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Bøker av Kerry

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  • av MOORE & Kerry

    Mae'r llyfr hwn yn cyflwyno ymchwiliad manwl a systematig ar adrodd am dlodi yng Nghymru, gan drafod canfyddiadau prosiect ymchwil dwy flynedd o hyd a ariannwyd gan 'Exploring the Narrative Coalition' (gr¿p o 10 sefydliad trydydd sector sydd wedi'u lleoli yng Nghymru. yr ESRC a Phrifysgol Caerdydd. Gan archwilio sut y mae newyddion am dlodi yn cael sylw gan newyddion darlledu, print ac ar-lein yn Saesneg ac yn Gymraeg, mae'n rhoi dealltwriaeth manwl o arferion presennol newyddiaduraeth a chyfathrebu ar fater hollbwysig sy'n wynebu Cymru.Yn sgil degawd o bolisïau cyni, gyda mesurau swyddogol yn cadarnhau bod profiadau o dlodi ac amddifadedd ar gynnydd, mae'r llyfr yn cynnig ymyriad amserol, gan ymchwilio'n feirniadol i naratifau'r cyfryngau prif ffrwd ar dlodi a sut y maent yn cael eu siapio. Mae'r llyfr hwn yn seiliedig ar ymchwil gwreiddiol a gynhaliwyd rhwng 2016-7, yn ystod cyfnod helbulus sy'n cynnwys argyfwng Tata Steel ym Mhort Talbot. De Cymru, etholiadau Llywodraeth Cymru ac ymgyrch refferendwm am aelodaeth y DU o'r Undeb Ewropeaidd. Mae'n ymdrin â sut y cafodd tlodi ei fframio ynghanol newyddion o bwys cenedlaethol ynghylch gwleidyddiaeth, busnes ac economi yn ogystal â straeon mwy lleol, personol neu o bwys i'r gymuned ynghylch bywoliaeth a materion cymdeithasol.Mae dadansoddiad meintiol o nodweddion allweddol yr ymdriniaethau ar draws mathau o gyfryngau gwahanol yn cynnig sylfaen dystiolaeth manwl ar gyfer deall sut y cafodd newyddion ynghylch tlodi ei gynrychioli. Mae hyn yn cynnwys edrych ar y themâu cyd-destunoli mawr, grwpiau cymdeithasol a lleoliadau daearyddol sy'n cael sylw yn aml, achosion a chanlyniadau tlodi, a chyrchu gwybodaeth. Mae'n arddangos sut mae'r cyfryngau yng Nghymru yn ymateb yn wahanol i'r adroddiadau mwy negyddol sy'n nodweddiadol o rai adrannau gwasg genedlaethol y DU, yn enwedig o ran disgyrsiau sy'n achosi stigma ynghylch diweithdra a lles. Serch hynny, ceir cwestiynau pwysig eu codi ynghylch sut mae naratifau newyddion yn cyfleu ystyr ac yn enwedig y datgysylltiad rhwng y sylw a roddir i dueddiadau neu ddigwyddiadau macro-economaidd a'u heffaith ar fywydau pobl gyffredin.Yn ogystal, mae'r llyfr yn archwilio pam fod y sylw a roddir i newyddion am dlodi yn cael ei lunio fel ag y mae, gan ddefnyddio canfyddiadau cyfweliadau manwl gyda newyddiadurwyr a golygyddion am eu harferion. Drwy olwg gwerthoedd a phrofiadau proffesiynol, mae'r llyfr yn ymchwilio'r heriau sy'n debygol o effeithio ar adrodd am dlodi. Ymhlith y materion allweddol mae defnyddio adnoddau ac arbenigedd arbenigol a ddyrennir i newyddiaduraeth materion cymdeithasol, yr anawsterau o ran adnabod a chyrraedd o bosibl grwpiau agored i niwed ledled Cymru a chynrychioli astudiaethau achos yn deg ac yn foesegol. Cynhaliwyd set o gyfweliadau gyda gweithwyr trydydd sector proffesiynol ynghylch eu hymgysylltiad gydag arferion y cyfryngau newyddion a chysylltiadau. Maent yn cynnig mwy o wybodaeth am sut y caiff newyddion am dlodi ei lunio. Yma, ystyrir y pwysau o ran adrodd am dlodi o bersbectif gwahanol, lle gall ceisio dylanwadu sylw tlodi yn y wasg ac ymateb i ofynion newyddion greu tensiynau proffesiynol rhwng newyddiadurwyr a'r trydydd sector a/neu perthnasau cydweithredol cynhyrchiol positif sy'n effeithio ar naratifau'r newyddion. Drwy gynnig llun manwl o sut a pham mae naratifau newyddion tlodi wedi'u siapio fel ag y maent, mae'r llyfr yn bwriadu creu sail dystiolaeth fydd yn llywio'r gwaith o adrodd am dlodi yn fwy cywir, cynrychioladol ac ystyrlon yng Nghymru.

