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  • av Karina G. Sanchez

    Want to build a profitable business that offers financial freedom and flexibility? Read on to find out the secrets... Do you crave the financial freedom and flexibility that's missing in your current job? Do you dream of starting your own business someday where you can work on your own terms? In this book + journal, you will find:· Motivational quotes to start your day right.· Affirmations to remind you who you really are.· Quarterly budgeting prompts.· Weekly goal setting to help you get into the habit.· Weekly reflections to help you see what went well and what you still need to work on.· Quarterly check-ins on your progress to help you refocus and reorganize the way you work.7+ thoughtful techniques to find your niche in just 5 minutes.10 ways your fears may be killing your goals - and how you can get past them.Top 10 reasons you may be a victim of the fear of failure - plus effective tips to stop them.Simple and effective tips on how to get your finances in order - plus a sample budget spreadsheet for a quick head start. And much more... From movie tickets to your insurance premiums, almost every business transaction is done with the help of the Internet.And there's no better time to build a steady income from your online business.So what are you waiting for? This all-in-one book + journal will be your steady companion as you stretch a new business muscle. Many of us struggle with staying persistent and steadfast. Occasionally, we all need a little accountability, inspiration, and motivation. I will be right there with you every step of the way, helping you keep moving forward because I know that as long as you are moving forward, you can't lose. If you want to end your financial worries by building a successful online business, scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button.

  • av Karina G. Sanchez

    Want to build a profitable business that offers financial freedom and flexibility? Read on to find out the secrets... Do you crave the financial freedom and flexibility that's missing in your current job? Do you dream of starting your own business someday where you can work on your own terms? In this journal, you will find:· Motivational quotes to start your day right.· Affirmations to remind you who you really are.· Quarterly budgeting prompts.· Weekly goal setting to help you get into the habit.· Weekly reflections to help you see what went well and what you still need to work on.· Quarterly check-ins on your progress to help you refocus and reorganize the way you work. And much more... This all-in-one journal will be your steady companion as you stretch a new business muscle. Many of us struggle with staying persistent and steadfast. Occasionally, we all need a little accountability, inspiration, and motivation. I will be right there with you every step of the way, helping you keep moving forward because I know that as long as you are moving forward, you can't lose. If you want to end your financial worries by building a successful online business, scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button.

  • av Karina G. Sanchez

    Want to build a profitable business that offers financial freedom and flexibility? Read on to find out the secrets... Do you crave the financial freedom and flexibility that's missing in your current job? Do you dream of starting your own business someday where you can work on your own terms?Do you want to create a steady flow of income without working yourself to the breaking point? If any of the above statements ring a bell, then this is your chance to change the course of your life. You're about to unearth a goldmine of helpful strategies and advice that will help you become financially independent, gain more personal time, and live your life the way you want. How, you ask? The answer is simple: start your own freelancing business by leveraging the power of the Internet. According to a recent survey, the global freelance market economy is set to cross $450 billion by 2023... And the enormous reliance of tech giants like Google on freelancers further cements this speculation. What's even better is that even if you have ZERO experience in creating a business before, you can start building one online right now - you need to follow the strategies discussed in this guidebook! Inside this incredibly detailed guide, you'll discover: ¿ 7+ thoughtful techniques to find your niche in just 5 minutes¿ 10 ways your fears may be killing your goals - and how you can get past them¿ Top 10 reasons why you may be a victim of the fear of failure - plus effective tips to stop them in their tracksAnd so much more! From movie tickets to your insurance premiums, almost every business transaction is done with the help of the Internet. And there's no better time than now to build a steady income from your own online business. So what are you waiting for? Grab your copy today!

