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Bøker av Kevin Maddy

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  • - A Search for Reciprocal Illumination
    av Kevin Maddy

    Approaches to Monasticism in the Context of ChristianResponses to Modern Culture is a study of how the values andpractices of monasticism are being shaped by the shift to acultural understanding of Christianity in modern times. Thevalues and practices of traditional monasticism arecontrasted with those of various expressions of newmonasticism against the background of a multicultural andfluid social environment in an effort to find somereciprocal illumination. The study aims to describemonasticism in terms of authenticity and lived religion.Kevin Maddy was educated at CambridgeUniversity and has recently completed a PhD at RadboudUniversity, Nijmegen. He currently works in Canterbury as anAnglican parish priest, and is a probationary member of theSociety of the Resurrection.

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