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Bøker av Judith Brooks

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  • - Meditating with Plants
    av Judith Brooks, Paulette Millichap & Amelia Vogler

    Two friends explore the possibilities of communicatingwith plants through meditation. Meeting the Spiritof each plant, and being open to its teachings, givesa new understanding of plant allies and a renewedcommitment to planetary healing.Deeper into the Garden guides the reader into theworld of plant communication. Meditating with aplant as a spiritual practice uses our senses and innateabilities to connect to the heart of Nature.

  • - The Steam Letters
    av Judith Brooks

    Steam power was no stranger to anyone.It hid in plain sight for thousands of years waiting patiently to be unleashed.Raising Water by Fire tells the story of the inventors who struggled, cursed and loved their fantastical dreams of steam power and a wheel that turned seemingly under its own power.Steam power began with a penniless French refugee and a stubborn Devon blacksmith. Later a restless Scot built engines more powerful than anything ever seen or imagined.'We are all from one living filament, possessing the faculty of improvement by our own inherent activity and of delivering down those improvements by generation to our posterity, world without end.' Erasmus Darwin 1794.

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