on the Catholic liturgical calendar (as a Solemnity, Feast, or Memorial) in such a way as to identify the Godly virtues that place them on the top of that list. Though their greatness has already been established and their heroic virtues confirmed by the Church, God chose the men and women found in these pages, not only for greatness in their lifetimes but also as models of holiness in ours. These men and women are gifts to you, given by God through the Church.Every saint is unique, but every saint is similar because each one became living witnesses to Christ and living Gospels for a world in need. Some saints were united to God through martyrdom, some through virginity and chastity, some through works of charity, and some through lives of intense prayer. The saints have come from every culture, every socio-economic background, every level of education, and every personality type. Through every saint, God shines forth, radiating His abundant mercy through the diversity of their lives. In the end, it is not their personality, preferences, gifts, or any other unique qualities that unite them as the one communion of saints. It is God and God alone Who floods their souls and forms them into a united song of praise of God's eternal glory.Why read about the saints? Why learn about their lives? Why ponder what they said and did? The answer is simple. You are called to be among their company. You are called to become as holy as they were, transformed by God's grace, and to radiate that grace in the world today.At first, the virtues of the saints might seem to be out of your reach. The saints can appear to be superhuman. The truth is that the saints became fully human by becoming who they were created to be. They rejected the deceptions of the devil, the seductions of the world, and the weaknesses of the flesh. Instead, they discovered the truths of God, sought out the riches of Heaven, and became filled with the strength of every virtue.As you read about the lives of the saints, ponder their words and actions, study their heroic virtues, and learn from their lives of prayer, allow yourself not only to be inspired by them but also to desire to imitate them. Nothing is stopping you from being counted among the saints in Heaven. God promises to lavish every grace upon you that you need to walk down that holy path. Only when you refuse His grace is that mission thwarted.

  • - Volume Four: October-December
    av John Paul Thomas

    If a list were made of the greatest human beings who have ever lived, those reflected upon in this four-volume series would be at the top of that list. Though historians often attempt to judge greatness from their own subjective perspective, there must be an objective criteria by which human greatness is judged. The only Person Who is capable of establishing that criteria is God. The criteria that God has established are the virtues, as identified by Jesus and revealed by Him through the holy Gospels.The goal of this four-volume series is to present each saint found on the Catholic liturgical calendar (as a Solemnity, Feast, or Memorial) in such a way as to identify the Godly virtues that place them on the top of that list. Though their greatness has already been established and their heroic virtues confirmed by the Church, God chose the men and women found in these pages, not only for greatness in their lifetimes but also as models of holiness in ours. These men and women are gifts to you, given by God through the Church.Every saint is unique, but every saint is similar because each one became living witnesses to Christ and living Gospels for a world in need. Some saints were united to God through martyrdom, some through virginity and chastity, some through works of charity, and some through lives of intense prayer. The saints have come from every culture, every socio-economic background, every level of education, and every personality type. Through every saint, God shines forth, radiating His abundant mercy through the diversity of their lives. In the end, it is not their personality, preferences, gifts, or any other unique qualities that unite them as the one communion of saints. It is God and God alone Who floods their souls and forms them into a united song of praise of God's eternal glory.Why read about the saints? Why learn about their lives? Why ponder what they said and did? The answer is simple. You are called to be among their company. You are called to become as holy as they were, transformed by God's grace, and to radiate that grace in the world today.At first, the virtues of the saints might seem to be out of your reach. The saints can appear to be superhuman. The truth is that the saints became fully human by becoming who they were created to be. They rejected the deceptions of the devil, the seductions of the world, and the weaknesses of the flesh. Instead, they discovered the truths of God, sought out the riches of Heaven, and became filled with the strength of every virtue.As you read about the lives of the saints, ponder their words and actions, study their heroic virtues, and learn from their lives of prayer, allow yourself not only to be inspired by them but also to desire to imitate them. Nothing is stopping you from being counted among the saints in Heaven. God promises to lavish every grace upon you that you need to walk down that holy path. Only when you refuse His grace is that mission thwarted.

