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Bøker av Knut Hamsun

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  • av Knut Hamsun
    204 - 375,-

  • av Knut Hamsun

  • av Knut Hamsun

  • av Knut Hamsun
    122 - 147,-

  • av Knut Hamsun

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Knut Hamsun (August 4, 1859 - February 19, 1952) was a Norwegian writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920. Hamsun's work spans more than 70 years and shows variation with regard to consciousness, subject, perspective and environment. He published more than 20 novels, a collection of poetry, some short stories and plays, a travelogue, works of non-fiction and some essays.Hamsun is considered to be "one of the most influential and innovative literary stylists of the past hundred years" (ca. 1890-1990). He pioneered psychological literature with techniques of stream of consciousness and interior monologue, and influenced authors such as Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Maxim Gorky, Stefan Zweig, Henry Miller, Hermann Hesse, John Fante and Ernest Hemingway. Isaac Bashevis Singer called Hamsun "the father of the modern school of literature in his every aspect-his subjectiveness, his fragmentariness, his use of flashbacks, his lyricism. The whole modern school of fiction in the twentieth century stems from Hamsun". Since 1916, several of Hamsun's works have been adapted into motion pictures. On August 4, 2009, the Knut Hamsun Centre was opened in Hamarøy.The young Hamsun objected to realism and naturalism. He argued that the main object of modernist literature should be the intricacies of the human mind, that writers should describe the "whisper of blood, and the pleading of bone marrow". Hamsun is considered the "leader of the Neo-Romantic revolt at the turn of the 20th century", with works such as Hunger (1890), Mysteries (1892), Pan (1894), and Victoria (1898). His later works-in particular his "Nordland novels"-were influenced by the Norwegian new realism, portraying everyday life in rural Norway and often employing local dialect, irony, and humour. Hamsun only published one poetry collection, The Wild Choir, which has been set to music by several composers.Hamsun had strong anti-English views, and openly supported Adolf Hitler and Nazi ideology. Due to his professed support for the German occupation of Norway, he was charged with treason after the war. He was not convicted, due to what was deemed psychological problems and issues with old age. (

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Knut Hamsun (August 4, 1859 - February 19, 1952) was a Norwegian writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920. Hamsun's work spans more than 70 years and shows variation with regard to consciousness, subject, perspective and environment. He published more than 20 novels, a collection of poetry, some short stories and plays, a travelogue, works of non-fiction and some essays.Hamsun is considered to be "one of the most influential and innovative literary stylists of the past hundred years" (ca. 1890-1990). He pioneered psychological literature with techniques of stream of consciousness and interior monologue, and influenced authors such as Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Maxim Gorky, Stefan Zweig, Henry Miller, Hermann Hesse, John Fante and Ernest Hemingway. Isaac Bashevis Singer called Hamsun "the father of the modern school of literature in his every aspect-his subjectiveness, his fragmentariness, his use of flashbacks, his lyricism. The whole modern school of fiction in the twentieth century stems from Hamsun". Since 1916, several of Hamsun's works have been adapted into motion pictures. On August 4, 2009, the Knut Hamsun Centre was opened in Hamarøy.The young Hamsun objected to realism and naturalism. He argued that the main object of modernist literature should be the intricacies of the human mind, that writers should describe the "whisper of blood, and the pleading of bone marrow". Hamsun is considered the "leader of the Neo-Romantic revolt at the turn of the 20th century", with works such as Hunger (1890), Mysteries (1892), Pan (1894), and Victoria (1898). His later works-in particular his "Nordland novels"-were influenced by the Norwegian new realism, portraying everyday life in rural Norway and often employing local dialect, irony, and humour. Hamsun only published one poetry collection, The Wild Choir, which has been set to music by several composers.Hamsun had strong anti-English views, and openly supported Adolf Hitler and Nazi ideology. Due to his professed support for the German occupation of Norway, he was charged with treason after the war. He was not convicted, due to what was deemed psychological problems and issues with old age. (

