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Bøker av Kate Melton

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  • - Libros navideños en Español y Inglés para niños
    av Kate Melton

    Check the bilingual Spanish - English version of the bestselling Christmas book! ¡La época más maravillosa del año está a la vuelta de la esquina y Susy Preciosa no puede contener su emoción! Con la lista de deseos en mano para Santa Claus y Papá Noel, su mayor anhelo esta víspera de Navidad parece más alcanzable que nunca. ¿Se hará realidad su deseo navideño este año?"¡Susy Preciosa y el Milagro de Navidad!" es el cuarto libro de una serie conmovedora y mágica que cautivará a los niños, recordándoles que la Navidad va más allá de abrir regalos bajo el árbol. Este sincero cuento revela el verdadero espíritu navideño y transmite valores fundamentales a los jóvenes lectores.Con atractivas rimas y magníficas ilustraciones, este libro infantil es el regalo perfecto para propagar la bondad, sonrisas y alegría durante las fiestas. Descubre la alegría de dar y las bonitas tradiciones familiares a través de Susy Preciosa y su emotiva historia.Además, "Susy Preciosa y el Milagro de Navidad" es un regalo perfecto para niños de cualquier edad, desde aquellos que dan sus primeros pasos hasta los pequeños en edad escolar. Ideal como material de lectura navideña en preescolar y escuela primaria, sus encantadoras rimas y la narrativa cautivadora cautivarán a los jóvenes lectores.¡No importa si este año te sientes alegre, apático o esperanzado, regala la versión impresa de este maravilloso libro y comparte el espíritu navideño con los pequeños lectores!The most wonderful time of the year is around the corner and Cutie Sue makes her wish list for Santa Claus, but there is something she is looking for on Christmas eve above all the gifts. Will her Christmas wish come true this year?The fourth book in the Cutie Sue series is a heartwarming, magical story that will convince children that Christmas is much more than simply finding presents under Christmas tree and let them discover the true Christmas spirit.Appealing rhymes and dazzling illustrations help this magnificent children's book spread kindness and smiles and cheer!Make your children's Christmas night special and merry with Cutie Sue and the Christmas Wish, a heartfelt book for kids that: Teaches young readers the joy of giving as well as precious family traditions, good values and morals, Brings a touching message to kids of any age from toddlers to school-aged ones.Perfect as holiday reading material for preschool kids as well as elementary classrooms thanks to its rhyming pattern.No matter if you are jolly, frosty or hopeful this year - gift someone this book in paperback in 2023!

  • - Kinderbuch über Essen und Gesundheit
    av Kate Melton

    Zweisprachige Ausgabe! Bilingual Edition! Als Babaroo der Außerirdische zum ersten Mal den Planeten Erde besucht, ist er so hungrig, dass er anfängt, alles zu probieren, was er sieht, und das bringt ihn in Schwierigkeiten! Wird es ihm gelingen, auf unserem Planeten gutes Essen zu finden? Im ersten Buch dieser Reihe komödiantischer Geschichten für kleine Kinder beginnt Babaroo seine aufregenden Abenteuer, indem er Bekanntschaft mit Junkfood, Süßigkeiten, Gemüse und Obst macht, um am Ende den Zauber gesunder Ernährung zu entdecken! Die saukomischen Illustrationen dieses lustigen Kinderbuchs werden Ihre Kinder im Alter von 2-5 Jahren zum Kichern bringen. Und sie werden sich in das liebenswerte kleine Monster verlieben, während sie gleichzeitig lernen, dass gesundes Essen, Händewaschen und Wassertrinken ein Lebensstil ist, den wir alle pflegen sollten, um bei guter Gesundheit zu bleiben und um zu vermeiden, dass Essstörungen, Allergien usw. auftreten. Die Babaroo der Außerirdische-Reihe ist geeignet für Kleinkinder, Vorschulkinder und Leseanfänger, um ihnen gesunde Essgewohnheiten und eine kindgerechte Ernährung, gute Umgangsformen und wertvolle Fähigkeiten für das Leben, wahre Freundschaft und andere soziale Werte zu vermitteln, die in unserem Leben so bedeutsam sind.When Babaroo the alien visits planet Earth for the first time, he feels so hungry that he starts trying everything he sees and gets into trouble! Will he be able to find good food on our planet?In the first book of the series of comedic stories for little kids, Babaroo begins his exciting adventures by getting familiar with junk food, sweets, vegetables, and fruits, all to discover the magic of healthy food in the end!Hilarious illustrations of this funny children's book will make your kids ages 2,3,4,5 giggle and fall in love with the adorable little monster while learning that eating healthy food, washing hands, and drinking water encourages a lifestyle we all need to adopt in order to maintain good health and avoid eating disorders, allergy, and etc.Babaroo the Alien series is geared for toddlers, preschool kids as well as early readers to teach them healthy eating habits and proper children's diet, good manners and valuable life skills, true friendship and other social virtues so vital in our life.