  • - Volume Three: July-September
    av John Paul Thomas

    If a list were made of the greatest human beings who have ever lived, those reflected upon in this four-volume series would be at the top of that list. Though historians often attempt to judge greatness from their own subjective perspective, there must be an objective criteria by which human greatness is judged. The only Person Who is capable of establishing that criteria is God. The criteria that God has established are the virtues, as identified by Jesus and revealed by Him through the holy Gospels.The goal of this four-volume series is to present each saint found on the Catholic liturgical calendar (as a Solemnity, Feast, or Memorial) in such a way as to identify the Godly virtues that place them on the top of that list. Though their greatness has already been established and their heroic virtues confirmed by the Church, God chose the men and women found in these pages, not only for greatness in their lifetimes but also as models of holiness in ours. These men and women are gifts to you, given by God through the Church.Every saint is unique, but every saint is similar because each one became living witnesses to Christ and living Gospels for a world in need. Some saints were united to God through martyrdom, some through virginity and chastity, some through works of charity, and some through lives of intense prayer. The saints have come from every culture, every socio-economic background, every level of education, and every personality type. Through every saint, God shines forth, radiating His abundant mercy through the diversity of their lives. In the end, it is not their personality, preferences, gifts, or any other unique qualities that unite them as the one communion of saints. It is God and God alone Who floods their souls and forms them into a united song of praise of God's eternal glory.Why read about the saints? Why learn about their lives? Why ponder what they said and did? The answer is simple. You are called to be among their company. You are called to become as holy as they were, transformed by God's grace, and to radiate that grace in the world today.At first, the virtues of the saints might seem to be out of your reach. The saints can appear to be superhuman. The truth is that the saints became fully human by becoming who they were created to be. They rejected the deceptions of the devil, the seductions of the world, and the weaknesses of the flesh. Instead, they discovered the truths of God, sought out the riches of Heaven, and became filled with the strength of every virtue.As you read about the lives of the saints, ponder their words and actions, study their heroic virtues, and learn from their lives of prayer, allow yourself not only to be inspired by them but also to desire to imitate them. Nothing is stopping you from being counted among the saints in Heaven. God promises to lavish every grace upon you that you need to walk down that holy path. Only when you refuse His grace is that mission thwarted.

  • - Volume One: January-March
    av John Paul Thomas

    If a list were made of the greatest human beings who have ever lived, those reflected upon in this four-volume series would be at the top of that list. Though historians often attempt to judge greatness from their own subjective perspective, there must be an objective criteria by which human greatness is judged. The only Person Who is capable of establishing that criteria is God. The criteria that God has established are the virtues, as identified by Jesus and revealed by Him through the holy Gospels.The goal of this four-volume series is to present each saint found on the Catholic liturgical calendar (as a Solemnity, Feast, or Memorial) in such a way as to identify the Godly virtues that place them on the top of that list. Though their greatness has already been established and their heroic virtues confirmed by the Church, God chose the men and women found in these pages, not only for greatness in their lifetimes but also as models of holiness in ours. These men and women are gifts to you, given by God through the Church.Every saint is unique, but every saint is similar because each one became living witnesses to Christ and living Gospels for a world in need. Some saints were united to God through martyrdom, some through virginity and chastity, some through works of charity, and some through lives of intense prayer. The saints have come from every culture, every socio-economic background, every level of education, and every personality type. Through every saint, God shines forth, radiating His abundant mercy through the diversity of their lives. In the end, it is not their personality, preferences, gifts, or any other unique qualities that unite them as the one communion of saints. It is God and God alone Who floods their souls and forms them into a united song of praise of God's eternal glory.Why read about the saints? Why learn about their lives? Why ponder what they said and did? The answer is simple. You are called to be among their company. You are called to become as holy as they were, transformed by God's grace, and to radiate that grace in the world today.At first, the virtues of the saints might seem to be out of your reach. The saints can appear to be superhuman. The truth is that the saints became fully human by becoming who they were created to be. They rejected the deceptions of the devil, the seductions of the world, and the weaknesses of the flesh. Instead, they discovered the truths of God, sought out the riches of Heaven, and became filled with the strength of every virtue.As you read about the lives of the saints, ponder their words and actions, study their heroic virtues, and learn from their lives of prayer, allow yourself not only to be inspired by them but also to desire to imitate them. Nothing is stopping you from being counted among the saints in Heaven. God promises to lavish every grace upon you that you need to walk down that holy path. Only when you refuse His grace is that mission thwarted.