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Knut Hamsun (August 4, 1859 - February 19, 1952) was a Norwegian writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920. Hamsun's work spans more than 70 years and shows variation with regard to consciousness, subject, perspective and environment. He published more than 20 novels, a collection of poetry, some short stories and plays, a travelogue, works of non-fiction and some essays.Hamsun is considered to be "one of the most influential and innovative literary stylists of the past hundred years" (ca. 1890-1990). He pioneered psychological literature with techniques of stream of consciousness and interior monologue, and influenced authors such as Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Maxim Gorky, Stefan Zweig, Henry Miller, Hermann Hesse, John Fante and Ernest Hemingway. Isaac Bashevis Singer called Hamsun "the father of the modern school of literature in his every aspect-his subjectiveness, his fragmentariness, his use of flashbacks, his lyricism. The whole modern school of fiction in the twentieth century stems from Hamsun". Since 1916, several of Hamsun's works have been adapted into motion pictures. On August 4, 2009, the Knut Hamsun Centre was opened in Hamarøy.The young Hamsun objected to realism and naturalism. He argued that the main object of modernist literature should be the intricacies of the human mind, that writers should describe the "whisper of blood, and the pleading of bone marrow". Hamsun is considered the "leader of the Neo-Romantic revolt at the turn of the 20th century", with works such as Hunger (1890), Mysteries (1892), Pan (1894), and Victoria (1898). His later works-in particular his "Nordland novels"-were influenced by the Norwegian new realism, portraying everyday life in rural Norway and often employing local dialect, irony, and humour. Hamsun only published one poetry collection, The Wild Choir, which has been set to music by several composers.Hamsun had strong anti-English views, and openly supported Adolf Hitler and Nazi ideology. Due to his professed support for the German occupation of Norway, he was charged with treason after the war. He was not convicted, due to what was deemed psychological problems and issues with old age. (

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Knut Hamsun (August 4, 1859 - February 19, 1952) was a Norwegian writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920. Hamsun's work spans more than 70 years and shows variation with regard to consciousness, subject, perspective and environment. He published more than 20 novels, a collection of poetry, some short stories and plays, a travelogue, works of non-fiction and some essays.Hamsun is considered to be "one of the most influential and innovative literary stylists of the past hundred years" (ca. 1890-1990). He pioneered psychological literature with techniques of stream of consciousness and interior monologue, and influenced authors such as Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Maxim Gorky, Stefan Zweig, Henry Miller, Hermann Hesse, John Fante and Ernest Hemingway. Isaac Bashevis Singer called Hamsun "the father of the modern school of literature in his every aspect-his subjectiveness, his fragmentariness, his use of flashbacks, his lyricism. The whole modern school of fiction in the twentieth century stems from Hamsun". Since 1916, several of Hamsun's works have been adapted into motion pictures. On August 4, 2009, the Knut Hamsun Centre was opened in Hamarøy.The young Hamsun objected to realism and naturalism. He argued that the main object of modernist literature should be the intricacies of the human mind, that writers should describe the "whisper of blood, and the pleading of bone marrow". Hamsun is considered the "leader of the Neo-Romantic revolt at the turn of the 20th century", with works such as Hunger (1890), Mysteries (1892), Pan (1894), and Victoria (1898). His later works-in particular his "Nordland novels"-were influenced by the Norwegian new realism, portraying everyday life in rural Norway and often employing local dialect, irony, and humour. Hamsun only published one poetry collection, The Wild Choir, which has been set to music by several composers.Hamsun had strong anti-English views, and openly supported Adolf Hitler and Nazi ideology. Due to his professed support for the German occupation of Norway, he was charged with treason after the war. He was not convicted, due to what was deemed psychological problems and issues with old age. (

  • av Knut Hamsun

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Hunger is Knut Hamsun's breakthrough novel about a young writer's efforts to practice his craft while battling extreme poverty and loneliness. The novel, written from the perspective of a struggling writer living in the city of Christiania, near Oslo, Norway, established Hamsun's reputation as one of the most important writers of the twentieth century. Today, this pivotal and provocative work is acknowledged as a feat of powerful originality and a premier example of the psychological novel. Hamsun's stream-of-consciousness technique and use of interior monologue influenced writers such as James Joyce, Franz Kafka, Henry Miller, Hermann Hesse, and Ernest Hemingway.

  • av Knut Hamsun

    New edition of J.S. Scott's 1925 English translation of Segelfoss Town (original title: Segelfoss By) by Knut Hamsun, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1920.Segelfoss Town was first published in Norway in 1915 and is an independent continuation of Hamsun's Children of the Age, published two years earlier. The novel is a criticism of modern times, depicting the fall of the landed gentry and the rise of the working class. Segelfoss Town and its predecessor were the first of Hamsun's novels devoted to social issues. The two novels are described by Monika Zagar in Knut Hamsun: The Dark Side of Literary Brilliance (2009) as "much more than dry social analysis; indeed, they investigate, in rich novelistic form, the propagation and survival of a family."

  • av Knut Hamsun

  • av Knut Hamsun

    I løpet av en åtteårsperiode utga Hamsun tre samlinger med hovedsakelig skjønnlitterær kortprosa - «Siesta» (1897), «Krattskog» (1903) og «Stridende liv» (1905). Bøkene hadde undertitler som «Skisser», «Historier» og «Skildringer». Novelle- termen ble ikke benyttet. I ettertid har det likevel vært vanlig å omtale disse verkene som novellesamlinger. Hamsun mente kanskje at «novelle» ikke var en dekkende betegnelse for den litterære variasjonsbredde han her fremviste? Her finnes alt fra jeg-nære, selvbiografiske tekster til mer tradisjonelle, episke fiksjonberetninger. Den psykologiske dybdeboring mangler ikke, ei heller det humørfylte og småpussige.