  • av Karina G. Sanchez

    La enciclopedia para la nueva gerente: cómo liderar como una profesional y convertir el trabajo en equipo en algo valioso, ¡incluso con poca experiencia!Si has sido nombrada recientemente para un puesto directivo con algunos años de experiencia en tu haber... puede que te cueste acostumbrarte a que tus compañeros te llamen "jefa".Sin embargo, no debes tener miedo de asumir funciones de liderazgo: te has ganado todo el derecho a superarte y además, tu jefe ha notado algo excepcional en ti, así que no te subestimes. Todo lo que necesitas es resolver cómo liderar a tu equipo, y estarás superando los objetivos trimestrales, antes de que te des cuenta. En la Guía del nuevo gerente, descubrirá:Cómo superar el síndrome del impostor y sentirse cómodo liderando personas, incluso si no tiene tanta experiencia como todos los demás.Cómo evaluar sus fortalezas, talentos y atributos naturales, luego usarlos para aumentar su influencia en el lugar de trabajo.Una comprensión profunda del lado humano del liderazgo que no encontrará en ningún otro lugar para ayudarlo a desarrollar sus habilidades de liderazgo.Cómo extraer información de las personas de una manera suave y auténtica y utilizar la retroalimentación para progresar dentro de su organización.Una guía de coaching y tutoría para ayudarlo a interactuar más con los miembros de su equipo y reducir la rotación de empleados.Cómo mantener sus emociones bajo control y evitar que nublen sus decisiones de liderazgo.Cómo gestionar conflictos y ayudar a los miembros de su equipo a colaborar como profesionales.Cómo presentar como si hubieras nacido parado frente a un podio, usando las palabras correctas cuando te diriges a tus compañeros.Cómo usar sus poderes de liderazgo para ganar credibilidad en el lugar de trabajo y desarrollar el carácter de un líder.Cómo liderar un equipo con miembros mayores y más experimentados y hacer que te respeten y consulten antes de tomar cualquier decisión. ……. y mucho más. Liderar un equipo al principio de tu carrera, es una excelente oportunidad para sobresalir significativamente en tu campo. Simon Sinek dijo una vez: "Un jefe tiene un título. Un líder tiene a la gente".Liderar un equipo en sus primeros años de carrera es una excelente oportunidad para sobresalir significativamente en su campo.Si te sientes inadecuado para el rol, no hay mejor manera de solucionarlo que aprender lo más posible sobre liderazgo.En este libro, aprenderás a ser una líder de la gente. Escrita pensando en las nuevas gerentes femeninas, esta guía contiene todas las herramientas, trucos, consejos, plantillas y respuestas para brindarte la confianza y el conocimiento que has estado buscando.

  • av Karina G. Sanchez

    Want to build a profitable business that offers financial freedom and flexibility? Read on to find out the secrets… Do you crave the financial freedom and flexibility that's missing in your current job?Do you dream of starting your own business someday where you can work on your own terms?Do you want to create a steady flow of income without working yourself to the breaking point?If any of the above statements ring a bell, then this is your chance to change the course of your life. You're about to unearth a goldmine of helpful strategies and advice that will help you become financially independent, gain more personal time, and live your life the way you want. How, you ask? The answer is simple: start your own freelancing business by leveraging the power of the Internet.According to a recent survey, the global freelance market economy is set to cross $450 billion by 2023…And the enormous reliance of tech giants like Google on freelancers further cements this speculation. What's even better is that even if you have ZERO experience in creating a business before, you can start building one online right now - you just need to follow the strategies discussed in this guidebook! Inside this incredibly detailed guide, you'll discover:7+ thoughtful techniques to find your niche in just 5 minutes10 ways your fears may be killing your goals - and how you can get past themTop 10 reasons why you may be a victim of the fear of failure - plus effective tips to stop them in their tracksSimple and effective tips on how to get your finances in order - plus a sample budget spreadsheet for a quick head start5+ giveaway signs it's time to file your resignation - plus a resignation checklist to ensure a smooth departure5 straightforward time management strategies for achieving more in less timeAn 8-step formula to kickstart an online business with ease - attract more traffic, secure leads, and much more!A curated list of the top 5 highest paying freelance business options - plus a blueprint to win your pilot project fasterAnd so much more! From movie tickets to your insurance premiums, almost every business transaction is done with the help of the Internet.And there's no better time than now to build a steady income from your own online business. So what are you waiting for?