  • - Catholic Daily Reflections Series Two
    av John Paul Thomas

    My Catholic Life! now offers two complete four-volume series of daily Gospel reflections that cover the entire liturgical year. Each four-volume series can be used from year to year, since every Gospel option is covered in each series. Daily Reflections for Lent and Easter is Volume Two in the second four-volume series. As a devotional it is a great resource for daily meditation and prayer offering reflections on the Gospel of the day in a practical, faithful and down-to-earth way. It is formatted in such a way that it can be used for any liturgical year, offering reflections on every Gospel option, including Sunday Years A, B & C, every daily Mass option and all Feasts and Solemnities. Note: Some of the weekday reflections in this series were first published in book form for Lent & Easter 2021. This new and updated version contains all new Sunday reflections for Years A, B & C as well as new Triduum reflections. It also combines both Lent and Easter in one volume! Like the first series, the books in this second complete series are as follows: Catholic Daily Reflections: Series Two: 1. Advent and Christmas2. Lent and Easter3. Ordinary Time: Weeks 1-174. Ordinary Time: Weeks 18-34All reflections are available free of charge from our website, through our mobile app, or through our daily email service. Both of the complete four-volume series are also available in paperback and eBook format.

  • - Ignatian Lessons and Meditations Arranged According to the Liturgical Year
    av John Paul Thomas

    Do you know how to pray? Do you know how to discern the will of God? How do you best fulfill the mission of your life and give God the greatest glory? These are among the most foundational questions in life. One of the best ways to answer each one of these questions in your life is through the spiritual teachings of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.Between the years of 1522-1541, Saint Ignatius of Loyola completed what has come to be known as one of the greatest spiritual masterpieces of all time: The Spiritual Exercises. This relatively short book is packed with deep insights and guidelines for one who wants to grow in holiness by encountering God on a 30-day retreat. In a sense, this retreat is the "mother of all retreats" on account of its length, method and depth.In our day and age, within our fast-paced society, few people are able to go off and enter into silence and solitude for 30 days and to thus benefit from the fruitfulness of the full experience of Saint Ignatius' retreat format. However, many people today are searching for ways to deepen their relationship with our divine Lord.The goal of this current three-part book, Probing the Depths, is to present the wisdom and spiritual lessons set forth by Saint Ignatius in The Spiritual Exercises in a format you can incorporate into your daily life throughout the Liturgical Year. A summary of the three parts of this book is as follows: Part One presents a brief introduction to the life of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, offers an introduction to his masterpiece The Spiritual Exercises, and gives an overview of ten lessons taught by Saint Ignatius in The Spiritual Exercises. These lessons provide a basis for his unique spiritual approach and will be exceptionally useful in a practical way, especially as it pertains to daily discernment and fulfillment of the will of God. These chapters should be read and re-read so that they become practiced in your daily life.Part Two of this book contains sixty-nine guided meditations on the topics Saint Ignatius recommends for his 30-day retreat. These meditations were written using the methods of meditation, contemplation and application of the senses that are taught by Saint Ignatius. These meditations are arranged according to the Liturgical Year of the Church, which makes it possible to incorporate them into the daily rhythm of your life. A more detailed explanation of this arrangement of the meditations is found in the Introduction to Part Two.Part Three of this book provides some additional prayer material that can be used throughout the year. Specifically, it provides three forms of examination of conscience, a daily and weekly examen format based on the five points of Saint Ignatius' Daily General Examen, and some morning, afternoon and evening prayers.In his initial instructions for the retreat, in the 18th and 19th Annotations, Saint Ignatius acknowledges that some people will need to adapt these exercises to their state in life. Thus, for those who live a busy life in the world, the Exercises may need to be extended over many weeks rather than completed within 30 days. Therefore, these meditations have been adapted to meet this need. If you do not make a weekly holy hour of adoration, the meditations and prayers in this book can also be used on a regular basis during your daily and/or weekly prayer time in any quiet place. However, the meditations are written specifically with a holy hour of adoration in mind.

