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Bøker av Kennedy Layne

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  • av Kennedy Layne

    There is a lot to be thankful for in this quirky whodunit of the Paramour Bay Mysteries by USA Today Bestselling Author Kennedy Layne... Cornbread dressing, candied yams, and creamy mashed potatoes are just some of the delicious side dishes that will be served at the table this Thanksgiving holiday...and you'll also want to get ready for Leo's mystery dish! Unfortunately, no one counted on a taste-testing judge keeling over after sampling the cranberry sauce in a side dish competition held days before the grand holiday meal. Raven, Mr. Leo, and the gang might need to call upon the new coven members to help figure out this murder mystery! You'll want to enjoy a slice of pumpkin pie with whipped cream to top off this season's magical tale!

  • av Kennedy Layne

    Prepare yourself for an exciting clash of intellects as two powerful opponents face off in USA Today Bestselling Author Kennedy Layne's latest gripping thriller within the Touch of Evil series... Lorelei Jameson, a woman of wealth and mystery, strides purposefully through the doors of S&E Investigations with a mixture of desperation and determination. A year ago, tragedy struck when her younger sister met a horrific end. The cause of death was heinous and unmistakable: a clear, plastic bag had been wrapped around the young woman's head, effectively suffocating her. Now, an eerie sense of déjà vu grips a prominent town as news spreads of another victim succumbing to the same merciless end. Former FBI consultant Brooklyn Sloane agrees to take the case. However, local authorities bristle at the involvement of a private firm muddling their investigation. Brook and her team are met with even more resistance when she reveals a crucial detail from her profile-the killer is a woman. Brook and her team find themselves entangled with a master manipulator. Her relentless pursuit of justice will be tested like never before as the boundaries begin to blur between the hunter and the hunted. Who will be left standing when the twisted game of cat and mouse finally comes to a shocking end?

  • av Kennedy Layne

    Prepare for the chilling echoes of truth to be unraveled one page at a time in the latest psychological thriller by USA Today Bestselling Author Kennedy Layne... Fear has taken root within a small mountain town as a serial killer stalks the isolated trails of the Smoky Mountains. The remains left behind leave little doubt that the victims have suffered excruciating deaths. The brutal nature of the murders has left a local community shaken and afraid for their own safety. Brooklyn Sloane and her investigative unit are brought in by the FBI to uncover the truth behind these horrific atrocities. After examining the crime scenes, Brook's criminal profile begins to emerge, revealing that the killer is intimately familiar with the terrain. He even possesses a knowledge of the mountains known only to someone who lives amongst the residents. When another hiker goes missing, the stakes are raised and the clock is reset. With the killer hidden in a fog of anonymity, Brook and her team have no choice but to devise an elaborate plan-one that could very well put her own life at risk-to lure the killer out of shadows.

  • av Kennedy Layne

    USA Today-Bestsellerautorin Kennedy Layne bringt Ihnen den atemberaubenden Abschluss der Witwentöter-Trilogie... Ridge Killian hätte es vorgezogen, anonym zu bleiben, da er in seinem früheren Leben einer der effizientesten Scharfschützen der jüngeren US-Militärgeschichte gewesen war. Er hatte sich sogar ein Haus in einer friedlichen Nachbarschaft gekauft, in der das häufigste Verbrechen darin bestand, nicht hinter seinem Hund aufzuräumen. Sein ruhiges Leben wird auf den Kopf gestellt, als sein Nachbar halbtot vor seiner Haustür auftaucht. Lily Hudson hatte schon immer eine Abneigung gegen Aufmerksamkeit, aber das scheint keine Rolle zu spielen, als sie nur knapp einen Angriff in ihrem eigenen Haus überlebt. Sie hat irgendwie die Aufmerksamkeit eines Serienmörders namens "der Witwenpflücker" auf sich gezogen und ist nun in der Öffentlichkeit als einziges überlebendes Opfer bekannt. Ridge gerät in eine missliche Lage, als die Presse seine Identität als ihr Retter und Lilys Fähigkeit, den Mörder zu identifizieren, publik macht. Ihre erzwungene Zweisamkeit in Schutzhaft entwickelt sich zu einer knisternden Chemie, die keiner von ihnen ignorieren kann, aber das treibt den Witwenpflücker nur an, die eine Frau zu vernichten, die für seine öffentliche Demütigung verantwortlich ist.

  • av Kennedy Layne

    USA Today Bestselling Author Kennedy Layne returns to the Touch of Evil series with a new riveting thriller, where nothing is ever as it seems... Fifteen years ago, four families, across three states, were brutally murdered in their homes. It took sixteen months for a team of federal agents to capture the serial killer responsible. For over a decade, Elijah Barone has been serving multiple life sentences in a maximum-security prison, bringing relief across the country and closure to the victims' loved ones. Former FBI consultant Brooklyn Sloane needs a distraction from her life, both personally and professionally. In search of a much-needed break, she agrees to teach a class on criminal profiling at a local university. It is during a class assignment on successfully closed cases that the light is shined on the truth. Elijah Barone is a cold-blooded killer, but he isn't responsible for killing the Knox family, which means another killer is still stalking from the shadows. The brutality of the murders leaves Brook unable to walk away from the case. But as she looks deeper into the past, the killer's identity all points back to someone who belongs to the Knox family. Brook knows all too well that family secrets can't remain buried. She, alongside her team, won't stop until the killer is brought to justice. Only this killer knows how to remain hidden-and he'll do whatever is necessary to silence the truth.