  • av Karina G. Sanchez

    A enciclopédia da nova gestora - Como liderar como uma profissional e transformar em valor o trabalho em equipe, mesmo com pouca experiência.Parabéns! Agora você é uma gestora! Essas palavras soam como música para seus ouvidos, mas também podem dar calafrios na espinha nas novas gestoras da geração millennial.Como você vai fazer com que todos respeitem e confiem em suas decisões?Você conseguirá ser assertiva e traçar a fronteira entre ser amiga de sua equipe e liderá-la como se deve?Você pode também sentir que lhe falta experiência suficiente para gerenciar a organização e os colaboradores e ainda atender as expectativas.No entanto, você não deve ter medo de assumir papéis de liderança.Você não é despreparada.Sim, você é a escolha perfeita para a posição.Tudo o que você precisa fazer é descobrir como liderar sua equipe e você excederá as metas trimestrais antes que você perceba. Em Liderança para a Nova Gestora, você vai descobrir:Como superar a síndrome de impostor e se sentir à vontade liderando pessoas, mesmo se você não tiver tanta experiência como outras pessoas.Como avaliar seus pontos fortes, talentos e qualidades, e então usá-los para fortalecer sua influência no local de trabalho.Um entendimento profundo do lado humano da liderança que você não vai encontrar em nenhum outro lugar para ajudá-la a desenvolver suas habilidades de liderança.E muito mais… Liderar uma equipe no início de sua carreira é uma excelente oportunidade para se destacar significativamente em sua área. Simon Sinek disse uma vez: "Um chefe tem um título. Um líder tem as pessoas." Neste livro, você aprenderá a ser uma líder de pessoasTendo em mente as novas gerentes, este guia contém todas as ferramentas, truques, dicas, modelos e respostas para lhe dar a confiança e o conhecimento que você está procurando.

  • av Karina G. Sanchez

    The new female manager's encyclopedia -- how to lead like a pro and spin teamwork into value, even with little experienceCongratulations! You're now a manager! These words are music to my ears, but they can send a chill down the spine of new millennial managers.How will you get everyone to respect and trust your decisions?Is it possible to lead a team with much older and more experienced peers than you are?Can you be assertive and draw the line between being friends with your team members and leading them as you should?Between these concerns and battling imposter syndrome as a young career manager, millennials are often left feeling like they have been thrown into the fire pit.With millennials outnumbering other generations at work and many older workers turning to retirement, it's no wonder why there are so many young managers in the workplace today.And if you've been newly appointed to a managerial position with a few years of experience under your belt… you may struggle to get used to your peers calling you "boss."You may also feel like you lack enough experience to manage the organization and the employees while meeting expectations.However, it would help if you weren't afraid to embrace leadership roles.You earned every right to excel, and your boss must have noticed something exceptional in you, so don't downplay yourself.You are not inadequate.And yes, you are the perfect choice for this position.All you need is to figure out how to lead your team -- and you will be beating the quarterly targets before you know it.In the New Manager's Guide, you'll discover:How to overcome imposter syndrome and feel comfortable leading people, even if you don't have as much experience as everyone else.How to evaluate your natural strengths, talents, and attributes, then use them to boost your influence in the workplace.A deep understanding of the human side of leadership that you won't find anywhere else to help you grow your leadership skills.How to draw information out of people in a gentle, authentic way and use the feedback to progress within your organization.A coaching and mentorship guide to help you interact more with your team members and reduce employee turnover.How to keep your emotions in check and prevent them from clouding your leadership decisions.How to manage conflicts and help your team members collaborate like pros.How to present like you were born standing in front of a podium, using the right words when addressing your peers.How to use your leadership powers to gain credibility in the workplace and develop a character of a leader.How to lead a team with older, more experienced members and get them to respect and consult you before making any decisions.And much more… Leading a team in your early career years is an excellent opportunity to excel significantly in your field.If you feel inadequate for the role, there's no better way to fix it than to learn as much as you can about leadership now. Written with millennials in mind, this guide contains all the tools, hacks, advice, templates, and questions to give you the confidence and knowledge boost you've been looking for.