  • - Spiritual Wisdom from Saint John of the Cross
    av John Paul Thomas

    Saint John of the Cross is considered by many as the greatest Spiritual Doctor of the Catholic Church. This high honor elevates his spiritual writings and adds much confidence to those relying upon his teaching. He is a true master of the interior life and has left us a treasure of spiritual wisdom in his four main works, "Ascent to Mount Carmel," "Dark Night of the Soul," "Spiritual Canticle" and "Living Flame of Love." These four books, combined together, make up one continuous exposition of mystical theology that peers into the journey each one of us is called to take toward the life of perfect union with God. In his teachings, Saint John Cross especially focuses on two forms of "purgations," or "dark nights," through which every soul must pass in order to achieve perfection in life. This book attempts to present the profound theology of Saint John of the Cross found in these four great works in a way that is understandable and accessible to most readers. The reader will find an overview and summary of the most essential lessons of the spiritual life as well as practical advice for growing in holiness. May Saint John, master of the spiritual life, pray for you on your journey toward the glory of Divine Union.

  • - Catholic Daily Reflections Series Two
    av John Paul Thomas

    My Catholic Life! now offers two complete four-volume series of daily Gospel reflections that cover the entire liturgical year. Each four-volume series can be used from year to year, since every Gospel option is covered in each series. Advent and Christmas Reflections is Volume One in the second four-volume series. As a devotional it is a great resource for daily meditation and prayer offering reflections on the Gospel of the day in a practical, faithful and down-to-earth way. It is formatted in such a way that it can be used for any liturgical year, offering reflections on every Gospel option, including Sunday Years A, B & C, every daily Mass option and all Feasts and Solemnities. Like the first series, the books in this second series are as follows: Catholic Daily Reflections: Series Two: 1. Advent and Christmas2. Lent and Easter3. Ordinary Time: Weeks 1-174. Ordinary Time: Weeks 18-34All reflections are available free of charge from our website, through our mobile app, or through our daily email service. Both of the complete four-volume series are also available in paperback and eBook format.

  • - Reflections from Saint Teresa of Ávila
    av John Paul Thomas

    The Interior Journey Toward God: Reflections from Saint Teresa of Ávila, attempts to take what many believe is Saint Teresa of Ávila's greatest work, The Interior Castle, and break it down into successive lessons, reflections, and prayers. Each lesson is drawn from St. Teresa's writings and seeks not only to explain each particular teaching concisely but also to help you, the reader, to apply the content to your own life. This book can be used as a daily meditation book by which you can slowly ponder the teachings of Saint Teresa as she takes us through the various dwelling places of the soul. This book can also be used as a companion to the reading of Saint Teresa's original spiritual masterpiece: Interior Castle. "I began to think of the soul as if it were a castle made of a single diamond or of very clear crystal, in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many dwelling places" (Interior Castle, I.I #2). Saint Teresa of Jesus, you were a daughter of the Church, a humble servant of God, a reformer, a mystic, and a great beacon of light for all. Please pray for me as I prayerfully reflect upon the lessons you have taught. Through your intercession, may I discover the presence of God Who dwells within me, journeying ever deeper to the center of my soul where the Great King resides. Saint Teresa of Jesus, pray for us. Jesus, I trust in You. For more information, you can view this book online for free from our website at:

  • - Becoming a Living Sacrifice of Love
    av John Paul Thomas

    The goal of this book is to offer you an invitation to look more deeply at the path to holiness and to discover the way in which you can travel it in your own life. This invitation is not simply given to help you grasp the theology of holiness; rather, it is an invitation to live it. You are called to become holy. But what is "holiness" and how do you obtain it? The path to holiness centers on the virtues of humility and trust. By embracing those virtues you will begin to see God transform your life in such a way that you begin to live the very sacrificial love of Christ. Furthermore, living a life of sacrificial love requires you to become a beacon of mercy in this world. Unfortunately, we live in a world that is in many ways void of mercy. It is a world in which harshness and judgment are the norm. However, one of the primary reasons so many people lack mercy in our day and age is because they lack humility and trust. We also live in a world filled with suffering. But sadly, suffering is rarely understood as an opportunity to achieve the highest level of holiness. Suffering is rarely transformed into sacrificial living. Instead, it is often experienced only as a burden to be avoided.

  • av John Paul Thomas

    "A Gift From Heaven" is a short story about the relationship dynamic between a single father and daughter. I wanted to write this book because of the journey I'm going through, being a single parent raising a daughter, I wanted to share with everyone some of the challenges I been faced with, from a father's perspective. It's not a blueprint on parenting and everyday we are faced with different challenges, but hopefully by the time you finish reading this book you'll understand what keeps me going on a daily basis and understand the bond between a father and daughter.