  • av Kennedy Layne

    From obsession to death, this pulse-pounding thriller within the Touch of Evil Series by USA Today Bestselling Author Kennedy Layne will leave you looking over your shoulder... Former FBI consultant Brooklyn Sloane is about to walk into her favorite café wanting nothing more than her usual morning caramel macchiato when she notices a bloody handprint on the window. Anyone else would have instructed the barista to call the police, picked up her favorite beverage off the counter, and then walked the rest of the way to the office. Brook isn't just anyone, though. She recognizes the signature of a serial killer who used to haunt the city over three years ago before he abruptly disappeared into the restless wind. He had been known to stalk his victims for weeks before abducting and killing them. Their bodies had never been found, but he'd made sure that their loved ones knew of their demise with a single, bloody the very place that they had gone missing. Brook has one objective-draft a profile to find the killer before he strikes again. But as the team dives deeper into the case and into the lives of the previous victims, a twist in the investigation finally reveals itself. The killer has been dead ever since the previous killings had stopped. Are they chasing a copycat killer or something far worse?

  • av Kennedy Layne

    A chilling confession unleashes deadly secrets in the next riveting thriller by USA Today Bestselling Author Kennedy Layne... In downtown D.C., an emergency surgery is performed on a prominent psychiatrist following a multi-car accident. The ICU nurse on duty has heard many interesting utterances from her groggy patients over the years. Unfortunately, nothing can prepare her for the disturbing revelation that surfaces from her current patient as he regains consciousness from a drug-induced state. Former FBI consultant Brooklyn Sloane is well acquainted with how doubt and fear can ruin a person's life. It's that reason she takes on a case no one else wants to touch. A respected nurse believes that her patient is a serial killer. A doctor held in the highest esteem by his colleagues, admired by his friends, adored by his family, and who is now claiming his innocence. As each layer of the investigation is pulled back, something sinister begins to emerge from the darkness. Brook and her team eventually find themselves on the brink of a terrifying discovery that will change the dynamics of the case. The dark and twisted truth will ultimately shake D.C.'s high society and shatter lives forever.

  • av Kennedy Layne

    Die fesselnde und spannende Suche nach dem Witwenmörder geht weiter in diesem fesselnden Thriller der USA Today-Bestsellerautorin Kennedy Layne...Lincoln Roche hat die meiste Zeit seiner Karriere damit verbracht, Profile von Serienmördern zu erstellen, und bei einer Sache ist er sich absolut sicher - der Mann, der für die jüngste Mordserie in Connecticut verhaftet wurde, passt nicht in das Profil. Schon bald kommen Beweise ans Licht, die Lincs Theorien bestätigen, aber das bedeutet nur, dass die Zahl der Opfer wieder ansteigen wird.Quinn Simmons glaubt fest daran, dass es ihre Pflicht ist, die Witwen von Winter Heights zu warnen, dass ein Mörder es auf sie abgesehen hat, weil er es genießt, Unschuldige zu töten. Sie hatte nie die Absicht, die Sprecherin des Witwenpflückers zu sein, aber das Paket, das sie erhält, macht die Spielregeln deutlich - sie muss seine Botschaften verbreiten, sonst wird er ein weiteres Opfer fordern.Linc hat keine andere Wahl, als mit der Reporterin zusammenzuarbeiten, die dafür verantwortlich ist, dass dieser Soziopath die gewünschte Anerkennung erhält. Seine Abneigung verwandelt sich schnell in etwas faszinierendere Gefühle, als Quinn die einzige Frau wird, die er nicht in die üblichen Kategorien einordnen kann. Was verbirgt sie, und warum ist sie das nächste Ziel des Witwenpflückers geworden? Nun müssen sie einen Wettlauf gegen die Zeit führen, um einen Serienmörder zu fangen, der sich selbst als Quinns Retter sieht.

  • av Kennedy Layne

    A supernatural-hunting podcaster. A soul-collecting ghost. A spine-tingling suspense. Phoebe Burrow enjoys teaching courses in the occult at her local university, but she also doubles as a podcaster during the summer months. What started out as a thesis project soon turned into a successful podcast called Graveside Mysteries, but Phoebe has ulterior motives when investigating these hauntings. She wants to prove the supernatural exists in order to explain the disturbing visions she has of her sister...her dead sister. When a cryptic email is sent to Phoebe's best friend and business partner about an old haunted house, Phoebe dives into the mysterious tales spoken on many dark nights in Rustic, Ohio. According to local legend, Margaret Shiller fell down her basement stairs and broke her neck. Over the past sixty years, three others have met a similar fate inside the decaying dwelling, leaving the townsfolk convinced that Margaret's roaming spirit is collecting souls to avoid spending eternity alone. As the mysterious enigma of the Shiller house unravels, Phoebe soon learns that the truth may lie not with the supernatural but with the living. The last thing she needs is a possible homicide case, along with a very skeptic sheriff. Deep within the walls of the abandoned structure, she realizes it's not only the spirits whispering their untold stories into the dark of night, but it is her sister speaking to her from beyond the grave.

