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Bøker av Justin Mccarthy

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  • av Justin Mccarthy

  • - A Romance
    av Justin Mccarthy

  • - And other Poems
    av Justin Mccarthy

  • - Being a Series of Biographical Sketches
    av Justin Mccarthy

  • av Justin Mccarthy

  • av Justin Mccarthy

  • - Before the Reform Bill
    av Justin Mccarthy

  • av Justin Mccarthy
    1 863,-

    Population History of the Middle East and the Balkans collects together the work of Justin McCarthy on Ottoman demographics in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

  • - The History of an 1890s Armenian Revolt
    av Justin Mccarthy

    Sasun, a region of Anatolia formerly under Ottoman rule and today part of eastern Turkey, is frequently described as the site where, in 1894, the Turks massacred large numbers of Armenian Christians. This volume provides a close examination of the historical evidence to shed light on what happened at Sasun.

  • - The Creation of an Enduring Prejudice
    av Justin Mccarthy

    A history of American prejudice towards Turks in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

  • av Justin Mccarthy

    For six centuries the Ottoman Empire united a diverse array of religious and ethnic groups, but its dissolution into distinct states left a tradition of nationalism and ethnic enmity in much of the Balkans and Middle East. Justin McCarthy tells the story of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and its effects in the Balkans and Middle East.

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