  • - Buch für Kinder über Finanzen und Investiren
    av Kate Melton

    Lerne Cutie Sue kennen - die kleine Unternehmerin! Das sechste Buch in der Cutie Sue Serie handelt nicht nur vom Geldverdienen, sondern auch vom Investieren, Sparen und Spenden. Als Cutie Sue ihre Mutter um ein weiteres Schmuckstück bittet und abgelehnt wird, beschließt sie, selbst Geld zu verdienen.Sue erstellt einen Geschäftsplan, organisiert einen Hofverkauf, macht Limonade, backt Kekse und passt sogar auf Hunde auf. Wird es so einfach sein? Ist das gewünschte Schmuckstück die Mühe wert?Verdienen, sparen, investieren, spenden, wiederholen - das ist die Hauptidee dieses gereimten Kinderbuches.Dieses Bilderbuch für Kinder ist eine wunderbare Einführung in Finanzbildung und -kompetenz und kann von Eltern, Beratern und Lehrern verwendet werden. Es eignet sich hervorragend zum Vorlesen für Kinder im Kindergarten und Vorschulalter im Alter von 3, 4, 5, 6 Jahren und älter sowie für Kleinkinder. Attention! This children's book is both available in German and English! Find the English version on Amazon!

  • - Libro de cuentos para niños en Español sobre finanzas y inversiones
    av Kate Melton

    ¡Conoce a Cutie Sue, la pequeña empresaria! El sexto libro de la serie Cutie Sue trata no solo de ganar dinero, sino también de invertir, ahorrar y donar.Cuando Cutie Sue le pide a su mamá otro adornito y recibe un rechazo, decide ganar dinero por su cuenta.Sue elabora un plan de negocios, organiza una venta de garaje, prepara limonada, hornea galletas e incluso cuida perros. ¿Será tan fácil? ¿Vale la pena el esfuerzo para obtener el adorno deseado?Ganar, ahorrar, invertir, donar, repetir: ese es el concepto principal de este libro en rima para niños.Este libro ilustrado para niños será una maravillosa introducción a la educación financiera y la alfabetización y puede ser utilizado por padres, consejeros y maestros. Puede ser una lectura perfecta en voz alta para niños de kindergarten y preescolar de 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 años en adelante, así como para niños pequeños. ! La historia de cómo Cutie Sue decide ganar dinero por sí misma y aprende sobre negocios, ahorro, inversión y donación suena como una forma maravillosa de enseñar educación financiera a los niños de una manera divertida y accesible. Important note: This children's book is available for sale both in Spanish and English! Find the English version on!