  • av Kennedy Layne

    It's the most magical time of the year this holiday season in the next whacky whodunit of the Paramour Bay Mysteries by USA Today Bestselling Author Kennedy Layne... Snow flurries are falling, carolers are caroling, and jingle bells are jingling in the week leading up to Christmas Day. Unfortunately, not everyone is enjoying the holiday spirit. As Raven Marigold and her familiar make an evening deposit for the teashop, they find themselves held hostage by two bank robbers-one posing as Santa Claus, and the other masquerading as a not-so-merry elf! Not all is what it seems, though. What at first appears to be a straightforward bank robbery might just turn out to have elements of dark magic behind it! Grab a plate of sugar cookies and a steaming mug of hot chocolate before you dive into this comical Christmas caper! Ho-ho-ho!

  • av Kennedy Layne

    A deadly sin turns into a violent obsession in the next pulse-pounding thriller by USA Today Bestselling Author Kennedy Layne... In an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of a rural town in Northern Illinois, three brutalized bodies were discovered in different stages of decomposition. The crime scene produced no evidence, police had no leads, and the killer vanished back into the murky shadows. Until eight years later... When evil that has been dormant within the community begins to stir, former FBI consultant Brooklyn Sloane is brought onto the case. What she and her team discover is far darker and more twisted than they have ever dealt with before, igniting an urgent manhunt to catch a cold-blooded killer. But this killer is smart, cruel, and has been one step ahead of them the entire time. When Brook begins to unearth the truth, a shocking revelation changes the course of the investigation. She finds herself racing against the clock when the killer is determined to possess another soul, and this time the victim might be a little closer to home.

  • av Kennedy Layne

    Die USA Today-Autorin Kennedy Layne präsentiert Ihnen eine packende Trilogie mit so überraschenden Wendungen, dass Ihnen der Atem stockt...Sie nennen ihn den Witwenpflücker...Als das FBI zu den Ermittlungen in einem Fall von drei ermordeten Frauen hinzugezogen wird, hat Special Agent Dean Malone nicht damit gerechnet, dass der Fall so persönlich werden würde. Seine Mutter ist eine Witwe, genau wie die Frauen, die in dunklen Lachen ihres eigenen Blutes starben. Er tut sein Bestes, um bei jedem einzelnen sinnlosen Mord unparteiisch zu bleiben, aber das ändert sich, als er herausfindet, wie genau der Witwenpflücker seine Opfer auswählt.Kenna Burke ist nach dem Tod ihres Mannes vor fast drei Jahren endlich bereit, in das Land der Lebenden zurückzukehren. Mit dem einfachen Klingeln ihrer Türklingel droht nun ein obszönes Übel, dass ihr die Hoffnung auf ein neues Leben zerstören will. Special Agent Dean Malone gibt Kenna sein Wort, dass er alles tun wird was nötig ist, um sie zu beschützen, und sie muss nun entscheiden, ob sie ihr Vertrauen in ein strahlendes Licht setzen soll, das den Schleier der Dunkelheit zerreißen könnte.

  • av Kennedy Layne

    A paranormal-seeking podcaster. A wailing banshee. A bone-chilling suspense. Nestled deep in the Appalachian Mountains lies an eerie hollow shrouded in the folklore of darkness and despair. Locals speak of a banshee's mournful wail that echoes through the trees, a harbinger of death that sends shivers down the spine of every camper and tour guide. The origins of this haunting tale remain a mystery, but for the past sixty years, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy has documented numerous accounts of unexplained deaths near or within the haunted hollow. Despite the warnings from the local guides and conservationists, Phoebe Burrow, a renowned Occult Sciences professor and successful podcast host of Graveside Mysteries, is lured to the forbidden site by an online request to investigate the frightening legend. With her business partner and best friend Chloe by her side, they enlist the help of two seasoned hiking guides who are willing to take the risk of entering the sinister hollow for the promise of a substantial payout. As Phoebe and Chloe delve deeper into the history of the area, they quickly realize their quest for the truth may come at a deadly cost. With tensions high and what certainly sounds like a banshee's mournful wail resonating through the ancient trees, Phoebe doesn't need the added stress of having disturbing visions of her dead sister. Only those unsettling sightings are what lead them to a hidden ruin that might hold the answers they seek. Will they truly uncover the secrets of the hollow, or will they become its latest victims?

  • av Kennedy Layne

  • av Kennedy Layne

  • av Kennedy Layne

  • av Kennedy Layne

  • av Kennedy Layne

  • av Kennedy Layne

  • av Kennedy Layne

  • av Kennedy Layne

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