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Bøker av Kevin Latimer

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  • av Kevin Latimer

    " & when i ask God if he speaks our language, he turns to a flock of butterflies - swarm of fuchsia, pink, slightly blood-orange- & cries at our feet. "Through the vortex of the Black sitcom, the soap opera, nostalgia, and fire, comes SOUP. These poems, images, choreopoems, and plays seek to find the light- 'Wherever it is. Whatever it is,' says THE FARMER. On the set of 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,' there's a live studio audience, a protest, a long picket line.

  • av Kevin Latimer

    "[ black ] boy in space is all the rageon the evening space, your body meansyour body & that''s space, i am stuffing a cometinto my mouth, look at that!"ZOETROPE, Kevin Latimer''s first collection of poetry is a frantic protest set in a grieving and illogical world. These poems and poem-plays examine what it is to be black and grieving in America. At the end: some place, no disasters exist. a world full of rituals, boats, political strife, umbrellas, & boys

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