  • - The Wisdom of God's Beloved Servant
    av John Paul Thomas

    Saint Francis of Assisi is perhaps the most known and loved saint within the Catholic Church. Though many flock to him because of his portrayal as one who loved animals and nature, he became one of the greatest saints in the history of the world for one simple reason: he was a true servant of the Most High God.The goal of this book, Lessons from Saint Francis of Assisi: The Wisdom of God's Beloved Servant is to offer various stories from Saint Francis's life in such a way that the reader can apply them to their own life. Saint Francis was unquestionably one of the greatest saints to ever live. The way he accomplished this greatness is worth studying and imitating.As you read this book, know that it is best to read in a slow and prayerful way. It is best to take one lesson, reflection, and prayer at a time. Use the lesson for meditation and the reflection and prayer for personal application.Though it is hard to imagine ourselves ever reaching the heights of sanctity achieved by Saint Francis, know that it is possible for us all. Saint Francis embraced the will of God with a radical abandonment and ongoing zeal. This resulted in him becoming one with Christ and doing great things for God and His Church in a very short period of time.Saint Francis, as I begin to prayerfully ponder your life, please pray for me. Pray that my mind will be enlightened by Christ and that my will be inflamed with a burning desire to serve Him. May I learn from your example and benefit from your prayers. I entrust my reflection on the lessons of your life to your trustworthy intercession. Saint Francis, pray for me. Jesus, I trust in You.

  • av John Paul Thomas

    We are all called to be saints! This is what we are made for and this is the only way to happiness. Life in Christ, a life lived according to the will of God, is the only way to live out our dignity and to experience the freedom we so long for. This book helps to shed light on the glorious calling we have received to become saints. A life of sin leads to death and despair, a life of grace and moral uprightness leads to happiness. This is a simple truth that we must all discover and live. Catholic morality is often seen in a negative way. We often think morality is about "what I can't do." It's true that Christ's teachings on the moral life limit us from engaging in actions contrary to His will and contrary to our dignity. But morality is so much more than just a list of restrictions. Morality is also about living in freedom! It's about living in the freedom that our Triune God has in store for us! Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur About this Series: >Volume One, My Catholic Faith! is a summary of the Apostles and Nicene Creed. This volume looks at everything from the creation of the world to God's eternal plan of salvation. Other topics include: Afterlife, saints, God, faith, and the Church. It is a summary of the teaching of the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1-1065. Volume Two, My Catholic Worship! is a summary of the life of grace found in prayer and the Sacraments. So often the Sacraments can be seen as dry and empty rituals. But they are, in reality, the greatest treasures we have! They are God's true presence among us! It is a summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1066-1684 and #2558-2865. Volume Three, My Catholic Morals! is a summary of the morality itself, knowing how we choose right from wrong, as well as a summary of all the moral teachings of our faith. It is a summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1691-2557. Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur

  • av John Paul Thomas

    Common to people of every time and place is a longing for the truth. We want to know! We want to know the purpose of our life, why we are here on earth, where we came from, whether there is a God, who this God is, whether there is an afterlife, and so much more! These most basic and fundamental questions are hopefully in the forefront of our minds. And if they are not, it's never too late to start! This book offers some of the answers to these questions. It offers the answers found is our Creed. At first, the Creed can seem dry and unimpressive. It can even seem confusing and overly academic. But when properly understood, the Creed holds the answer to the questions we so deeply seek.Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur About this Series: >Volume One, My Catholic Faith! is a summary of the Apostles and Nicene Creed. This volume looks at everything from the creation of the world to God's eternal plan of salvation. Other topics include: Afterlife, saints, God, faith, and the Church. It is a summary of the teaching of the Catechism of the Catholic Church # 1-1065. Volume Two, My Catholic Worship! is a summary of the life of grace found in prayer and the Sacraments. So often the Sacraments can be seen as dry and empty rituals. But they are, in reality, the greatest treasures we have! They are God's true presence among us! It is a summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1066-1684 and #2558-2865. Volume Three, My Catholic Morals! is a summary of the morality itself, knowing how we choose right from wrong, as well as a summary of all the moral teachings of our faith. It is a summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1691-2557. Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur

  • - Weeks 18-34
    av John Paul Thomas

  • - Weeks 1-17
    av John Paul Thomas

  • av John Paul Thomas

  • av John Paul Thomas

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