  • av Karina G. Sanchez

    A enciclopédia da nova gestora - Como liderar como uma profissional e transformar em valor o trabalho em equipe, mesmo com pouca experiência. Parabéns! Agora você é uma gestora! Essas palavras soam como música para seus ouvidos, mas também podem dar calafrios na espinha nas novas gestoras da geração millennial. Como você vai fazer com que todos respeitem e confiem em suas decisões?Você conseguirá ser assertiva e traçar a fronteira entre ser amiga de sua equipe e liderá-la como se deve?Você pode também sentir que lhe falta experiência suficiente para gerenciar a organização e os colaboradores e ainda atender as expectativas. No entanto, você não deve ter medo de assumir papéis de liderança.Você não é despreparada.Sim, você é a escolha perfeita para a posição.Tudo o que você precisa fazer é descobrir como liderar sua equipe e você excederá as metas trimestrais antes que você perceba. Em Liderança para a Nova Gestora, você vai descobrir:Como superar a síndrome de impostor e se sentir à vontade liderando pessoas, mesmo se você não tiver tanta experiência como outras pessoas.Como avaliar seus pontos fortes, talentos e qualidades, e então usá-los para fortalecer sua influência no local de trabalho.Um entendimento profundo do lado humano da liderança que você não vai encontrar em nenhum outro lugar para ajudá-la a desenvolver suas habilidades de liderança.E muito mais...Liderar uma equipe no início de sua carreira é uma excelente oportunidade para se destacar significativamente em sua área. Simon Sinek disse uma vez: "Um chefe tem um título. Um líder tem as pessoas." Neste livro, você aprenderá a ser uma líder de pessoasTendo em mente as novas gerentes, este guia contém todas as ferramentas, truques, dicas, modelos e respostas para lhe dar a confiança e o conhecimento que você está procurando.

  • av Karina G. Sanchez

    La enciclopedia para la nueva gerente: cómo liderar como una profesional y convertir el trabajo en equipo en algo valioso, ¡incluso con poca experiencia!Si has sido nombrada recientemente para un puesto directivo con algunos años de experiencia en tu haber... puede que te cueste acostumbrarte a que tus compañeros te llamen "jefa".Sin embargo, no debes tener miedo de asumir funciones de liderazgo: te has ganado todo el derecho a superarte y además, tu jefe ha notado algo excepcional en ti, así que no te subestimes.Todo lo que necesitas es resolver cómo liderar a tu equipo, y estarás superando los objetivos trimestrales, antes de que te des cuenta.Liderar un equipo al principio de tu carrera, es una excelente oportunidad para sobresalir significativamente en tu campo. Simon Sinek dijo una vez: "Un jefe tiene un título. Un líder tiene a la gente". En este libro, aprenderás a ser una líder de la gente. Escrita pensando en las nuevas gerentes femeninas, esta guía contiene todas las herramientas, trucos, consejos, plantillas y respuestas para brindarte la confianza y el conocimiento que has estado buscando.

  • av Karina G. Sanchez

    The new female manager's encyclopedia -- How to lead like a pro and spin teamwork into value, even with little experienceCongratulations! You're now a manager!How will you get everyone to respect and trust your decisions?Between these concerns and battling imposter syndrome as a young career manager, millennials are often left feeling like they have been thrown into the fire pit.And if you've been newly appointed to a managerial position with a few years of experience under your belt... you may struggle to get used to your peers calling you "boss."You may also feel like you lack enough experience to manage the organization and the employees while meeting expectations.You earned every right to excel, and your boss must have noticed something exceptional in you, so don't downplay yourself.You are not inadequate.And yes, you are the perfect choice for this position.All you need is to figure out how to lead your team -- and you will be beating the quarterly targets before you know it.In the New Manager's Guide, you'll discover:How to manage conflicts and help your team members collaborate like pros.How to present like you were born standing in front of a podium, using the right words when addressing your peers.How to lead a team with older, more experienced members and get them to respect and consult you before making any decisions.And much more...If you feel inadequate for the role, there's no better way to fix it than to learn as much as you can about leadership now.Written with millennials in mind, this guide contains all the tools, hacks, advice, templates, and questions to give you the confidence and knowledge boost you've been looking for.If you want to stop feeling like a fraud and lead fearlessly, then grab your copy now!

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