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Bøker av Karol Wojtyla

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  • av Karol Wojtyla

    "Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign of contradiction." For the 1976 Lenten retreat to St. Paul VI and the Roman curia, Karol Wojty¿a set this prophecy of Simeon to the Holy Family at the heart of his preaching. Over the course of twenty-two meditations, Wojty¿a examines and tests the apparent contradictions in the words and deeds of Jesus Christ-all of which are occasions for profound encounters with God himself. Indeed, the "words a sign of contradiction sum up most felicitously the whole truth about Jesus Christ, his mission, and his Church."Jesus Christ, the sign of contradiction, was above all the "lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world..." [T]hat is what he is in the life of the People of God. The Lamb of God, the paschal sacrifice, a reminder of past deliverance and a promise of deliverance to come. (Karol Wojty¿a)In this newly revised and updated translation, A Sign of Contradiction shows Wojty¿a's prowess as theologian, philosopher, and preacher, and witnesses to his zeal for the Gospel and his love of Jesus Christ-"who meets the man of every age, including our own, with the same words: You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

  • av Karol Wojtyla

    St. Augustine's Press and translators Kenneth W. Kemp and Zuzanna Maslanka Kieron are to be commended for making this important work available for the first time in English. Man in the Field of Responsibility offers fascinating insights into the thought of the man who would become Pope John Paul II. Here we find Karol Wojtyla grappling philosophically with the great questions of good and evil, freedom and fulfillment, that were central to his papacy, and especially to key encyclicals such as Veritatis Splendor and Evangelium Vitae. This book is necessary reading not only for students of John Paul II as a thinker and for students of Catholic philosophy, but also for all who seek greater understanding of the moral predicament of modern man. - Carson Holloway, University of Nebraska at Omaha

  • av Karol Wojtyla
    3 734,-

    Stresses that Man must ceaselessly unravel his mysteries and strive for a new and more mature expression of his nature. This book sees this expression as an emphasis on the significance of the individual living in community and on the person in the process of performing an action.

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