  • av MOORE & Kerry

    This book presents an in-depth, systematic investigation of the reporting of poverty in Wales, discussing findings from a two-year research project funded by the 'Exploring the Narrative Coalition' (a group of 10 Wales-based third sector organisations), the ESRC, and Cardiff University. Examining how poverty news is covered in the English and Welsh languages across broadcast, print and online news, it provides a detailed insight into current journalistic and communications practices on a crucial issue facing Wales.In the wake of a decade of austerity policies, with official measures confirming experiences of poverty and destitution are increasing, the book offers a timely intervention, critically investigating mainstream media narratives on poverty and how these are shaped. The book is based on original research conducted in 2016-7, in a highly eventful period that included the Tata Steel crisis in Port Talbot, South Wales, the Welsh Government elections and the referendum campaign on the UK's membership of the European Union. It addresses how poverty was framed in such nationally significant news about politics, business and economics, as well as more local, personal or community-focused stories about livelihoods and social issues.A quantitative analysis of the key characteristics of coverage across different media types provides a detailed evidence base for understanding how poverty news was represented. This includes examining the major contextualizing themes, social groups and geographical locations most frequently covered, the causes and consequences of poverty, and sourcing. It demonstrates how Wales-based media coverage differs from more negative reporting typical of some sections of the UK national press, especially in terms of stigmatizing discourses surrounding unemployment and welfare. However, important questions are identified about how news narratives convey meaning and, especially, disconnections between the coverage of macro-economic trends or events and their consequences in the lives of ordinary people.Additionally, the book explores why poverty news coverage is constructed in the way that it is, using findings from detailed interviews with journalists and editors about their practice. Through the lens of professional values and experiences, the book examines the challenges thought to affect poverty reporting. Key issues include the contraction of resources and specialist expertise allocated to social affairs journalism, the difficulties of identifying and reaching potentially vulnerable groups across Wales and representing case studies fairly and ethically. A parallel set of interviews conducted with third sector professionals about their engagement with news media and communications practices provides a further insight into the production of poverty news. Here, the pressures in reporting poverty are seen from a different perspective, where seeking to influence the coverage of poverty and respond to news demands can elicit professional tensions between journalists and the third sector and/or productive cooperative relationships positively impacting news narratives.In providing a detailed picture of how and why poverty news narratives are shaped as they are, the book aims to provide an evidence base informing more meaningful, representative and accurate poverty reporting in Wales.

  • - A Woman's Guide to Finding the Perfect Shoes Guy
    av Kerry & Ms Pink Herself Howard

    The dating scene is fraught with difficulty for single ladies. Why Men Are Like Shoes an irreverent book, a humorous book comparing men to shoes. This book is designed for all of the gorgeous single girls to compare something that they know and love - Shoes, to something they they love, but often don't understand so well - Men!

  • - Tradition & Counter-Tradition in the Struggle for World Power
    av Kerry & Bolton

  • - Tradition & Counter-Tradition in the Struggle for World Power
    av Kerry Bolton

  • - For the Everyday Working Man
    av Kerry Thomas
    192 - 287,-

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