  • av Knut Hamsun

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Denne skildringen fra Nordland, forteller om Benoni og Rosa, to mennesker med forskjellig sosial stand og dannelse, som forlover seg. Her finner en flere personer fra Hamsuns tidligere romaner: Mack, Munken Vendt, Edvarda og Glahn. Boka er en fortsettelse av "Benoni."

  • av Knut Hamsun

    I denne romanen viderefører forfatteren det filosofisk-eksistensielle perspektivet fra Konene ved vannposten (1920). På Torahus sanatorium søker representanter for byens forskjellige yrkesgrupper lindring, hvor nesten alle omkommer ved ulykkeshendelser.

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Abel Brodersen er sønn av en gjerrig fyrvokter og en drikkfeldig mor, og allerede som barn gjør han seg til kirketyv for å vekke Olgas interesse. Han reiser til sjøs, og etter hvert går han i land i Kentucky. Der etablerer han en påstått sorgløs, primitiv tilværelse. Så begår han en forferdelig forbrytelse. Forbrytelse, og tanken på Olga, lar han ikke i fred, og han vender hjem til den sørnorske kystbyen han vokste opp i.

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Boka inneholder artikler og essays skrevet i perioden 1905-1945

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Nordland på slutten av 1700-tallet. Munken Vendt oppgir sine teologistudier og blir isteden jeger og kvinnebedårer. Han slites mellom de to jentene Blis og Iselin. Dette er et versedrama i åtte akter.

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Handlingen foregår i Nordland fra 1870 og fremover, og er en kritisk skildring av en ny tids ånd. Her avspeiles en historisk prosess som Hamsun hadde vært vitne til: det halvføydale nordlandssamfunnet blir offer for et skifte i de økonomiske forhold, og de gamle handelsstedene forsvinner gradvis.

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Boka inneholder artikler og essays skrevet i perioden 1879-1904

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Denne boken inneholder 14 av Hamsuns offentlige taler og foredrag. Det eldste er fra 1887 og det yngste er fra 1947. Her er blant annet kåseriet Fluer, behandling av litterære emner, drøfting av eksistensielle problemstillinger og takketalen han holdt ved mottakelsen av Nobelprisen i 1920.

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Konene ved vannposten ser alt som skjer i småbyen. Det sladres og rakkes ned på andre. Industraliseringen og konkurransejaget blir et tegn på forfall og goldhet. Sjømannen Oliver blir utsatt for en ulykke og blir lam fra livet og ned. Da det ene barnet etter det andre ankommer, er det mer enn bare fattigdom han får problemer med å håndtere.

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Men livet lever (1933) er tredje bok i triologien om August. 15 år etter at August forlot Polden, dukker han opp i Segelfoss by under det karakteristiske pseudonymet "Altmulig". Han kommer i tjeneste hos konsul Gordon Tidemand, sønn av Theodor på Bua. August har "det kall å skape utvikling og fremskritt selv ved å tilintetgjøre tingenes orden". Hans drømmer og mål er verdenshandel, børs og banker. Han er abnormt løgnaktig, som tiden han lever i, men uvitende og derfor uskyldig. August-triologien er en satire over det borgerligkapitalistiske samfunn. De to andre bøkene om August heter: Landstrykere (1927) og August (1930).

  • av Knut Hamsun

  • av Knut Hamsun
    183 - 405,-

    Johan Nilsen Nagel et uforutsigbart menneske. Men med sine bråe og uventede kast avdekker han samtidig de falske plaggene som konvensjonene kler mennesket med. Nagel dukker opp i en norsk kystby og forarger byens borgere med underlige påfunn.

  • av Knut Hamsun

    Handlingen foregår i Nordland, på handelsstedet Sirilund. Hit kommer løytnant Glahn i 1855, og slår seg ned i en hytte som jeger og naturdyrker. Hamsun skildrer sterke følelser av samhørighet mellom menneske og natur. Men Thomas Glahn er en svermer med sterke drømmer og fantasier. Etter møtet med Macks datter Edvarda, makter han ikke å falle til ro igjen.

  • av Knut Hamsun

    August er andre bok i Augusttrilogien. Vi møter August 20 år etter begivenhetene i Landstrykere. August går stadig til grunne, men dukker alltid opp igjen. Da er det verre med dem han drar med seg i fallet. Nå har også August fått en verdig motstander i landhandlersken Pauline. Historien om August fortsetter i Men livet lever.

  • av Knut Hamsun
    177 - 450,-

    Boka er en fortsettelse av "Børn av tiden". Romanens tema er rotløsheten i det moderne miljø, skapt gjennom Holmengraas foretaksomhet, som omgjorde området rundt Segelfoss gods til by. Med ett er både fellesskap og sammenheng forsvunnet. Første gang utgitt i 1915.

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