  • - An Adorable Children's Book About Health and Personal Hygiene
    av Kate Melton

    The adventures of Cutie Sue continue! One day our brave little girl and her younger brother Charlie got tummy aches. What happened with the siblings? Find that out by reading this terrific children's book about germs!In the book #2 of the "Cutie Sue" series, the little readers, aged 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and up will find out how Cutie Sue and her little brother will be learning what are germs and recovering from their illness, as their mother brings them to the doctor.If your child is afraid of the hospitals and dentists, germs book for kids will be a magnificent way to show them that doctors aren't scary, and on the contrary, they can even be fun.Also, teach your children the basics of personal hygiene and ways to stay healthy with Cutie Sue as she starts following her doctor's precious recommendations on how to fight the illness and what to do to be in excellent health in the long run and to not get sick."The two were determined: "We will win the fight!Our germs will not spread if we do these things right.""We'll sneeze into tissues and throw them away, And clean all our toys with some good cleaning spray.""We'll open our windows to get lots of air.We'll wash dirty clothes, we'll clean everywhere!"Beautiful images, cute rhymes, and a valuable lesson to learn - you and your kids will definitely fall in love with this lovely picture book for children! This book will be perfect for bedtime reading with toddlers and preschool kids and a great read-aloud material for kindergarten and first-grade children. Can be also used by nurses and practioners. This germs book is also available in Spanish version.This is the second book of the series. For the other adventures of Cutie Sue, please check out the rest of the series: Cutie Sue and the DarknessCutie Sue Wins the RaceCutie Sue Wins and the Christmas MiracleCutie Sue Makes MoneyCutie Sue Gets a Dog

  • - Children's book about Financial Literacy
    av Kate Melton

    Join Cutie Sue in her latest adventure as she transforms into a little entrepreneur in this delightful rhyming children's book! In "Cutie Sue Makes Money," young readers will follow Cutie Sue's journey of earning, saving, investing, and donating.When Cutie Sue's request for a trinket is met with a refusal, she takes matters into her own hands by creating a smart business plan. From organizing a yard sale to making lemonade, baking cookies, and even dog-sitting, Sue learns valuable lessons about the effort it takes to earn money.This children's book introduces essential concepts of financial education and literacy in an engaging and age-appropriate manner. With a focus on the mantra "Earn, save, invest, donate, repeat," Cutie Sue becomes a role model for young readers, teaching them the importance of financial responsibility and smart money management.Parents, counselors, and teachers can use this picture book as a tool to initiate conversations about money with children aged 3 to 6 and beyond. The story serves as a perfect read-aloud for kindergarten and preschool children, as well as toddlers, promoting the development of early financial skills.

  • - A Funny Children's Book about Good Eating Habits
    av Kate Melton

    When Babaroo the alien visits planet Earth for the first time, he feels so hungry that he starts trying everything he sees and gets into trouble! Will he be able to find good food on our planet?In the first book of the series of comedic stories for little kids, Babaroo begins his exciting adventures by getting familiar with junk food, sweets, vegetables, and fruits, all to discover the magic of healthy nutrition in the end!Hilarious illustrations of this funny children's book will make your kids ages 2,3,4,5 giggle and fall in love with the adorable little monster while learning that eating healthy food, washing hands, and drinking water encourages a lifestyle we all need to adopt in order to maintain good health and avoid eating disorders, allergy, and etc.Babaroo the Alien series is geared for toddlers, preschool kids as well as early readers to teach them healthy eating habits and proper children's diet, good manners and valuable life skills, true friendship and other social virtues so vital in our life.Purchase this terrific book for toddlers in paperback today.

  • - Those We Love, Don't Go Away
    av Kate Melton

  • - Children's Book on Sports, Self-Discipline and Healthy Lifestyle
    av Kate Melton

    Cutie Sue, an adorable little girl, finds out that her school is about to organize a fun running competition that she definitely wants to win. Yet, her road to victory wouldn't be an easy one. Will Sue manage to become the winner of the race?In this exciting and motivational picture book, children will learn how important it is to set goals and then work hard to reach them, and how vital healthy lifestyle and eating fruits and vegetables is for achieving success in sports.Beautiful illustrations and flowing rhymes will make the journey through this children's book smooth and full of fun, as it can be used both as bedtime read for kindergarten kids and toddlers, as well as reading material for preschool and school-aged children.Teach your children age 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and up mental toughness and confidence; promote sports, fitness and health; encourage eating wholesome food and drinking water together with this terrific and joyful book for kids.Follow the inspiring adventures of Cutie Sue by checking out the first two books in the series: Cutie Sue and the Darkness Cutie Sue Fights the Germs

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